
Alignmatists are esoteric scholars who study the peculiar connections that make up the universe -- in particular, the phenomena of Alignments. While they can be of any creed, Alignmatists are often born with some innate ability to detect the mysterious threads of reality, and thus they are commonly practioners of the arcane. Experienced Alignmatists are capable of bending the laws of nature, bending time and space, and stretching the fullest potential out of those closest to them, making them a valuable asset to any organization. That being said, true Alignmatists are incredibly rare -- with only a handful known to have existed in the last century -- and are seldom content to follow the lead of another.



While the occupation is all but unheard of in the modern day (except by niche scholars and occult practitioners), it wasn't always the case. In particular, the study of Alignments was quite popular on Golarion, and is believed to have been a respectable profession among the Azlanti -- a tradition that still exists in the Azlanti Star Empire. Jun Zhao is the only Alignmatist known to practice in the Pact Worlds, although he is relatively private about the subject -- likely due to the strict non-disclosure agreements at the Horse Eye Orbital Plate.



All Alignmatists use a Totem to focus their energies, which is often connected to a number of smaller Totems with unique properties. The style and nature of the Totems varies wildly by Alignmatist, and often reflects some internal trait of the practitioner. While not powerless without them, an Alignmatist can only utilize their full potential through a network of Totems, and thus they are loath to be more than a few feet from their primary Totem at any time.

Dangers & Hazards

Similar to how a poorly-cast spell can turn on an inexperienced mage, the study of Alignments is a dangerous one, and can easily lead to madness or death. Some scholars familiar with the topic believe that Alignmatists aren't actually rare -- just that few survive the arduous learning process. Albus Rickette believed that young Alignmatists were prime targets of the Dark Fey, and that they possessed a secret ritual to turn such prey into Dread Barons.
Artwork by Dimitris Sakkas
Famous in the Field


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