The Cascade

The Cascade is one of many Crystal Spheres, floating within the Phlogiston. The Cascade is so-called because of its prevalence of asteroids, planetoids, and brightly coloured planets, which give the impression of a cascade of beautiful jewels or marbles when viewed from certain perspectives within it.  
The Cascade world cover


  The Cascade contains two stars that are so close together, the orbits of their planets intersect. Travel, trade, and wars are often dependent upon which planets venture near one another in their constant dance.  
  • Hinan is a giant blue star, orbited by five major planets. Its planets orbit clockwise.
  • Iprar is a smaller yellow star, orbited by another five planets. Its planets orbit counter-clockwise.

Major Planets and Moons

The ten major planets of the Cascade are as follows (in order of their orbits around each star):  


  • Kili - A spherical water world.
  • Ujo-Viagi - Actually a dense cluster of gravitationally bound planetoids inside inside a thick cloud of breathable plasma.
  • Amikraba - A tiny, spherical ice world.
  • Haleran - A beautiful, green world, shaped like a flat egg, and resting on a massive cloud. It is surrounded by a solid ring, Aragasana, which shines gold in the light of the Cascade's stars.
  • Wuraf - A massive planet-sized iceberg orbiting far from its star.


  • Anawehuna - A spherical fire world that rockets around its sun.
  • Dumumilt - A massive water world, the largest planet in the Cascade. It is orbited by two large moons, and has two rings:
    • Edorhea - A tiny gaseous moon.
    • Porasu - An elliptical moon with a surface covered in vast lakes and oceans.
    • Idia'pilana - A ring of flame and lava surrounding Dumumilt.
    • Rinip - A rocky ring of asteroids, some inhabited.
  • Nusif - A fragment of a planet long-ago destroyed by a massive impact, now a barren desert world.
  • Shige - A small, tropical planet
  • Keftest - A flat disc-shaped planet with a single, inhabited moon, Threldorone.

Other Features

The Cascade has many other fascinating features, which will be noted here as they are discovered:
  • The Arm of Asar and Arm of Saila are two massive 'tendrils' containing thousands of asteroids and planetoids each, which extend from opposite sides of the Barrier surrounding the Cascade. The arms drag their way through the planetary systems of Hinan and Iprar, bringing their worlds and mysteries along with them. Travel through the Arms can be dangerous, but it can also be rewarding!
  • Caraleen is a tiny world in the Arm of Saila, ruled by the Grand Duchess Amelia Alucard (or her husband, in her absence).
  • The Barrier is a sphere of large, mostly barren rocks and debris that surrounds the Cascade, making approaching the Crystal Sphere a challenge.
  • Iprar's Eye is the major portal out of the Cascade, used for the vast majority of travel to other Crystal Spheres.
Solar System
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