Season 2, Episode 1: "Ragarot Watches Isra Sleep" Report

General Summary

Mining Team 6 settled the engine of the Aga Jain, switched to the energy of the Drift, and left Bretheda far behind. Chad got Ragarot settled in the onboard medical bay, and recovered a Drift Stone hidden about his person. Then the group hit T.R.A.V.I.S. with a barrage of questions, picked out their rooms on the ship, and dropped into a deep sleep.   In the Dreamlands the party saw a past dream involving Chad, but with a radically different layout of events. In particular, it seems that Phillis wasn't alone when she recovered Chad, rushing to Sampson Lotterbee with someone named "Qwen". In addition, it was Chad who killed the Confluence Agent that arrived at their home, using his psychic powers to crush the Barathu into a flesh ball. His eyes went milky white, similar to the shade of Varos Mining Team 3 before their untimely demise, and afterwards Chad had no memory of the event...   Upon waking, Ragarot hovered over Isra, claiming that something from Leng was attempting to use her latent rift abilities to enter the Drift, and taint the party's dreams. The group quickly came to the conclusion that this may have been happening all along, and that their past dreams were due for additional skepticism. Despite a tense exchange surrounding personal boundaries, T.R.A.V.I.S. was able to work with Isra and Ragarot to identify the energy's signature, and would begin to interfere with the signal in the future.   Mining Team 6 spent the day getting used to their new ship, and customizing their personal quarters to their liking. Satisfied with their first true day of freedom, they were content to drop back into bed when T.R.A.V.I.S. interrupted, claiming a disturbance up ahead. They found Mandarb fighting creatures from Aucturn in the Drift, and after a quick assessment, decided to help the Angel even out the battlefield. Together they made quick work of the creatures, and Mandarb left with promise of aid, should they ever find themselves in shouting distance of Righteous.   The following night, the party shared a dream of Nakira Umbutu, saved from the bloody arenas of Akiton, and forced into gruesome training in the jungles of Castrovel. In the end, she had gained the powers of a Vanguard, and the Jester cooed with pleasure...   Then at last, Absalom Station! Although things were rocky at first, Valentina Terris picked up on Mining Team 6's arrival, smoothing the way and even inviting Luwasi Elsebo to escort them to Downlow. The First Seeker was excited to see Lockette, believing her to be the original Iron Drake, and became cold and guarded when Lockette revealed the truth. She let them pick up some lunch at Sensei's noodle shop, and then left them under house arrest at Chad's old home.   Not soon after, Valentina arrived way ahead of schedule, revealing one hell of a surprise - full pardons for everyone, and even a pending legal suit against Absalom Station PD for their mishandling of Chad. She claimed no ulterior motive other than annoying her rival, Alexander Marcus, which seemed to suit the party just fine. But she had something more in mind... 10,000 credits up front, and another after - with travel fees and perks included - should the party go to Aballon in the near future, and recover her missing agent, Abelina Tremont.   After some initial distrust and some questions, the party agreed to her terms, and with credits in hands, set their eyes on the neighboring Lotterbee Brother's Tool Shop!  

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • Isra gained a card of Good Hope.
  • Lockette gained the Blessing of the Faded.
  • Chad gained the Blessing of the Wonder.
  • Tesin gained the Blessing of the Beekeeper.
  • Balio/Mist gained a card of Ill Fate.
  • 2,000 credits each (Valentina's Contract)
  • Outfits and Gear for Travel (Valentina's Contract)
  • UPBs for a Hydroponic Garden Upgrade (Valentina's Contract)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Find Abelina Tremont (Party): In Progress
  • Find Shalema (Tesin): In Progress
  • The Solarions of Idari (Tesin): In Progress
  • Balio's Secret (Mist): In Progress
  • Credentials On My Mind (Chad): In Progress
  • Defeat the Raggedy Man (Chad): In Progress
  • Liberate the Forge (Isra): In Progress
  • Where Are My Keys? (Lockette): In Progress

Created Content

The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
24 Nov 2020
Primary Location


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