Aspect of Force Ink

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Force Ink have the ability to generate and manipulate a specialized and inherently psionically connected form of Flux known as Force Ink, which they use as a catalyst for the manipulation of their chosen element. This ink is first created by the sublimation of a portion of their blood into ink and infusing it with their chosen element. After this point, this power is continually supplemented as they wield their power, but the original ink is not consumed, and is used in their powers in various ways.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • InkSense (Celestient OOO) - Wielders of this power are always aware of places where their ink has touched up to 1 mile away, and can use this to mark areas they have been. To use this ability, players must roll Perception + InkSense at a difficulty of 10-1 per point in InkSense to pinpoint previously marked locations. Players can also roll Perception + Celestient to be able to remotely energy sense in an area where they have purposefully left their Ink behind at a difficulty of 12-1 per point.

Background Abilities

  • Resistance against chosen element
  • Immunity to chosen element's bane effects
  • Physical powers enhanced by elemental infusion
  • Halved duration of bleeding effects.

Celestial Cores

  • Force-Bound Ink

    Force-Bound Ink

    Force-Bound Ink
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to align completely with their chosen element. Along with increasing the ease of wielding this power, this ability grants certain benefits known as their Infused Power. These are listed below as follows: Lux - Light Step: Move at the speed of light at 1/4 their total movement speed (More with an action penalty) Nux - Shadow Body: Surround oneself with shadows to take on the appearance of a shadow version of oneself Mirux - Invisibility: Turn themselves imperceptible to most conventional senses, including energy senses, when not aligned with a Visual Force. Terron - Self-Direction: Control gravitational orientation as it relates to self. Poteton - Doom Touch: Can re-actively infuse enemies with potential energy when attacked. Demeton - Omni-Sight: Can see in all directions simultaneously, making them incapable of being surprise attacked. Tempus - Back Step: At any point, can move themselves backwards where they were one to 5 seconds before. Magnus - Storm Touch: Can polarize objects temporarily with a touch (5 minutes). Ignus - Cauterize: Can heat up objects they touch or that touch them. Estricto - Inverse Coating: Can reflect some of the damage they would receive back at the attacker if it is physical. Vivo - Numbing Touch: Can paralyze parts of enemies with a touch. More effective when applied to pressure points. Movero - Directional Control: Can fly under their own power.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Element of Choice (O)
    Core Type
  • Manipulate Force Ink

    Manipulate Force Ink

    Manipulate Force Ink
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to manifest and manipulate their force ink, a semi-fluid flux-catalym and focus for their elemental power. This Ink is the core of most manifestations of their elemental power in various Forms
    Core Requirements
    Force Ink Element (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Aside from their lion tails, wielders of this power have eyes that glow in the color of their force-bound ink at all times unless they intentionally focus on not moving.  

Node Locations

  The Ink is generated from a part of the Celestial Tapestry that forms in the blood. The additional Node locations are within the heart and the crown of the head.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known colloquially as Scribers. Scribers can use their force ink to create symbols upon the air in front of them, filling the marks with their energy before releasing it in a powerful and per-ordained method of attack. As these marks are often seen in the form of calligraphic letters or symbols, these Inscriptions have become their own form of language used by Scribers to help facilitate the use of their abilities.   Additional Core: Ink Inscription

Ink Inscription

Ink Inscription
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to inscribe their ink upon the air itself, creating lingering focuses of elemental energy, sometimes multiple at once, around which they can structure larger manifestations of energy. As this effectively allows them to write on the air, they can do so to help quantify and focus their powers in larger systems and structures, making it easier to gather elemental energy for more complex tasks.
Core Requirements
Force Ink Element (OOOO)
Core Type

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known colloquially as Markers. Markers use their force ink to mark objects, often seen as 'casting' their ink at target locations and objects. This ink gathers ambient energy naturally to improve the resulting effects, making it easier for the wielders of this aspect to make use of their power over their varying elemental energies. This makes their powers very potent, even though it takes additional time for them to make use of it.   Additional Core: Ink Mark

Ink Mark

Ink Mark
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to apply their ink to a physical object. This allows the object's surface to become a conduit through which this ink naturally absorbs ambient energy over time, after which the power can be manifested with greater ease. This process takes more time if the object in question is made up at least partially of Foci materials.
Core Requirements
Force Ink Element (OOO), Celestial Sphere (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known colloquially as Painted Hands. Painted hands surround their arms up to their elbows with loose ink, creating flows in the air as they move them to help channel the forces they wield to their whims. These painted energy flows can linger further, allowing for the amassing of copious amounts of energy in the process. As such, while this is a common form of this Aspect, it requires intense focus to be able to wield at full potential.   Additional Core: Flow of Ink

Flow of Ink

Flow of Ink
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create trails of ink in the air through motion, which they use as conduits for continual manipulation of their chosen energy. While this takes a great amount of focus to control, this can result in powerful attacks when enough energy is gathered and released.
Core Requirements
Force Ink Element (OOOOO)
Core Type

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known colloquially as Ink-Bodied. The rarest form of this Aspect, the Ink produced by this Aspect never leaves the surface of the wielder's skin, instead forming various patterns and shapes across their body. The energies they manipulate move and shape themselves corresponding to the patterns and shapes formed by the Force Ink, and as such, wielders of this Aspect learn to become conscious of the shape and flow of their ink along their bodies at all times.   Additional Core: Shape Pseudo-Tattoo (Replace Manipulate Force Ink)

Shape Pseudo-Tattoo

Shape Pseudo-Tattoo
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to control their ink in order to manifest various shapes on their bodies, forming what are known as pseudo-tattoos. So long as these shapes are maintained, the wielder of this power can manifest their power in these forms. The number of shapes they can have on their body at one time is determined by the number of successes they have in a pure Intonation roll.
Core Requirements
Force Ink Element (OOOOO), Celestial Sphere
Core Type
Paragonic Origin Gai'il Xa-Mwenyesym   Control Schema Flexilis - This occurs when the Aspect allows or forces the person to choose the force with which to align, aligning them with their choice so they are unable to wield any other forces.     Associated Nations/Peoples The Xa Kingdom of the Meibabwi Alliance   Associated Racial Categories Lacrimaphra    Mastery Focus Shaping Leaning - This Aspect requires substantial training to control their power before focusing on Sagecraft and Sagesight.     Associated Elements Energy of Choice (Rarely material)


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