Hoth-Orma Ittesha

Never-Resting Spear


A martial style that focuses on barraging enemies in battle mid-technique, sacrificing larger effect and more damaging Shaping attacks for more focused (and thereby more rapid) barrages of attacks. Those of the Hoth Orma style focus on releasing their potent abilities in the midst of battle, employing trickery and subterfuge to avoid damage in the process. The Hoth Orma style is the hardest of the styles to master, but those Ittexai Hapthesha averse in its ways are unmatched in their unrelenting offensive power.  

Base Tier Skills


Imperat Thread Skills

  • Innocuous Cittra [Skirmish, Focused, Defense] - Uses a Cittra as a shield, absorbing the energy of an attack and storing it for later use
  • Cittraic Palm Twist [Ordynence, Instant, Defense] - Twists around while using several Cittra as shields, absorbing the energy of an attack and surrounding elements.
  • Cittraic Gate [Ordynence, Instant, Evasion] - Shunts self into the Cittra briefly to avoid damage, launching out towards a slightly different location.
  • Glidestep [Skirmish, Focused, Evasion] - Uses elemental force to launch self forward, dealing damage behind them.
  • Set Absorb [Either class, Instant, Utility] - Sends out a Cittra to absorb the elements of a location. The card returns after doing so.
  • Prelude Cittra [Skirmish, Focused, Utility] - Sends out a Cittra to absorb the elements of a location and hold position. When the wielder activates a Shaping based attack or deals dimensional energy, this Cittra follows up with an additional raw elemental burst based on the absorbed elements.
  • Charge Cittra [Ordinence, Instant, Utility] - Infuses a prepped Cittra with dimensional energy, preventing it from absorbing other elements.

SageStrike Thread Skills

  • Tri-Slash [Skirmish, Martial Technique] - Slashes thrice against nearby opponents with the spear-blade
  • Shimmer-Spear Dance [Ordynence, Mixed Combo] - A series of elaborate slashes with a spear infused with dimensional energy.
  • Jewel-Spear Dance [Skirmish, Martial Combo] - A series of quick and deadly slashes with the flashes of a bejeweled spear.
  • Dimension Thrust [Ordynence, Mixed Technique] - A thrust that echoes with dimensional energy, dealing extra damage.
  • Sweeping Strike [Skirmish, Martial Technique] - A slash that sweeps against the ground, turning up dust and dealing heavy damage.
  • Echoes Walk [Ordynence, Mixed Technique] - A thrust against the ground that causes several dimensional shockwaves.
  • Explosive Expansion [Ordynence, Mixed Technique] - A wide arcing spear strike that echoes out with dimensional energy.
  • Spear Slam [Skirmish, Martial Technique] - An arcing attack with a spear that slams against the ground, knocking down nearby enemies

SageArt Thread Skills

  • Cittra Throw [Either Class, Ranged Technique] - Throws a Cittra in a direction. If the Cittra is infused with elemental energy, collision with elemental energy.
  • Cross Palms [Ordynence, Focused, Blast] - Throws out two cards that arc before him. If the Cittra are infused with energy, the energy is released in bursts.
  • Releasing Palms [Ordynence, Instant, Trigger Zone] - A series of several palm attacks where each attack releases a Cittra. If the card contains an elemental stored within, releases that element as a burst that refracts across all enemies hit.
  • Cittra Arcs [Skirmish, Instant, Blast] - A series of several arcs of cutting cards at enemies. Each elementally infused card causes a secondary hit of elemental damage.
  • Quake Strike [Ordynence, Focused, Burst] - Throws a card at the ground, releasing any infused energy in an explosion.
  • Triple Pulse [Skirmish, Focused, Blindside] - Arcs out 3 cards that damage enemies at a specific location. causes a minor explosion at location.
  • Cross Momentum [Skirmish, Focused, Projectile] - Takes a card and spawns it from behind, hitting enemies with a powerful release of elemental energy.
  • Spinning Force [Ordynence, Focused, Zone] - Throws out a rotating card that damages all enemies in the area and destroyed.

Tier 1 Skills

  • Elemental Feint [Ordynence, Focused, Trap] - Lays down a Cittra as a trap that creates a shockwave across the ground when triggered. (Quake Strike + Cittra Throw)
  • Star of Dispensation [Ordynence, Channel, Reaction] - Overcharges a card with Dimensional Energy, creating a field which applies another additional elemental damage instance to other damage instances. (Spinning Force + Cross Momentum)
  • Spear Flurry [Skirmish, Technique, Martial] - Creates a flurry of thrust attacks that ends with a powerful slash. (Tri-Slash + Jewel Spear Dance)
  • Feinted Palm [Ordynence, Grandstrike, Mixed] - Palms an enemy with a card while throwing one behind. if the blow lands, teleports into the card behind and launches forward with a spear attack for high damage.
  • Sheering Blade [Skirmish, Grandstrike, Mixed] - Slashes before him. If it lands, creates a whirl of cutting attacks that ends in a dimensional explosion emanating from his spear thrust. (Tri-Slash + Dimension Thrust)
  • Dimensional Dust [Ordynence, Technique, Mixed] - Slashes a gouge into the earth, infusing the dust with elemental energy to severely stagger opponents caught in the blast. (Sweeping Strike + Explosive Expansion)
  • Palm of Force [Skirmish, Focused, Wave] - Palms out a card, releasing two consecutive waves of elemental force. (Triple Pulse + Cross Palms)
  • Cittraic Cloud [Skirmish, Channel, Swarm] - Gathers and fires out swarms of Cittra. If the Cittra are infused with element, causes a miniature explosion. (Cittra Arcs + Cittra Throw)
  • Cloud of Force [Ordynence, Focused, Persist) - Throws out Cittra, releasing elemental energies slowly, and damaging all enemies that are caught within. (Spinning Force + Quick strike)
  • Cittraic Wave [Ordynence, Focused, Zone Wave) - Slams Cittra into the ground with your spear, releasing an elemental shockwave in a short wave afterwords. (Echoes Walking + Triple Pulse)

Tier 2 Skills

  • Spear Palms [Ordynence, Instant, Projectile] - Performs several palm strikes, using Cittra thrown out each strike to absorb and launch his spear in the process. (Cittraic Wave + Cittraic Cloud)
  • Dusty Blade [Skirmish, Technique, Mixed] - Whips up dust into a spiral that wraps around the blade, then thrusts forward for deadly effect. (Dimensional Dust + Sheering Blade)
  • Force Feint [Ordynence, Focused, TriggerBolt] - Performs a light strike at the front, teleport to a card behind the opponent, and fire a triggerbolt through them, causing elemental explosions. (Feinted Palm + Elemental Feint)
  • Echoing Spear [Skirmish, Combo, Mixed] - Performs a series of spear strikes where each hit echoes out with a secondary hit of dimensional energy. (Spear Flurry + Cittraic Wave)
  • Linked Guard [Ordynence, Channelled, Defense] - Links several cards together into a powerful defense, which charges several cards with elemental energy at once upon receiving a successful hit. (Star of Dispensation + Elemental Feint)
  • Shift Grasp [Skirmish, Instant, Evasion] - Uses Cittra to shift forward a short distance, leaving behind another to pull enemies towards it. (Feinted Palm, Cloud of Force)
  • Travailing Arcs [Skirmish, Instant, Blast] - Arcs out attacks with an empowered spear. Each arc leaves a trail of dimensional energy that expands outward. (Explosive Expansion + Cittra Arcs, + Spear Flurry)
  • Sideways Thorn [Ordynence, Combo, Martial] - A series of unusual stabs and slashes, each accompanied by an evasive card maneuver. (Feinted Palm + Spear Flurry)

Tier 3 Skills

  • Blink Thrust [Ordynence, Technique, Mixed] - Throws a card forward, flying into and out of the pocket dimension to perform three powerful thrusts (Shift Grasp + Echoing Spear)
  • Dusty Arc [Skirmish, Focused, Persist] - Gathers empowered dust around the spear blade and slashes forward, leaving a highly damaging cloud of dust in its wake. (Dusty Blade + Travailing Arcs)
  • Spinning Echoes [Skirmish, Grandstrike, Martial] - Performs a powerful slash forward. If this strike lands, the enemy hit is absorbed into a card's pocket dimension as they are continually slashed by the rapid spinning strikes of the warrior. (Sideways Thorn + Spear Palms)
  • Feinted Blade [Ordynence, Focused, Zone] - Performs an elusive spear slash that hides a Cittra attack on the opponent, staggering them and breaking their guard before the explosive elemental release. (Force Feint + Travailing Arcs)
  • Card-Hand's Flow [Skirmish, Channeled, Zone] - Creates a zone of Cittra rotating in various circular arks, slashing anyone who approaches and heavily damaging those in the midst of the swarm. Any elemental release occurs in the center of the swarm. (Spear Palms + Linked Guard)
  • Hand of Realms [Ordynence, Grandstrike, Mixed] - Dashes forward and palms the enemy with a Cittra. If the palm attack lands, the enemy gets caught in a flurry of spear thrusts, being knocked into the air as the warrior dashes through them for the final assault. (Sideways Thorn + Dusty Blade)

Tier 4 Skills

  • Slipstream Strike [Ordynence, Technique, Mixed] - Throws out two connected cards. At accelerated speeds, the warrior dashes through enemies caught between them repeatedly, faster and faster, knocking them into the air on the final strike. (Hand of Realms + Blink Thrust]
  • Dust of the Dying [Skirmish, Channeled, Verticus] - Performs a powerful arc slam that calls down a line of Cittra at a location, creating a whirlwind of dimensional energy mixed with other elemental releases. (Card-Hand Flow + Dusty Arc)
  • Lasting Spear [Skirmish, Grandstrike, Mixed] - Performs a powerful and potent spear throw. Upon collision, the enemy is absorbed into a Cittra hidden by the spear and pinned to the ground with the Cittra. The warrior then links all the elements stored in his Cittra to the card through the spear, causing a massive elemental burst. (Feinted Blade + Spinning Echoes)
  • Deck of the Dust [Ordynence, Channeled, Zone Repeat] - Gathers dimensional and elemental energy into a single card then thrusts that card into the earth at a location, causing a cataclysm of elemental turbulence that shakes up the area around it in waves. (Dusty Arc, Card-Hand's Flow)
Associated Class(es) Ittexai Hapthesha    Combat Class Emphasis   Skirmish  Ordynence


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