A Memoir of Night

This thin book is bound in an ephemeral material reminiscent of silk, and is of a magical black that absorbs all of the light around it. The cover has no title or author, unblemished by use or time, but the word Night is scribed on the title page, in a hand that is an exact match of Tesin Movahesh's. According to Carrot, it was written by MaMa in the later days of her life in the First World.  


The tome is a memoir of MaMa's life, written in her own hand before her death. Given the tone of the document, it seems MaMa knew that she might perish in the near future, and wanted to record her story before it was too late. The book also seems to suggest that others might refute MaMa's understanding of events, and claims that this memoir tells the truth.

Historical Details


The tale in this book conflicts with several pieces of history known to the Dream Team, and are likely an artifact of MaMa's untimely death and her estrangement with her family. She believed that Lalantha had perished in an attack on Night (disproven in Thaumaturgy), and seemed to believe that Carrot alone was creating the Dweomerblades for the Kinder, whereas the Dream Team know Fish had some involvement.   While the Girl Thrice-Abandoned is not mentioned by name, she is clearly the Night-born child mentioned in the text, and it can be assumed that Lea is the Kinder born of the Queen of the Mountain. There is no known reference to Skittles, but he was likely not known by this name in the early ages of the First World.
Journal, Personal

Cover image: Dark Forest by Magdalena Świderska


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