Ittexai Hapthesha ((ee-TEU-sai hap-THEI-Sha))

Warriors of Card and Spear


  Ittexai Hapthesha is a combat class developed by the Nyraku-Ai as part of one's formal training to be a sacred warrior, or Hapthesha. Among the various sub-categories of warrior, Ittexai Hapthesha denotes warriors who are dedicated towards mastering the card (Cittra) and spear (Ittesha [ee-TEU-sha]). A fully trained Hapthesha of any category is a formidable opponent that keeps their opponents on their toes at all times. Of these warriors, the Ittexai Hapthesha is the most formidable, as they wield both of the most common and prominent weapons among all the warrior classes. This level of versatility is hard to master, but makes Ittexai Hapthesha some of the most deadly on the battlefield.

General Martial Forms

  Hiratt-Arma Ittesha (Spark-light Spear) - A martial style focused on using opponent's attacks against them, using Cittra to absorb enemy blows and retaliate with potent force. Bulwark-Ordynence focused.   Alwheitt-Citta Ittesha (Pulse-card spear) - A martial style focused on using the energy stored in the cards to control the battlefield, providing supportive disruption while damaging enemies with strong attacks. Control-Ordynence focused.   Shor-Akatha Ittesha (Battle-rally Spear) - A martial style purely focused on usage of Cittra for defense and Ittesha for offense. Like Hirat-Arma, Shor-Akatha's principle is to absorbs enemy attacks with the cards, but instead links the energy absorbed into their spear attacks to make them stronger. Skirmish-Auxiliary focused.

Unique Martial Forms

  Hoth-Orma Ittesha (Never-Resting Spear) - A martial style that focuses on barraging enemies in battle mid-technique, sacrificing larger effect and more damaging Shaping attacks for more focused (and thereby more rapid) barrages of attacks. Skirmish-Ordynence focused.   Gish-Hiratt Ittesha (Shock-Spark Spear)- A martial style that uses the Ittesha as another dimensional storage object for their Cittra, allowing for unexpected and explosive releases of stored elemental force or material. Agility-Ordynence focused.  

Irregular Martial Forms

    None (currently)
Class Categories: Ordynence Focused   Class Specialization: Dealing AoE damage near-simultaneously with melee damage at medium-long range.   Associated Nations/Peoples: Nyraku-Ai   General Societal Role Warriors, Guardians, Sacred Warriors     Usual Aspectral Power Aspect of Dimensional Storage


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