Enigmaphra (Enigma-Fra)

Enig-man, Fae, Those Veiled in Mystery and Power


A 'race' whose origins are shrouded in mystery, they have a strong affinity with the Entuorbis, and through that have access to primordial forces of nature directly. As a result, they are capable of incredible feats of power, but as a consequence, their Celestial Tapestries are more exposed than others and which thereby are more prone to disruption when facing off against powerful forces. This manifest as a ‘Fae Shell’ and ‘Fae Wings’ which are tangible outer projections of the Celestial Tapestry that allow all Fae to fly. The Fae also have the longest ears of all the races, especially with their Fae Shell activated, and therefore have the most acute energy senses. Lastly, the Fae Shell takes on different appearances based on whether their Primordial Alignment, resulting in their sub-divisions as Golemnic (Elent), Sylphic (Myst), Nymphic (Flou), and Gnomic (Fatu), and Dryadic (Primor) with a Dryadic Sub-type known as Grymalkin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Mapheras Faera

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