Omega Delta Squad

Omega Delta Squad is a secret organization under the umbrella of Stewards Ops, led by Chief Inspector Natasha Lang. It is by far and large the most-skilled crew in Ops, and is often trusted with the Stewards' most dangerous covert operations. They were responsible for the initial expeditions of the Typhoon system, the installation of the Access Beacon on Orikolai, and dozens of other exploits with redacted reports.


The crew is led by Natasha Lang, and has made clear time and time again that they work for her first, and then the Stewards. While disliked by the Stewards commanders, their continued success gives Omega Delta several liberties, including sole ownership of the Highever, the Ion, and the Nutmeg, and an all-around excessive payroll.  

Current Members

  • Agent 01 - Natasha Lang
  • Agent 02 - Doctor Lebowitz
  • Agent 85 - Mu Draconis
  • Agent 26 - ______
  • Agent 99 - Gris
  • Agent XX - Ghost

Previous Members

  • Agent 46 - Clara Young (Deserted)
  • Agent 72 - Dominic Altraeza (Deserted)
  • Agent 53 (Killed by Agent 72)
  • Agent 19 (Killed by Agent 72)
  • Agent 96 (Killed by Agent 72)
  • Agent 77 (Killed by Agent 72)


While many of the Squad's activities are hidden from all but the highest officers of the Stewards, the betrayal of Agent 72 (a.k.a. Dominic Altraeza) and Agent 46 (Clara Young) is well-known to the Ops division. While the rest of the crew was on an expedition in the Pact Worlds, the two killed several civil servants on Orikolai, and stole the recently-completed Access Beacon for themselves.   They retreated to an Aspis Consortium base on Dimidium before the rest of the Squad caught up to them, ending in a shoot-out that saw Agents 53, 19, 96, and 77 dead. Both Dominic and Clara escaped the planet by leaving the Access Beacon behind in a precarious condition, forcing their pursuers to stay grounded and complete the mission.   The crew remained relatively inactive until mid-317 AG, where they made a brief expedition to the Crucible, and recruited Agent 26 on the return trip. Since being trapped on Orikolai's moon, they have overseen the recovery of Lockette Endrinmaster XII-2, and are currently looking to escape.
Founding Date
310 AG
Secret, Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Articles under Omega Delta Squad

Character flag image: by Paizo


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