Phoenix Avirae

Phoenix Avirae is a secret strike force answering to Alexander Marcus, made up of the mightiest subjects of the Varos Experiment. While they are a new organization, their members are seasoned operatives and criminals, and have already begun to wreak havoc across the Pact Worlds.


Given the small size of Phoenix Avirae, the members of the group often act individually or in pairs, usually on targeted missions in the Pact Worlds. The only pillar of authority is Nakira Umbutu, who is arguably the strongest member of the group (Skittles would hold this title if not for his insanity). Regardless of the natural chain of command, all of the members answer to Alexander Marcus, although his will is usually conveyed through Nakira.


As seen through various visions from the Dreamer, the members of Phoenix Avirae are all backed by scions of the Dark Tapestry, and seem to have a general disdain for the current status of the world. However, the group lacks the nihilism observed in the Cult of the Devourer, and instead hopes to gain something from their nefarious deeds. They believe that no good deed goes unpunished, and that it's better to get what you want through your own power.


Through the purse strings of the Marcus Family, Phoenix Avirae has access to the cutting edge of both magical and mundane technology, and enough influence to silence even the staunchest politicians.

Phoenix Avirae!

Founding Date
317 AG
Adventuring Party
Predecessor Organization
Parent Organization

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