Ordon's Eye

Ordon's Eye is an enchanted greatsword housing the soul of a titan known as Ordon the Terrible. It's one of three family heirlooms kept by House Vecathaar and one of five soul swords throughout all of Ardunia.    The sword's name is literal in its Common Tongue translation, meaning the blow that killed the titan was when the blade was run through Ordon's Eye. Yet it's meaning in Khal Khadesh signifies the otherworldy nature of the artifact, which allows the blade to speak and react to its environment.   It's currently in the possession of Ariock of Caessia

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The greatsword's exterior is mystically smithed by an unknown blacksmith and while many have claimed responsibility over the years, the sword's true creator is unknown to this day. Symbols of four moons are embroidered around his cross guards. In Wolfman culture, its believed that three is Ordon's number and thus the fourth moon acts as an anchor so long as its wielder is not seduced by Ordon's ramblings.   When touched, the sword may act by his own will and has shown the ability to discern the fears and desires of whoever wields it.


The slaying of Ordon the Terrible signified an era a peace throughout the north and eased tensions between the Wolfmen and the Human peoples who had recently settled within the Northern Plains. It's believed that a Vecathaar ancestor slayed the treacherous titan, ending his conquest to enslave the north and feast on the fear of his subjects. Yet where his body decayed, his soul was forced to remain within the blade that felled him.
by Gabrix89
  Ordon's soul trapped within the greatsword.
Current Holder