
As defined by the Petal Consortium, a Transform is an object or creature that can manipulate spacetime without being intrinsically tied to the Petal around them. They are classified from Level 0 to Level 5, based on the Transform's ability to manipulate reality.


Before entering a discussion of the various levels, it is worth noting that most creatures are intrinsically tied to the Petal they are born in, and live in this state until their death. Therefore, while these creatures may be capable of the feats described below, this does not make them a Transform. By definition, any creature that relies on Divinity — or any Endless that embody a localized phenomenon — are excluded from this classification. Ironically, entities who attempt to become more powerful Transforms almost always bar themselves from reaching such heights, as manufactured methods often tie back to the essence of a Petal in some metaphysical way — even if just their understanding of existence, tainted by the perception of their native Petal.   The Petal Consortium considers any non-native object incapable of movement or thought (e.g. a non-sentient rock) to be a Level 0 Transform, and that most Worldhoppers and Nadir mortals are Level 1 Transforms — capable of moving themselves inside a Petal, and having their own will. This rough classification is rarely used in their literature, and instead serves as a baseline to classify all the levels above them.   A Level 2 Transform is an entity or object capable of moving itself both instantaneously and nonlinearly without using the energies of the Petal. For example, a cleric may teleport with the magic granted to them by their deity, but a Level 2 Transform does so without any magic whatsoever (a.k.a. Skipping and Hopping). A Level 3 Transform is considered a half-step up, as they are capable of moving not only themselves but pieces of the Petal, potentially severing the pieces' connection with their homeworld.   A Level 4 Transform begins to manipulate time and space, often becoming ageless, and can move linearly across the fourth dimension with little effort. While Level 4 Transforms can be fourth-dimensional entities (or higher), this is not a requirement — a Transform does not need to fully understand what their instincts are telling them to do before they can do it, and many Level 4 Transforms discover their abilities accidentally.   At the highest end of the classification are Level 5 Transforms, terrifying entities that lack godhood, but can completely rewrite the reality of a Petal. In the right environment such Transforms are capable of killing gods, sundering worldspaces, and even breaking Petals into subgradient parts. They are considered extremely rare, with the Consortium only cataloguing a few dozen across the multiverse, and seldom survive the immediate ire they draw from the natives of the Petal they inhabit.


As a concept, Transforms were first introduced to the Dream Team during a discussion with Riley Logan and Kauma Gonjodonque (see Who's Who in Whoville?), and later explained fully by Albus Rickette and Vaughn Blackblood (see S10E8: "And So the Land Was Mine to Bend"). As seen in Vaughn's last report to the Consortium (see Petal Consortium Report #6442), Transforms are dangerous enough that the organization attempts to eliminate them on sight, and often require senior agents to take down.   Notable Transforms in the Infinity Petal include Isra (a Level 3) and Lalantha (a Level 5). The First Ones attempted to create a Level 5 Transform as part of the research that would later make the Forge and SS Iron Drake, but were only able to create Isra and Lockette Endrinmaster XII-2. It is implied in the events of S8E6: "Scoured Stars & Dragonglass" that a Transform is required for Lockette to complete the full potential of Project Ouroboros.

Cover image: this strange map by technochroma


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