Celestient Worlds Metastructure


The Worlds of the Celestient, the Fruit of the Universal Tree, all share an essential basic structure that determines the makeup of the inner world, and affects all who live off of it. This page is meant to describe the general structures that make up these worlds, and the variations thereof.


Every Celestient World consists of 4 primary structures: Seed-Earth, Stored Sky, Veiled Shell, and Circadian Arbor
  • The Seed-Earth is the Earth like structure at the center of the orb that is the world. It is shaped like a flattened orb, dividing the world into two hemispheres with a Circadian Arbor located in the center. It is made up of all earthen materials (metal, rock, soil, etc) and is the area upon which seas, islands and continents form, on either side. It is also the major source of gravity for all who live there as explained in the Earth and Gravity segment below.
  • The Circadian Arbor is the structure that touches or branches out from the Seed-Earth at the center of each world. Each hemisphere has a different Circadian Arbor on either side, depending on the hemisphere. The North hemisphere has the Circadian Arbor known as the Celestial Tree, as a tree-like structure seems to grow out from the Northern pole, the center of the North hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere has the Circadian Arbor known as the Celestial Bough, as the Tree-like structure that touches the southern pole is an extension of the Celestient Universal Tree itself. Each Circadian Arbor is responsible for providing light and heat to each side of the Seed Earth, explained further in the Light and Heat Section below.
  • The Stored Sky is the constantly refreshing air that exists within the 'bubble' of the whole world, including both hemispheres. It stores all weather within each world and its temperature is regulated and adjusted by the light and heat provided by the Circadian Arbor through various systems detailed in Air and Air Currents.
  • The Veiled Shell is the thin, nearly invisible spatial barrier that distinguishes a world from the space outside of the world, a space known as the Silent Deep. The Silent Deep is a space where a spatial realm known as the 'Realm of Abeyance ' takes precedent, and those who find themselves outside of the veiled shell are automatically shunted into that space. This parallel universe renders those within aware of, but not affected by, time, and unable to interact with space. While people can be shunted into this realm within the Veiled Shell of a world, the Silent Deep has the unfortunate added effect of making traversal difficult, as any energy expended cannot be replenished. This makes it highly dangerous for any individual to travel through said realm without a lot of preparation, planning, equipment, transportation technology and a clear destination in mind.

Light and Heat

As mentioned above, the Circadian Arbor structures on either side of the universe are the major sources of Light and Heat in every world. As Entuorbis structures, they are made up of mixes of primordial energy, allowing them to collect and release energy concentrations within them. Thus, these structures generate high concentrations of Light and Heat called Suls within them, releasing that energy throughout the day and night to keep the worlds habitable and warm. These Suls, generated from the core of each world, one for each hemisphere, are also used as denotations of time, as detailed further below. The branches of the Circadian Arbor do not reach the boundary of the Veiled shell, but the High Knot (A spiral structure at the highest point of the Circadian Arbor) touches or permeates the barrier.

Denotations of Times and Seasons

The Suls that are generated for each world provide the denotations of time for every world as follows: Every Day/Night Cycle is determined by the lighting and fading of the 10 branches that every Circadian Arbor has, as well as the position of the Sul relative to the High Knot. Thus, Day and night are divided into the following hours, depending on the positioning and circumstances.
  • Light Blossoming - The Sul appears over the horizon signaling the dawn of day.
  • First through All Branch - The Sul passes by the ten branches of the Celestial Arbor, sending a Sulnat (lesser light) signaling up to the tenth 'hour' of the day.
  • Full branch - All the branches have been fully lit, but the Sul hasnt reached the High Knot yet.
  • High Branch - The Sul reaches the High Knot, and the world is at its brightest for a Branch's worth of time.
  • The Fading - The Sul begins to fade, transitioning from day to night.
  • High Astral - The Celestial Arbor glows with a cool light in the midst of nighttime darkness, and the faded Sul has not descended from the knot. A few Astrals (tiny light projections from the Celestial Arbor) fly off in streaks from the Knot at this point at several intervals.
  • Full Astral - The Sul descends from the High Knot, but none of the ten branches of the Celestial arbor have faded yet. Shooting Astrals continue to fly off of the Sul as it descends
  • Tenth through Second Astral - The Sul descends past all the branches, fading them and converting the energy of the darkness into floating points of light that fill the skies. This process signals the hours of nighttime
  • Last Astral - With all the energy spent, the Sul itself fades as it descends over the horizon, with the Astrals fading also. Soon after total darkness descends, the time transitions to Light Blossoming.
  • This time sums up to a total of 26 'branches' of time in every day.
Each day in the week is also denoted, as has been from ancient to modern times according to the 8 days of a week, as follows:
  • Spriadi (Modern: Spridei (Spree-Day))
  • Maphlidi (Modern: Maphdei (Maff-Day))
  • Tererildi (Modern: Trerildei (Trer-ill-Day))
  • Peltrimdi (Modern: Peltridei (Pelt-ree-Day))
  • Feif-Spriadi (Modern: Feifsdei (Fayfs-Day))
  • Ainadi (Modern: Aindei (Ein-Day))
  • Cail-Calystadi (Modern: Cailysdei (Kale-iss-Day))
  • Ail-Madegdi (Modern: Ailmadei (Ail-ma-Day))
The energy of the world itself also goes through cycles, cycles which make up the various seasons of the world, which divide the months of the year. Each month has 5 Weeks, and there are 10 months total in a year. The Seasons and month names are as follows:
  • Season of Storms - The equivalent to spring in our world, as the turbulence of restored energies provide turbulent and rainy weather across much of the world. It is, however, the best time to plant the harvest. The Months of this seasons are Hain (Hey-n) Se'ul (Seh-uul), and Ymla (Eem-la)
  • Season of Calm - The equivalent to summer in our world. As the world becomes less turbulent (with occasional, generally more powerful storms here and there) the world warms, encouraging growth and bountiful harvests, especially towards the season's end. The months of this season are Doma (Dough-ma) and Duwei (Due-way)
  • Season of Plenty - The equivalent of autumn in our world. As the world begins to cool, the harvests ripen, and people celebrate with festivities while also preparing for the coming cold seasons. The months of this season are Pymer (Pim-ear), Tress, and Adei (Add-ay)
  • Season of Dearth - The equivalent of winter in our world. The world cools further and the plants and some animals become dormant as all lie in wait for the restoration of the world. The months of this season are Q'ors (cores) and Xylmy (Zeal-me)
The signal of the end of one year and the beginning of the next is what is known as a "Day of Rejuvenation" where the Entuorbis sing their 'Great song of Renewal', restoring the energy of the world in one fell swoop and awakening those creatures which had become dormant.   Every Century on the Day of Rejuvenation, an event known as The Flowering occurs, where all the Circadian Arbors, as well as the Entuorbis scattered across the world, bloom. Each flower that blooms in this way becomes a portal, allowing easier transportation to and from different worlds. This blossoming lasts for the initial, first week of the year in the month of Hain, and is the reason why Centuries are known as Florym.

Earth and Gravity

As mentioned in the basic structure of the world, the earth that makes up each world is known as Seed Earth, as it constitutes the 'seed' in the 'fruit' that is the world itself. This flat structure also contains the gravitational core of the world, a phenomenon known as the Chorus Earth, a mixture of extremely dense earth and metal, forming a metalloid disk that runs equidistant to both hemispheres of the world. This core part of the earth is, at its most shallow, hundreds of miles from the surface, through increasingly dense rock and mineral deposits, and full of Terron energy, the force of gravity, a phenomenon that does not go unnoticed by the evils which desire to consume such energy and destabilize the world. As such, the Chorus Earth is protected by Earth-based Illyn, which both defend it and help perpetuate the earth and carbon cycles of the world, even to the point of causing earthquake-like phenomena. Their roles are divided as follows:  
  • Golems/Cycrysts/Wyrms/Mudmen are tasked with managing and repairing the surfaces of the world as well as the ground between the surface and the Chorus Earth.
  • Salamanders are Cycrysts which exude and shape heat, using it to melt earth and metal into molten forms, bringing them to the surface and creating and managing volcanoes.
  • The other creatures below, that defend the earth from the greater threats, are mostly unknown by most people, and are collectively known as "The Unseen Ward" or "The Unseen Chorus".
Earthquakes caused by underground activity resulting from defense of the Chorus Earth are known as RainbowDances, as a shimmering fills the air, along with unique tones and sounds from within the earth, which is colloquially known as the Earthsong. Any earthquake unaccompanied by these phenomena is immediately thought of as being caused by unnatural sources.

Air and Air Currents

Given that the Celestient worlds do not rotate but remain affixed in space due to their connection to the Universal Tree, the winds of the world are managed by what are known as the Sylphaic Winds, the equivalent to our world's Jetstream. This great wind is driven and controlled by a series of Sylphen Illyn or Sylphyn, who migrate around the world in a great path, gathering the winds in their wake and creating the weather and climate patterns on each world. In the same way that the Chorus Earth is guarded by the Unseen Ward, so too are the Jetstreams guarded from threat by these great beings, with the resulting terrible storms they generate known as Sylphanic Songs for their powerful overtones and gale-force winds.

Water and Water Currents

In the same way that the Celestient Worlds need Sylphen Illyn to manage the great winds, they also need Nymphatic Illyn, or Nymphyn, to manage the Great Streams, the mighty currents which manage the flow of water across the world, also helping to regulate temperature and climate. And once more, in the same ways that all such guardians must defend these flows, the Nymphyn create Nymphatic Dances, great and roiling patches of seas, as defenses from those creatures which seek to attack the currents of the world.  

Abandoned Seas

In places where the Great Winds and Streams have no offshoots or effects, these patches of the world are known as the Abandoned Seas, perpetual doldrums equivalent to our own.  

The Ice Mountains

At the edges of each world hemisphere, furthest away from the light and heat of the Circadian Arbors, the waters of the world fall and crash into each other in a maelstrom fueled by the tumultuous gravitation caused by the Chorus Earth below. Due to the lack of heat, these great waves of water are perpetually frozen as massive mountains, only briefly unfreezing for a few seconds every day of rejuvenation. Passage through these mountains can be dangerous at the best of times, and potentially impossible on the day of Rejuvenation, though thankfully there are landmasses which cross hemispheres, allowing for easier and safer passage.  

Elemental Variations

While all of the above structures of the world are applicable to every world, there are several types of worlds which possess a notable increase in one or more energy types, which can greatly adjust the nature of the world's ecosystem, as well as the nature of the people and creatures which survive there.

Articles under Celestient Worlds Metastructure


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