
Agatha Hagglethorn (a.k.a. Aggy)

Aggy is a tremendously powerful Fey sorceress living in Night, and a former lover and apprentice of MaMa. Having lived nearly as long as this Iteration, she has seen the rise and fall of the cosmos and survived it all, and has made her home in countless locations outside of Night — including the First World, the Godswood, the Maelstrom, and the Abyss.   While often at odds with the Dream Team due to their affiliation with Tesin Movahesh (now fully appreciated as her divine anticipation MaMa), in recent times she acts as a mentor and guardian to the Kinder reconvening in Night, and a leader in the growing Pyric Coven of Night.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Aggy is always seen wearing the same feathery robes and ragged pants, which much of her body wrapped in bandages or loose cords. Although she holds it tightly, her walking stick is entirely mundane and made of simple oak, and Aggy does not seem to wear any rings or enchanted items commonly found on magical practitioners. She is best known for her piercing yellow eyes, which glow even in magical darkness, and are often the last thing her opponents see before being pulled into the shadows.  

Special abilities

As a master of White Flame and a skilled mage, there are few situations for which Agatha could be considered ill-prepared, and the stories of her defeat in combat are few and far between. She is especially dangerous to Undead and Wither creatures, as she is capable of destroying them long-term with White Flame, and can ward off the basic abilities of most evil-aligned creatures.   Through her invocation of the True Name of Piranesi, Aggy has been known to empower and manipulate her spells, often blending them with White Flame to devastating effect. As seen in S8E8: "The Road to Paradise", Agatha was capable of pulling the very stars out of the Night sky, lighting them with White Flame and summoning them like meteors to crash into the earth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as Agatha Hagglethorn when the First World was new, Aggy lived and studied at the Rookery under the "Northmen" of that era (mentioned also in Remember the North by Celeste). Despite her youth she was considered a master in the usage of White Flame, and seems to hold a version of the Mantle of the White Flame that has grown with her own power. It is unclear what her relationship is with Piranesi (a name often invoked in her magic incantations), but Aggy has stated that she is not the mortal woman mentioned in The Sword Made of Stone, although she was there when it happened.   As described in A Memoir of Night, Aggy was eventually recruited by MaMa to act as her apprentice, overlooking the creation and care of the Kinder in between her own lessons. Eventually, as Aggy grew wary of the methods MaMa used to create more powerful Kinder, she was manipulated by MaMa and became her lover, continuing to serve despite her reservations.   But as Aggy grew more powerful in her magic and came to truly appreciate the horror of what her master was doing, she eventually abandoned Night to return to the mortal lands, and sought a way to stop MaMa at any cost. It seems that she suceeded, but was inadvertantly caught up in a grander scheme to destroy the North, and was either killed or banished by Charon (then known as NaNa, or Smother) before Agatha could stop what she had started. As a result of her failure dozens of Kinder were killed, with MaMa surviving only to live in exile in the ruins of the Rookery (now pulled into Night), and Suan having forsaken his name.   While the details are unknown, Aggy has claimed to known Damien Iroh and Chess from her time in the Godswood, and that she once had tea with Albus Rickette in the Maelstrom. It is not clear when Carrot finally permitted Agatha to return to Night, but she appears to have done so at some point during the Gap, acting as a tutor and friend to the Daughters of Night until the modern age.
Current Residence
Glowing Yellow
Long, Gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Wrinkled, Gray
83 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appears in...

Cover image: Dark Forest by Syncraft Studio
Character Portrait image: Forest Witch by Sherbakov Stanislav


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