Order of the Mirror

The Order of the Mirror is a secret league sworn to protect components of the cosmic structure that hold together the universe, but explicitly the Mirror. They directly conspired to place the members of the Dream Team in the Varos Experiment, and have dedicated guardians for each member. In addition, Vaughn (who was the first to reveal the existence of the order) implied that each member of the adventuring party was hand-selected by one of their senior members, recognizing them as individuals with the potential to bear Mantles of Power.  
Val's little pet project. "Keep the Mirror intact." Like it wasn't already broken. The real goal of the Order of the Mirror is to stop any further cracking, so that the big fish can't slip through... They don't pay any mind to little guppy's like me, which is why Val was allowed to keep me employed.


The members of the Order act individually, and all major decisions are decided by a vote. Each member is responsible for one aspect of operations and the welfare of their sponsee, but otherwise work towards their collective agenda via their own methods. Guardians are considered secondary members at best, with some barely aware of the Order at all, or even openly-hostile to them. While those that server official members often aid in the goals of the Order, they are not considered part of the organization -- rather a collection of that member's resources.

Technically these are in my files, not Val's, but Vaughn wanted to charge you for this information, and he really pisses me off so... Here you go. <3

Guardian Pairs:   Sponsor Pairs:   Member Roles:


The Order of the Mirror was founded after Valentina Terris confirmed the presence of Jestyr in the plane of Leng, recognizing this as a weakening of his prison in the Boneyard. After confirming that the Stardust Plague was a sign of the Horseman of Pestilence's arrival, and thus an indicator of the end of days, the founding members banded together to thwart the plans of the Cult of the Elder Mythos, focusing their attention on keeping the structural foundations of the universe, such as the Mirror, intact.

Ever since, they have spun schemes in earnest, with every plan but the last having a failsafe, amassing resources to facilitate the safety of the realms.

Vita Mutatur, Non Tollitur

Founding Date
Secret, Brotherhood


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