Blessing of Jestyr

The Blessing of Jestyr is practically unknown to the common people of the Material Plane, and only seldom whispered of by the cults of his many aspects. Like the Saints, Jestyr can imbue any mortal with his favor, but often chooses those who have issues determining illusion from reality, or have a prime opportunity to spread chaos and deceit. Mortals lacking in sanity rarely understand what they've been given, finding it nearly impossible to remove the corruption from their souls, and thus eventually succumb to madness (and thus the will of the Old Ones).   

Blessing of Jestyr

Range: Single Source, Single Target
Action: None
Duration: Permanent (See Text)   Like the Blessing of the Dreamer, this Blessing is activated nearly as soon as it is received, and remains active indefinitely. Those who bear the Blessing of Jestyr are immune to the madness that comes from a splitting personality, such as from the effects of Data Bleed or the Splintered condition, and can recall information from all aspects of themselves with relative ease. When wearing a mask, such creatures can take on both physical and mental aspects of the creature the mask displays, which may become permanent over time. In addition, bearers of this Blessing host a connection to the plane of Leng, and can navigate the dimension with the same clarity as a native.   If this Blessing is ever removed (either by Jestyr or the bearer), the target of the Blessing is immediately struck by a Doom of Groetus.  

Doom of Groetus

Range: Single Source, Single Target
Duration: 10 rounds   The Doom of Groetus is a divine curse laid down by one of the many aspects of Jestyr, targeting a single creature that has earned his ire. The creature must immediately make a Will save (DC = 25 + 1/CL) or be subject to the effects of the Doom. If the result of the save is a natural 1, the target immediately takes 2d6 psychic damage per character level (which bypasses all resistances and immunities), and is considered Helpless for the remaining duration of the Doom. This stacks with the continuous damage caused by the Doom itself. Inspiration die not held by the target at the time of casting cannot be used to re-roll this Will save, and similar effects that work on reactions are completely nullified.   On a failed save, a mask of bone begins to build over the target's forehead, slowly covering their mouth and eyes. Runes of pain and death etch themselves into this mask as it grows, dealing 2d6 psychic damage per character level per round, bypassing all resistances and immunities. At this point, there are only two options for survival — the target either survives for the duration in excruciating pain, or a Blessing (or any effect with a similar level of power) that can stop divine curses is invoked (GM discretion). A target made Helpless by the initial saving throw cannot activate any Blessings they hold, unless the ability explicitly says otherwise.


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