Elemental Gems

With the power of these gems the very power of the gods can be granted to anyone who wields them.


Material Characteristics

Stones are identified in ten different types.  
Red - Fire
Blue - Water
Green - Nature
Yellow - Light
Brown - Earth
Grey - Metal
Purple - Lightning
White - Ice
Black - Shadow
Light Green - Wind

Physical & Chemical Properties

Each type of stone acts similar to the element it is apart of, meaning if it is an ice gem, its cold to the touch or if it is a fire gem it will emit heat.

Geology & Geography

The gems themselves can be found all across the world deep within at least a hundred feet of the earth where they remain.

Origin & Source

It is unclear how these gems were created, but most believe that they were created during the god war before the cataclysm enveloped the world. I is believed that fragments of the gods' power were concentrated to create gems ensured with their powers.

Life & Expiration

The power that lies within the stones often will remain in side of the indefinately

History & Usage


Since the discovery of elemental gems across the world, they became a symbol of invocation and power to those who had them. Along to those to advance civilization by reach peak unattainable by normal means. The first use of these gems were used in common ways such as agriculture or construction. But these gems were often used in the warfare as their power could change the course of battle with ease. But as the Ages went on they were often used as energy sources as they saw little use as technological advancements improved all aspects of civilization over time. But there has been a resurgence in using these in warfare to power machines to grant an edge on their oppenents.


It is unknown when the first gems were discovered, but many often started popping up during the Dark Age when mining was becoming more sophisticated.

Industrial Use

Certain gems can used to created materials or even power machinery due to the power that they hold.


Elemental gems are dangerous when in use as their power will be unleashed if not properly controlled and to shatter one is to created a large explosions of that element.


Trade & Market

The gems are often are sold by mining companies and coperations that dig them selling them to anyone how has the money to buy them due to power and rarity in finding them.


The stones often have to be left in special containers that suit the element that they are apart of to keep it in check should it power is unleashed for any reason,

Law & Regulation

Many of theses gems are regulated by governments across world that restrict the uses of them. Often only allowing the use of them certain types of businesses, along with military and scientific research.
8,000 - 10,000 credits
Common State
Related Species


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