Banilda Summercloud

Banilda Summercloud was a slave aboard the a illithid nautiloud Kal Addisk, a slave trading vessel. She was rescued from slavery by Darius on 21 Jundall 657, when the Kite briefly encountered and parlayed with the Kal Addisk when the ships met in the Arm of Asar. Darius pretended to 'purchase' Banilda from the illithid, but then immediately released her when the ships parted ways.   Banilda is a slim woman, halfling-sized but with somewhat different features. She has green eyes, large pointed ears, and sharp facial features. When rescued from the Kal Addisk, she had a shaved head, with dark stubble growing in. She was dressed in ragged, baggy pants and a shirt, and no shoes. During her time on the Kite, she was provided with new, clean clothing. After Ophia Milkweed was rescued from Norecha on 23 Jundall 657, Dr. Milkweed seemed to quickly take Banilda under her wing. She was last seen leaving the Kite when it docked at the Spelljammer on 24 Jundall 257, in the company of Dr. Milkweed and Perenia Daywisp

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