Faeian (Fey-yan)


  Noted mostly for their long, thin ears, unique tails, and the unique ability to coalesce their energy aura into a flux armor for protection, Faeians have a variety of skin colors and appearances, though they often tend to be thinner or more lithe than most. When their flux armor, known as their Fae Shell, is deactivated, they have notable marks on their skin in various places, commonly the base of the tail, the back of the neck, or less comonly on specific fingers, limbs, etc. in the same color as their energy armor known as Lunastigmata, or moon mark. Oftentimes for those who are Faeian Lacrimaphra, this is the only major indication that they have Fae ancestry to begin with before their awakening. Once awakened, their tails can take on various appearances but often take on versions of uncommon or unusual animal tail characteristics such as tadpoles, and nearly always with the same color and texture of their Fae Shell. The ends of their tails are also 'Graced with the Crest', exuding a floating mark not unlike that of the crescent moon that appeares when their Fae Shell is active or they use their powers.  

Common Personality

  Faeians, who for the vast majority of their existence lived both in limited isolation from the rest of the world and as part of a growing and vast family, pride themselves on being welcoming of people into their home and caring for others. However, they also are fiercely protective of their family secrets and origins, trusting only tried and true allies into their secrets. Despite being partially isolated for much of their existence, Faeians nevertheless have been welcoming and peaceful to other nations, but their dichotomy of secrecy and open arms has sometimes rubbed others the wrong way, resulting in tensions where none are needed.

History Summary

  From all notable records, the original Eldest of the Faeians suddenly appeared on the scene in ancient times, not long after the fall of the Zenitherian Empire, among the Arauk Kingdom. After sheltering among them for a time and learning from them, the Eldest 26 decided to strike out on their own, seeking the mysterious isle of Surugaswam'n to consult with the Dragontree there. It was evident that they succeeded, for not only did they not return but soon thereafter the first moon ascended from the sea not far from the Mahoutmawei Isles. From that point forward, the Faeians formed a pact with the Arauk, establishing a network of knowledge between the two nations. Over time, their kingdom expanded further, until 13 moons hung in the sky over various worlds, as the Grand family of the Fae grew and grew, and the connections they formed through trade and the sharing of knowledge grew stronger and stronger.  

Society and Common Environment

  Faeian society's focus on family connection, even with those 'adopted' into it, expressing itself in their language even moreso than how they treat people. The environments of the various moons vary significantly based on their elemental concentrations, and as a result the environments and the adaptations the Faeians have made to live in those environments changes slightly. Thus, on top of other distinctions that the fae have between themselves, they are often categorized as varying kinds (mostly by non Faeians) based on their elemental adaptations.

International/Multi-ethnic relations

The Faeians are generally welcoming of outside cultures and connections to their family, and have no problem with intra-racial or intra-cultural or ethnic relations for the most part. The only caveat they have to any such relations is that they be treated as part of their House and/or their large family, on both sides. A failure in the acceptance of the Faeian in a non-Faeian family brings difficulty, but if the non-Faeian still desires the relationship against the pressures of their own family, the Faeian family and their House will tend to do their best to support their decision. However, if the potential spouse rejects the Faeian family as well, the Faeian family will not sanction the union, and continuing to pursue such a relationship would be seen as seeking to join a different family for support. As this happens often in the joining of two houses in Faesmithea, this would be supported with resources at the point of the officialization of the marriage, but the member leaving the house will be considered the spouse's family's responsibilty until such time as the differences between the two families (or the Faeian family and the spouse themself) are resolved. In situations where one of their hosue members leaves for an extended period and returns with a spouse, said spouse is treated as a distant member of the family as they integrate into the Faeian House.   On the larger, International stage, Faeians have sought to be neutral in terms of conflicts as much as possible, providing resources designed for the protection of civilian population and keeping their lands open for the shelter of other displaced and marginalized populations, generally on a temporary basis but with the possibility for permanent integration within Fae society.

Religious Tendencies

Faeians are devout Followers of the Guide, and have developed their own sects under the auspices of its general teachings. There are many who also see The Mother, or the universe itself, as an object of worship. Because of these two dichotomies, there are many religious sects under these auspices, who have influence over societal structures, focusing on developing society in an environmentally friendly way, and creating varying realtionships with local Heraldic Fauna.

Ethnic and Racial Traits

  • Race: Enigmaphran or Lacrimaphran. While Faians include all races and peoples from other groups into their fold, those who have decended from the 26 Eldest are all within these two categories.
  • Languages: Many languages from all over the Celestient Universe are spoken on the moons, but among the Faeians, the most common languages are ElderTongue (with varying Dialects based on Lunar Origin), and the common of the current world where their Moon is located. They always have these two languages + 2 of any language of choice.
  • Silver Tongue: Faeians are gifted in the art of both persuasion and keeping secrets both through general training and their societal structure. This gives them a +1 dice bonus in using Diplomacy to keep the peace, and +1 dice to Subterfuge to subtly deflect people's attention away from secrets.
  • Faean Weapons: Faeians are trained to be proficient in one of the Faeian Specialized Melee and Ranged weapons: Oberomi Faeblade, Altanian Staff, Psionosi Estoc, Siluati Bow, Sigmaran Bolt, and Pai'agan Discus, along with generic weapons


Faeians are known to have unique Aspects descended from or connected to the 26 Eldest. As such the Eldest and their associated Aspects, as well as aspects directly decended from those, are known as Fae Aspects.  
Eldest Aspects
  • Oberohm Viridia-Eldest: Aspect of Unleashed Property
  • Altania Viridia-Eldest: Aspect of Fated Effect
  • Annomikr Xenovia-Eldest: Aspect of Anacronism
  • Upsiluati Xenovia-Eldest: Aspect of Record
  • Yaltair Rimbolegia-Eldest: Aspect of Intonation
  • Citrea Rimbolegia-Eldest: Aspect of Cycles
  • Psionos Theika-Eldest: Aspect of Projection
  • Nuvalia Theika-Eldest: Aspect of Replication
  • Taumira Prinia-Eldest: Aspect of Terraformation
  • Xiatou Prinia-Eldest: Aspect of Mobius
  • Kapaiye Thaomeruda-Eldest: Aspect of Acceleration
  • Phaiaso Thaomeruda-Eldest: Aspect of Auras
  • Etashmir Onhegia-Eldest: Aspect of Stasis
  • Ishlambd Onhegia-Eldest: Aspect of Disruption
  • Rohatzu Flanxia-Eldest: Aspect of Opacity
  • Sigmara Flanxia-Eldest: Aspect of Ambience
  • Pai'aga Mugotha-Eldest: Aspect of Echoes
  • Deltrai-Ine Mugotha-Eldest: Aspect of Reflection
  • Muracco Baodea-Eldest: Aspect of Restructuring
  • Betavmu Baodea-Eldest: Aspect of Balance
  • Galgama Nalwa-Eldest: Aspect of Fated Sight
  • Chicash Nalwa-Eldest: Aspect of Linked Realms
  • Epsildraic Izcolaina-Eldest: Aspect of Solid Stream
  • Zetuve Izcolaina-Eldest: Aspect of Silence
  • Theztus Inuela-Eldest: Aspect of Elemental Concretion
  • Iot'oma Inuela-Eldest: Aspect of Purification

Unique Martial Traditions

  • Fae-Knighthood - Martial style focusing on armored combat which focuses on the Oberohmi Faeblade as its main weapon.
  • Order of the Staves - Martial style focused on unarmored, which makes full use of the body as well as the unique properties and powers of the Altanian Staff.
  • Fenciers of the Vanguard - Martial style focusing on taking advantage of any opportunity found in their opponent. Light armor with the Psionosi Estoc as their main weapon
  • Libraian Order of the Bow - Martial style of legend associated with the guards of all libraries. Flexible use of melee weaponry with exceptional prowess with the Siluati Bow
  • House of the Boltakai - Martial arts style focused on wielding the Sigmaran Bolt, the most difficult of the six Fae weapons, along with any weapon of choice. The most prestegious students of this House are near-guaranteed a place in the House of the Elderguard.
  • Hylstrix Order - Martial arts focusing on wielding the Paiagan Discus at both close and long range.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Elder House Names
  • Oberohm
  • Altania
  • Annomikr
  • Upsiluati
  • Yalta'ir
  • Citreah
  • Psionos
  • Nuvalia
  • Taumira
  • Xiatou
  • Kapaiye
  • Phaiaso
  • Etashmir
  • Ishlambda
  • Rohatzu
  • Sigmara
  • Pai'aga
  • Deltrai-Ine
  • Muracco
  • Betavmu
  • Galgema
  • Chikash
  • Epsilraik
  • Zetuve
  • Theztas
  • Iot'oma
Notable other family House names
  • Roth-Tamay
  • Hoyon
  • Unlaut
  • Sagsiri
  • Tomut
  • Soltka
  • Yoramt
  • Imlada
  • Sorcada
  • Salodh


Major language groups and dialects

ElderTongue, with varying dialects based on the 13 moons:
  • Viridi - Viridris
  • Xenovi - Xenovia
  • Rimboli - Xenovia
  • Theiki - Theika
  • Prini - Prinia
  • Thaomi - Thaomeruda
  • Onhei - Onhegia
  • Flani - Flanxia
  • Mugoi - Mugotha
  • Baodi - Baodeia
  • Nalwi - Nalwa
  • Izcoi - Izcolaina
  • Inuei - Inuela

Shared customary codes and values

Family connections, through both blood and found families, are the highest ideal shared among the populace.   It is customary to refer to people through their connections to their immediate community. A stranger in their midst is treated to the title: "Sojourner" (Pidimus), and only is titled "Stranger" (Exenos) if their actons deem them untrustworthy, after which they are generally politely (and if met with resistance, not so politely) removed from the community to go about their merry way. Those who stay and join the community are titled "Cousin"(Zaderfi) to signifiy a member of the family who is distant and not as well known. This title also applies to those known to be from other Houses that are part of the Greater Family. Those who have stayed and integrated themselves in the community of a house, regardless of size, are entitled "Brother" (Delphos), "Sister" (Delphis), or "Sibling" (Amfithis) depending on their gender. Those who have strongly integrated themselves into any community are given titles based on their deeds done for said community, and those who have risen to prominent community status to become elders in a community are titled "Father" (Patras), "Mother" (Mitra), or simply "Elder" (Litras). Only the 26 Eldest are given the highest title, that of course being "Eldest" (Protokos).

Average technological level

  • Transportation through spatial gates
  • Flight technology
  • Spatial anchoring
  • Supspatial generation and protection

Common Etiquette rules

Official greeting of someone is to place two half fists one above the other in front of your body and lower your head slightly. This does not change when it comes to people of prominent roles, or even the Eldest, only the length of time the position is held. For those in charge of major houses, governing bodies, this is done until the governing party finishes on their side of performing this greeting, and they can forgo the formal greeting at any point, removing the obligation to do so. Military salutes have similar structure, but with one hand across the chest instead of both towards the center.

Common Dress code

Faeians tend to prefer a strange dichotomy of form-fitting and loose clothing, sometimes mixing and matching elements of togas and shrouds with close fitting sleeves and pants. Additionally, those who are part of Faesmithean society always have the Crest of their most relevant houses (Minor/Major/Grand and always Eldest) on their bodies in a visible place for identification. A Faeian without such markings in Faesmithea is either assumed to be a recent refugee or under some sort of probation.

Art & Architecture

The Fairy Arch and Pillars are prominent and exclusive structures of Fae Culture, as it allows them rapid transport between moons, across worlds, and from the inner and outer portions of their moons. Additionally, they prefer stone-work in the creation of all buildings, some of which are reinforced by metal.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Every birth is followed by a celebratory party when the child enters into the community family known as the house. This is known as the Ienethilion, or the Birthright Celebration.

Coming of Age Rites

When a child turns 15, they make the choice to continue in the community of their birth or to seek out the world outside. This "Time of Decision" (Lipsypothasi) is a week long celebration that ends with being tatoo marked as a member of the house. This rite also applies to those who are officially brought into the fold, especially non-faeian people.

Funerary and Memorial customs

A "Shroud of Incense" is a funeral procession where the body is taken, wrapped in burial linens, to be buried in a tomb, accompanied on both sides with veiled figures holding lit bowls of incense. When commemorating the dead, the community gathers with the one who mourns bringing that same incense to create a "Circle of Remembrance" to comfort those that yet live.

Common Taboos

To elevate oneself above one's sibling due to differences of birth To elevate oneself over another due to role or social status To willfully reject the larger Family (Faesmithea itself) for the sake of one's goals To commit any crimes against community and humanity To disclose the secrets of another without cause

Major organizations

  • Unified College Houses of Knowledge
  • The 5 Houses of Militancy
  • The House of the Grey
  • The House of Worldsingers
  • The Grand GuildHouse of Exploration and Hunters
  • The Guildhouses of Trade and Commerce
Associated Nation: Faesmithea    Associated Languages: ElderTongue 


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