
Kri-man, Lacri, Those who stand In-Between


A 'race' of people so mixed between the main three groups as to have multiple intonation nodes, the Lacrima race possesses traits each in a stereotypical area of two or more of theĀ  others (Animaphra animal features, External filaments from Ao'maphra, Internal ones from Hyumaphra). This makes it difficult to fully master their power, as it requires developing a Harmony among all nodes, but when mastered it gives them the benefits of all mixed Races to a lesser extent (Increased strength and resilience, Increased power versatility/capacity, mystical martial arts) When they use their power they are able to create powerful and unexpected feats, but they are more prone than other races to diseases, including diseases that can affect or even alter their powers.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Maphera Laecri
The main three "Races" (Ani-men, Hyu-men, Ao-men)
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