The Collective

The Collective is a mixed neighbourhood, home and work to peoples of many different races and cultures. It is the least specialized neighbourhood on the Spelljammer, and over many centuries has become a melting pot in which all - or at least most - are welcome.   Visitors to the Collective might encounter peoples' of races that would elsewhere be considered monstrous or evil, such as illithids - who are populous and commonplace here and elsewhere on the Spelljammer - ogres, gnolls, and the occasional beholder. Occasionally you may even find those of larger races moving about the Collective's wide streets, such members of the resident hill giant population - 18 feet tall with long shaggy hair - interacting casually with others as they go about their day.   The Collective is bounded by Old Astor's Market to the east, and Smalltown to the west.   At the centre of the dense, urban area of the Collective rise three small towers and one larger tower, all of which are joined together in a common base: a large, two-story castle like structure that contains an open plaza inside, known as the Pillared Commons or "PC".   The smaller towers appear somewhat ramshackle, although clearly maintained, patched together over the years from different materials -wood, stone, the bone-like material you see around. They are:
  • Chalice Tower, home of the mercenary unit known as the Knights of the Chalice, who pride themselves as honourable knights and paladins of Realmspace.
  • Tower of Thought is owned and operated by the Pragmatic Order of Thought, once a third powerful mercenary company aboard the Spelljammer, who have more recently fallen upon hard times.
  • Irontooth Tower is home to the Trading Company, a longstanding organization aboard the Spelljammer that sits somewhere between a paramilitary organization, a major trading company, and an organized criminal faction.
The larger tower - the Guild Tower - stands high over the other three, at the very centre of the Collective and the PC. It is a centre of trade and commerce for the Spelljammer, its twenty or more floors always occupied by various guilds, corporations, and businesses.  

Notable Locations


Restaurants and Inns

  • Djinn and Tonic - Upscale, Haffa-themed bar.
  • The Open Grave - A relatively classy bar, where most of the servers (bartender, waiters) are controlled undead.


Articles under The Collective