Faesmithea (Fae-smith-eya)


The governmental structure of Faesmithea is as follows:   At the top are the 26 Eldest, each paired into 13 Royal Pairs which govern the 13 moons alongside a High Lunar Council. The High Lunar Council is made up of the High Councelor representatives of every Elder House of the Fae, which correspond to the names of the 26 Eldest, and which decide laws for all the collective moons. The 26 Elder Houses are as follows in terms of the pairs that oversee the various moons:
  • The Houses of Oberohm and Altania, Overseers of the High Moon Viridia
  • The Houses of Annomikr and Upsiluati, Overseers of the Phaseless Moon Xenovia
  • The Houses of Yalta'ir and Citreah, Overseers of the Comet Moon Rimbolegia
  • The Houses of Psionos and Nuvalia, Overseers of the Light Moon Theika
  • The Houses of Taumira and Xiatou, Overseers of the Eyed Moon, Prinia
  • The Houses of Kapaiye and Phaiaso, Overseers of the Fire Moon, Thaomeruda
  • The Houses of Etashmir and Ishlambda, Overseers of the Thundering Moon, Onheiga
  • The Houses of Rohatzu and Sigmara, Overseers of the Strengthening Moon, Flanxia
  • The Houses of Pai'aga and Deltrai-Ine, Overseers of the Moss-Moon, Mugotha
  • The Houses of Muracco and Betavmu, Overseers of the Illusory Moon, Baodea
  • The Houses of Galgema and Chikash, Overseers of the Dark Moon, Nalwa
  • The Houses of Epsilraik and Zetuve, Overseers of the Storm Moon, Izcolaina
  • The Houses of Theztas and Iothoma, Overseers of the Pulling Moon, Inuela
The High Councilors are also the overseers of the councils on each moon, overseeing both debate and the laws created by the Councils in their respective moons. These Intra-Moon Councils are made up of the Houses under the banner of each Elder House, with each House having a title representing their role and makeup, as below.
  • The Terms Minor, Major, and Grand denote the size of the house in question, ranging from 300 to 10,000 or more. Several Minor houses can serve under the banner of a Major house
  • The Terms Familia and Pact denote Houses that have been founded by Fae or Non-Fae respectively who have been born and raised on the Moons. Those not born on the moons (regardless of Fae heritage) can only be permitted to start a House of their own (provided they have enough influence) if they have lived and served under a larger Familia for at least a decade.
  • The Term GuildHouse is termed for Houses representing different industries and the workers therein, allowing for different roles in society to be represented by a single body regardless of location across the 13 moons. These Guildhouses have representatives that directly speak to all relevant local and national governing bodies as to the laws that are put in place.
  • The post terms ("of the _____") used in naming Houses represent a particular specialization of certain houses. Such houses may represent such a unique specialization that they have special membership privileges or are made for the specific purpose of serving and representing an undeserved or specialized community, regardless of which House they are under. These Houses are not charged with the care of their individual members basic needs, but rather are charged with performing specific duties as it pertains to larger society. As such, they also have the same rights as GuildHouses as it pertains to representation in larger governing bodies. Examples of such houses are "The House of the Grey" which helps treat, protect, and train those who come under the care of the Fae who are Void-Afflicted, along with the House of the Worldspeakers, a sect under the House of Yalta'ir who keeps tabs on and regulations over those who have the rare but potent power of the Aspect of Intonation.
Every house. regardless of size has its own council with representation for all the families located on the land held by said house. They consult on local rules and regulations as it pertains to cities and states under their jurisdiction.

Demography and Population

As a major hub of international trade, Faesmithea generally has a significant population of foreign nationals who are staying as permanent residential trading partners through connections to their nation of origin at any given time. These foreign nationals have formed Unified Pact Houses to facilitate this trade under the auspices of Faesmithean law, and in doing so have gained a great deal of influence through their trading connections.   In addition to this, due to Faesmithea's status as open to refugees fleeing persecution and natural disaster, there are an additional 25% of the population who reside as citizens of various origins. While a majority of these foreign-born citizens are members of Major or Minor Pact Houses, a full 40% of them are full members of Familia houses, and are treated as such. Due to their connection and favored diplomatic relations with the Arauk Kingdom , around 10% of these are from that nation.   Faesmithea also has an estimated 20% of the youth population born to these foreigners within the nation, who are automatically considered citizens and automatic members of their primary House.   The vast majority of the population (75%) of Faesmithea consist of foreign born or nation born Feians.


The 13 Moons are all under the jurisdiction of the 13 Royal Pairs. These lands were created due to the Great Pact that was established at the founding of Faesmithea. The Inner and Outer parts of the moon are all considered Faesmithean territory, and the air within its gravitational pull is considered Faesmthean airspace. These have been deemed the Fae Lands since time immemorial an in modern day are considered Ancestral Lands. Beyond this territory, Fae have not sought to seek out or occupy other lands.


The Fae Military consists of the following sects:
  • House of the Elderguard - These are a secret service organization that monitors and protects the Eldest from unknown threats. They are privy to investigating all potential threats to the Eldest. Their main headquarters are on Xenovia under the Elder House Annomikr, with branches on every moon.
  • Grand House of the Lunaristoria - This is a second secret defense organization tasked with housing and protecting the innermost Secrets of Faesmithea. Their main headquarters are unknown, and it is rumored that they have members spanning the 13 moons across many houses, regardless of Familia or Pact, with an Eldest at the helm.
  • Grand House of Defense - This is the most outward facing military of Faesmthea. There are multiple bases under this house's banner one the outside of every moon, and they oversee and protect both international trade and the Lunar Gates which facilitate them. They also defend the moons from attack.
  • Major House of the Peace - The peacekeeping force of Faesmithea. Only authorized to use lethal force when absolutely necessary, they consist of minor houses dedicated to Public Safety (dealing with, preventing, and first responding to potential disasters), Investigation (dealing with conspiracies and plots), Dispute (dealing with public disruption) and Protection (for guards over public and private events). These do not have a major Inter-moon headquarters, but instead have Central Institutions in the capital of each moon, and Branches in every city of that moon.
  • Major House of War - The offensive side of Faesmithea. As it is Faeian policy not to take land, these members work with the Grand House of Defense to ward off potential invaders and damage them enough to fend off future attempts. Thus, they are trained in sabotage, military strategy, weapons development, and are also tasked with training the populace on the essentials of combat (further training those who wish to become part of any military House)
  • Grand GuildHouse of Exploration and Hunters - While not officially military, those who seek to use Faesmithea as a base to explore the many worlds register under this house. These tend to be lay-people who have sought out training either through the House of War or through registered members if the house how to harness their powers and capabilities to fight. They are the first tasked to deal with threats related to Wraiths, disputes with Heraldic Beasts, and other such tasks before they grow large enough for the military become involved. They also function as a standing civilian army to supplement the Major House of War if invaders are able to penetrate the efforts of the Grand House of Defense in protecting the local civilian populace. When major and minor threats are scarce, they also are tasked with hunting for meat for the larger populace.

Technological Level

As Fae society was built on the presumption that all citizens are capable of flight, their technology and infrastructure within the inner moon are such that such an expectation is required for certain practices. As such, they have granted those guests or citizens who cannot fly access to flight technology. In general, Fae technology, similar to that of the Arauk Kingdom and the Kingdom of Eisendoria is made to work in tandem with nature. As such, it is not uncommon to see Fae structures almost overgrown with vines but yet fully functional.   Due to their Pact, the Fae also have a lot of technology linking the moons to each other as well as facilitating a livable atmosphere on moons with elemental imbalances. Additionally, their stance on refugees has granted them many Mystetuim as part of their citizenry, which combined with their resources has resulted in a number of extremely rare and esoteric technologies.


As followers of The Guide, most Faeians have a deep devotion to the protection of all the lands against the horrors of the Void and those under its influence. For this reason among many, those who are exposed irrefutably to be followers of the Void are seen as having committed crimes against life itself, and subject said followers to full exile.

Foreign Relations

The Fae Moons are known across the 77 worlds as great hubs of international commerce, from which the Fae themselves have become established as a wealthy nation by improving the speed and reducing the tumultuous nature of inter-world commerce through their Lunar-Gate system. Thus, many nations are in good graces with the Fae in order to establish trade relations with nations far beyond their normal reach. However, despite this, there is a great deal of stigma against the Fae people themselves, as some resent their influence, and many people do not trust them, considering them secretive and always with a hidden agenda. Additionally, racial tensions and inter-house strife has sometimes bled out into the outside world, resulting in major disruptions to the world, leading many to become outwardly hostile to them. Chief among these is The Dual-World Nation of Azer-Lucidium who when divided as Azertaxiad and Lucidium each had great resentment against the Lunar Kingdoms for not assisting them in their greatest hours of need.   For the most part though, many nations officially take a positive or neutral stance to Faesmithea in order to gain economic benefits of trade through their network.


The greatest law of the Fae and the First Law from which all others are derived is that every member of the populace treat others like family. Given the unique origins of the Fae as being descended from a single (if large) family, this is a law that many feel is justified, as all Fae are by definition descended from the same bloodlines. This is also extended further into those born under the banners of the Houses, including those who are foreign born and adopted. Initially, this did give rise to animosity to those who came primarily to trade, so this law was extended to all houses, including Pact houses. It is therefore prudent for all foreigners to understand the ways and nature of how people are treated first and foremost, in order to keep themselves in good graces with their House and under this First Law.   As many laws flow from this First Law, those who break enough laws relating to the treatment of others within and outside of their Houses can potentially be subject to disciplinary action up to and including Anathemati, the rejection of one's own House. Being Anathemati, or having no House, essentially removes one's support. While Anathemati may serve any house (including the one which you were rejected from), and remain under the other Unified and Elder Houses officially and subject to the laws of essential respectful treatment, they cannot gain the benefits befitting a member of their house until their probationary period expires. They must therefore work to remain in good standing with the house under which they serve during the probationary period in order to return to society as a full member. Those who commit egregious acts against the Greater Family (crimes against the nation, crimes against humanity, crimes against life, crimes of egregious cruelty) as well as those who throughout their probationary period show no signs of remorse or no desire for recompense for their lawbreaking actions, are subject to Oztrasiati, the full exile and expulsion from Faesmithea. Only if the nature of the crime is such that their expulsion would render the outer worlds in peril will the Elders deem such a person worthy of execution.   Those under Anathemati probation are marked as such with Upsilian Ink, a special ink developed by the Eldest Upsiluati which will only disappear when the time of probation has ended.   While the Eldest are the final adjudicators, there are Justices in every region of the world who oversee the administration of laws in times of dispute. Lawmen adjudicate on an interpersonal level within and among Minor or Major Houses, seeking to resolve disputes before they become major issues requiring a Justice's involvement. Justices oversee disputes between Houses automatically, and the Eldest have the final say over the disputed laws as it pertains to the Eldest houses.   There is a Major House of Laws which functions as a combination of a College of Law, a storehouse for the laws of the nation and the moon, and a large complex of courthouses and Adjudication houses where disputes are adjudicated.

Agriculture & Industry

While the lands on the outer layer of the moon do not have the ability to produce crops, the inner lands tend to be extremely fertile and very capable of providing a variety of crops to its citizens. As a result, when it comes to providing food, the Fae are more than capable of self-sustenance in the event that outer trade is cut off.   Additionally, the Faeians are quite capable in the processing of high quality materials and the creation of technology and parts of technology which require said high quality materials.

Trade & Transport

Most trade to and through Faesmithea is facilitated through either Airship travel or through their Inter-Moon Lunar Gate Network. This network of portals allows the large transport of goods between worlds, allowing for trades of good that was hitherto impossible. Those on the world they are trading with transport their goods via airship. Then once the goods are registered and prepared, the portal is opened for up to an hour at a time, to transfer the goods to those across in the other world. After an hour of being open, the portals must be closed for at least twice that time to prevent spatial collapse and the destruction of the portals themselves. In this way, the Faeians have cornered the market of international trade since the establishment of this network.


The Faeians have worked in tandem with the Arauk Kingdom to establish a great library of knowledge from which the Grand House of Record was born under the Upsiluati's direction.  From the Grand House of Record, several houses of knowledge were further established, including but nor limited to:
  • The Unified College House of Life (Study of living beings)
  • The Unified College House of Medicine (Study of Medical applications)
  • The Unified College House of Sages (Study of Aspectral Power)
  • The Unified College House of History (Study of the Past)
  • The Unified College House of Engineering (Study of Technology)
  • The Unified College House of Elements (Study of Forces and Materials)
These houses share a connection to the Grand House of Record, which houses material for all these branches. The main colleges exist on Xenovia, but branch colleges exist on every moon.


Children of the Dryad, Houses of the Moons

Feif-Spridi, 5th of Seil, -2000 - N/A

Geopolitical, Co-rulership
Alternative Names
The Lunar Kingdoms, The Lunar States
Faeian, Faesman
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Gift economy

The 13 Moons

  • High Moon Viridia
  • Phaseless Moon Xenovia
  • Comet Moon Rimbolegia
  • Light Moon Theika
  • Eyed Moon, Prinia
  • Fire Moon, Thaomeruda
  • Thundering Moon, Onheiga
  • Strengthening Moon, Flanxia
  • Moss-Moon, Mugotha
  • Illusory Moon, Baodea
  • Dark Moon, Nalwa
  • Storm Moon, Izcolaina
  • Pulling Moon, Inuela
Perpetuus Coins
Major Exports
  • Unique Faesmithean Tech
  • Refined materials
  • Technology parts
Major Imports
  • Building Materials
  • Raw minerals (Metals, gemstones, etc)
  • Food (Fish specifically)
Legislative Body
The High Lunar Council writes laws for all the Faesmithean Moon Kingdoms. The Intra-Lunar Councils write local laws for each moon, and the Houses have councils for statutes as they exist within their own jurisdictions.
Judicial Body
The Eldest of each Moon function as the Judicial Branch of government, under the auspices of one of the Royal Pair. Through their guidance and those under them, they have the final say as to the application of the law.
Executive Body
The Eldest of each Moon function as the Executive Branch of government, under the auspices of the second Royal Pair. Through their guidance as those under them, they oversee the execution and enforcement of all laws through their own localized force under various naming conventions often colloquially known as "ElderChosen"
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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