Aspect of Shattering Impact

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Shattering Impact have the ability to release powerful concussive force in a powerful Aura around their bodies, and both shape and project its energy in such a way as to be able to break rock, bend metal, and shatter bone. This makes wielders of this power incredibly resilient in battle, as well as incredibly deadly at close range, but with exceptions, they have difficulty projecting their intense energy over distances  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Aura of Sundering (Estricto OOO): When maneuvering to disarm, the playable character is also capable of destroying a physical weapon in one fell swoop. The player must roll their Intonation against the Hardness (Soak) of the weapon at a difficulty of 10 (-1 per point in Aura of Sundering). If the roll succeeds, the weapon is automatically sundered. At higher levels this can even be used against the otherwise unbreakable Catalym Foci, but this has a difficulty of 13-1 per point in Aura of Sundering.

Background Abilities

  • Increased bone density and resiliency to injury from physical means, especially from their own power.
  • Naturally increased strength to be able to properly harness their internal energies.

Celestial Cores

  • Manifest Concussive Aura

    Manifest Concussive Aura

    Manifest Concussive Aura
    This core represents the manifestation of the player's aura around their body. This allows a passive additional soak against physical damage upon manifestation, as well as the active reinforcement of the wielder's body. This can also be used to manifest concussive aura outside of one's body, but doing so requires substantially more energy and time.
    Core Requirements
    Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OO)
    Core Type
  • Shape Concussive Aura

    Shape Concussive Aura

    Shape Concussive Aura
    This core represents the manipulation of concussive aura into various shapes. Increases in complexity require more points of Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking to create.
    Core Requirements
    Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this aspect spark occasionally from around the shoulder's down to their arms, like the sparks of hot metal when hit against an anvil, especially when their muscles tense. This adds to their intimidation factor, and is also used for feints in battle.

Node Locations

  Wielders of this Aspect have one Node in each shoulder, with a sub-node in the center of each palm. The intonation resonance between both node and sub-node suffuse their arms with elemental energy, which can cause internal damage without proper training.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Elent Aligned wielders of this power are known as Bone Cleavers. They are able to mold and reshape the concussive aura around them with ease, but can also uniquely compress their aura to a fine, sharp edge. This allows them to split and sever objects with great precision and power, and with greater control they can do this against elements such as stone and even metal.   Additional Core: Compress Concussive Aura

Compress Concussive Aura

Compress Concussive Aura
This core represents the ability for the wielder to compress their concussive aura to a sharp edge, allowing for them to cut enemies by various means using said concussive energy.
Core Requirements
Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Myst Form & Abilities

    Myst aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Mountain Thunders. The most common of all the forms, Mountain Thunders are also the most straightforward, wielding concussive energy expansively to create great impacts of concussive force both with their body and with blunt weapons which can withstand their power. This makes it easier for them to deal with large objects or multiple enemies, but doing so expends a lot of energy.   Additional Core: Expand Concussive Aura

Expand Concussive Aura

Expand Concussive Aura
This core represents the ability for the wielder to expand their concussive aura, providing massive impact and pressure to surrounding objects, based upon the rapidity of its expansion. This can also be used to extend the natural physical protection that the aura provides.
Core Requirements
Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Flou aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Stone Borers. A rarer form of this Aspect, Stone Borers are capable of projecting their aura outward in shaped ways, and can more easily extend their aura towards fine points. This results in them being able to perforate nearly any barrier with their 'aura spikes', with the downside of extending their aura that it leaves their body more vulnerable to injury without careful training.   Additional Core: Extend Concussive Aura

Extend Concussive Aura

Extend Concussive Aura
This core represents the ability for the wielder to extend the reach of their concussive aura as well as refine it to a sharp point.
Core Requirements
Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Fatu aligned wielders of this aspect are known as Death Caressers. The rarest form of this aspect, Death Caressers have a special property that allows their aura to innately vibrate, causing massive disruption to those affected by the aura's energy and which leads to internal damage. However, they cannot project their energy beyond their outer layer of skin without significant and focused training, but can more easily infuse the reverberating energies into objects, increasing their lethality.   Additional Cores:
Paragonic Origin Beowolf Tromoltson   Control Schema   Unilis - This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield a single force for the use of their power.   Associated Nations/Peoples The 9 Beotromite Clan   Associated Racial Categories Hyumaphra  Animaphra    Mastery Focus Shaping Focused - This Aspect requires a strong control over base control over their power before they can even begin focusing on Sagesight and Sagecraft       Associated Elements Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking


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