Unified Tribes of Enu'rusa

Never underestimate the power of nature

So many have lost how the land feels, and so many only take instead of giving back; it suffers as it is poisoned and stripped of its beauty. But we will never stray from it, for it's a part of us, and we are a part of it. We will speak for it and make others listen; only then will the land once more find peace. - Chief Joobo Daki


Circle of Elders: Across the many tribes that inhabit the jungles, the elders are often their people's most revered and respected leaders. Therefore, they are honored to lead and guide the tribes with a council of their peers who hail from all tribes. Here, they speak only truth and understanding with one another as equals, with none having more influence over the others as they sit together in the sacred circle as a sign of brotherhood and respect for one another.   Listeners of the Urun: A group of shamans that have received great power and understanding of nature, communing with the Urun, the Heart that is connected to all living things. Due to this connection, they can deeply understand plants and animals and use them in ways few others can. Because of this, they are held in high regard and can often tell when danger or a wound to nature is discovered so it can be stopped and healed to restore harmony.   Tribes of Enu'rusa: Several hundred tribes exist across the jungle and coexist with the lands where they live in harmony with nature. Most mind one another’s business unless it involves more serious matters, each governed by a chief and a shaman. But a shaman leads each group, and a Koruhi chieftain represents the entire tribe.



  Since the first of our people came into being, the jungle has provided us with what was needed to survive and thrive. In doing so, we understood its purpose and the wisdom it grants to all born from its womb to ensure we never would go astray. Many tribes across it can live peaceful and meaningful lives because of the wisdom given to them by the spirits that inhabit them. Our way is that of the Jungle; since the time of the first tribe, this has been the way and shall remain so until we return it. It is not our purpose to conquer and bend nature to our will but to exist within it like all creatures. By achieving this, we have realized that not all share this sentiment, as they destroy the nature that once nurtured them for greed and corruption, destroying all that stands in their path. It is from this horrible truth that we must ensure that this will never happen to our home no matter how this poison spreads across the world; we shall ensure it never taints our soil to preserve all living things in their natural state.  


  Despite being a minor technological state with the Phoenixian Dominions, they are still given the same rights as all other members. But the tribes make up for this with their advancements in the natural sciences of biology and chemistry, being able to create bio-organic technology using the natural resources of their homeland. Outsiders highly seek medicine due to its potent properties. Much of the raw materials found here are traded with other dominions as a means of goodwill. They often reject most technology, such as weapons and communication devices, for a few.

Public Agenda

The Tikasa tribes wish to protect their homeland from modernization and development since the jungles are considered sacred. They also want to keep the peace between nature and technology, making them protectors of all things wild and green, especially from those whose greed often finds them in the jungle.


Tikasa Jungle has everything it needs to survive and maintain itself, with its vast resources of materials and weapons unique to the region's biology.


Children of Nature

  Like so many after the Great Cataclysm, the story of the Tikasa begins with the migration of the ancestors of the founders of Gear Nation. About halfway through their journey to the future Gear homeland, in the lands that would later become Death's Turf some of the migrants broke off and head south instead of east, the reason why has been lost with Gear scholars speculating they might have been separated or just left seeing that’s the harsh conditions they were enduring would lead them to doom. Much of this history mainly comes from oral traditions by the Tikasa, so some of it may conflict with some records at the time. Those that headed south soon found themselves in the Great Waste, and many perished traveling across it, yet some did manage to survive the crossing and made a startling discovery. A lush patch of green that survived the destruction of the cataclysm and was now thriving. Here, the survivors learned to survive, forsaking all technology and living a life that was one with nature.   Yet it did not end there as something extraordinary happened to their descendants as they metamorphosed into a different species. What was once flesh and blood would be replaced with wood and sap as they became more with their jungle home, becoming what they are today as the Tikasa. How this happened is uncertain, with the natives stating that the jungle chose them to be its protectors and gifted them with great power. Still, some speculate a form of natural mutation from the jungle occurred or even the divine power of god to do this, with many speculating the Caretaker had a hand in it. Whatever it might have been, the arrival of the Tikasa brought forth an age of expansion to the jungle as they became its protectors and nurturers; they used gifts to spread nature to the desolate world their ancestors lived in. A perfect balance of nature thrived here without needing to harvest its resources for advancement or greed. Here, one could live a peaceful life without the worries of civilization ensnaring them with nonsense so long as they had the strength and will to survive such a harsh lifestyle. Many tribes formed and forged communal bonds with one another as there was a need to fight one another where all could share the bountiful gift that was bestowed upon them in this paradise they called home. Many generations of peace as they lived their lives without the hardships of war, but like all this in nature, conflict would eventually come.  

Clashes against Civilization

  It was not long before the expansion of the jungle came to a halt after many centuries of peaceful growth, with tribes growing in great numbers as they came across other states that rose from the ashes of the cataclysm. The first was the Kingdom of Van Carno to the west and farther east would be the Mutant Commonwealth with the tribes offering peace and coexistence with them as long as they respected the jungle and its inhabitants. However, it would not last as both sides sought to expand their lands and resources and began to invade the jungle and strip it of its resources. Forcing tribes to form war parties to defend their home from the invaders and drive them back repeatedly. During this time, they honed their warfare craft by training war beasts, creating devastating weaponry, and using the powers of shamanism to crush their foes. Rarely did they expand further into enemy territory as they did not wish for a costly victory and remained in the defense at all times, something that did not always work to hold off the invaders.   When the Machines arrived between their borders with Van Carno, they finally knew defeat. With their desire to form their state, the Machine Collective devastated the tribes with their advanced technology and their mechanical bodies made it difficult for most tribes weapons to hold off their advance. Resulting in large swaths of the jungle being torn down and burned as the tribes were forced to fall deeper into the jungle to escape the destruction. Calling upon the spirits of the Jungle to hold back the metal menace to save their people, the jungle did answer as a mighty storm arrived and flooded the jungle, quenching the fires and causing the Machines to be trapped in thick mud, many being buried alive in it, with many others beginning to rust for the intense humidity and moisture, allowing the tribes to fight back and repeal them away from their homeland. However, they could never reclaim much of the land they lost to the collective, leading to many wars between both sides due to being solar opposites. Yet they could avoid any more loss of land from any other realm by fortifying their borders with power, magic, and nature that would remain closed until the Battle that Never Was.  

Gift of Change

  In the time of Phoenixian Dominions founding, the Tribes would be able to preserve their way of life from any further conflict from the borders with the other dominions with their lands being turned a massive nature reserve that could only be accessed with their approval or the by authority of the government. Allowing the tribes to live peacefully once more, but the cooperation with the other dominions created new opportunities for them by gaining the attention of like-minded individuals who shared their ideals. Many Tikasa also ventured outside their lands to spread their knowledge of nature to improve agriculture, environmental restoration, medicine, etc. This allowed them to bring nature back to places long since lost and accept some of the outside world's ideas to aid them when they suited them. Allowing the dominions to truly value the lands they live on for the land the giver to all creatures that wish to live.  

An Eerie Presence

  The Jungle has begun to grow restless since the time of the Shadow Wars as something seems to be amidst it. While the tribes have managed to recover from the war, the scars from it seem to linger and fester like an open wound that has been left unattended. The land appears to have become sick for an unknown reason that kills both plants and animals, with no solution to finding a cure. Being referred to by the tribes as the Deadly Wither, as it sucks the life out of everything it comes in contact with, resulting in some areas becoming off-limits and quarantined while the tribes attempt to find the source of the disease and create a cure for it. However, due to the dangers of the disease spreading outside the jungle, experts of Machine Collective and Death's Turf have been called in to aid in the search because they are immune to the disease's effects. This has caused some uproar among the tribes as they often seek to solve problems without outside assistance but reluctantly accept it to save their home and people. This concern has shifted the tribe's attention from other issues, with outside influences such as smugglers and poachers entering the jungle to steal its resources for profit, causing more damage to the land that may lead to dire consequences should they be kept unchecked.

Demography and Population

The Jungle itself is shared by hundreds of different Tikasa tribes, who live off the land and survive in their diverse ecosystem. In total, fifty million people live across the jungle. While most stay in their ancestral lands in villages and tree cities, some live nomadic lifestyles, going where needed with the changing seasons.


The jungle they reside in is known as Enu'rusa, the Cradle of the Heart, as it is a lush and untamed place for all things to thrive. It is a wilderness that remains untouched by civilization or technological advancements. It is often referred to as one of the greatest natural wonders because of this fact, as the tribes never seem to struggle because of their close connection with their land.


Enu'rusa, being mainly a tribal society, has left its inhabitants to follow outdated and primitive forms of warfare, lacking the modern means of a modern military. However, this does not mean it is considered useless and ineffective, as their unorthodox methods and tactics often give them the edge against modern militaries unable to compete with them. Their biotechnology and mysticism significantly affect modern-day weaponry and armor and strengthen their forces in battle.   Confederate War Party: The closest attempt at a standing army that the tribes have to offer, being made up of some of the best warriors from all of the tribes and combining them to create a lethal fight forces that often use short-range projectile weapons and close combat when engaging enemy forces. They are usually the first ones sent into battle and are used as an irregular force in guerilla warfare, sabotage, and surprise attacks, vanishing into their environment after attack.   Warpath Mystic: A division of the tribes made up of specialists who practice the mystic art of the Enu. It is made up of Shamans who have trained in the art of battle to protect their people from harm. While playing a supporting role within the tribes, their gifts enable them to strengthen their comrades and deliver harm to their enemies by unleashing the power of nature upon them.   Tribal War Troops: Each tribe has many warriors with countless fighters who have years of experience, have been trained in their tribe's customs, and can survive independently from a young age. While not as disciplined as a standard soldier, they make up for it with their warrior spirit and skill in all things wild. They are highly mobile without being slowed down by rough terrain and untamed wilderness.

Technological Level

They are considered the most primitive society in the world and are not advanced in anything except medicine and beast-taming. But their ingenuity has enabled them to tap into mystical arts and weapons that can give them the edge in battle, with some of their weapons able to breach high-tech armor.


The tribal faith is a mixture of mysticism and spiritualism that transcends the natural world, filled with spirits and all creatures interconnected with everything. Yet the Founders are also accepted here, mainly the Caretaker with the Phoenix being widely accepted for breathing life into the world with renewal and change.

Foreign Relations

The tribes mainly take an isolationist policy because many nations are technologically advanced and forsake nature. Even entering their lands is heavily restricted to outsiders to ensure that it does not cause damage to the environment or stealing of resources. This is lessened with other member states with the Phoenixan Dominions as they respect the tribe's independence and preservation of its territory. Outside of them, they are often met with suspicion and wariness as they usually do not value something as they do, and those who see entry need approval and special clearance to do so. Trade is minimal as most technologies are banned within the territory, and the same is true for goods to ensure they do not cause problems later on.

Agriculture & Industry

Being one of the most fertile lands in all the dominions, Enu’rusa is filled with a massive abundance of food grown and hunted here without ever building farms. Because of this, the Dominions are the highest contributor to food and are often traded for it by most dominions. Food is not the only resource at their disposal, as plant and animal parts are frequently used for scientific research and medicine to benefit others and are greatly sought after. Their most significant downside is that they lack any industry that involves machinery and environmental harm to nature, only being able to create natural goods such as pottery, jewelry, wood carvings, and anything else they can make. This is often used as a popular means of selling souvenirs for resources or as a means of cultural exchange to promote peace and cooperation.

Trade & Transport

Very few places have a road or an advanced means of travel, making it impossible for vehicles to travel through. The tribes just traveled by foot or used tamed beasts while carrying supplies. However, under specific laws within the Dominions, they have to have a means of faster transportation to get through the jungle. So, the National Railway is present in the region and is the only means of transportation. Making moving goods much easier once the required items are delivered to it.


Much of the education across Enu'rusa is based on the teachings of nature and the Tikasa way of life. I learned how to survive and fight to defend my tribe and preserve my way of life. Those who can attune to the mystic art of the jungle will go thorough through training. However, many tribes have their own history and traditions that all learn to become fully instated into their tribe. But all are taught about the outside world and their union within the Phoenixian Dominions and their role in it to further spread unity within the tribes.


Settlements are primarily small villages with some large cities. But most are made of wood and animal skins, and most are built high in tall trees for protection. The main difference between these settlements is that they often lack certain needs because of their tribal lifestyle. Few bridges and roads exist as well since they do not need to rely on them since they know how to traverse the terrain.

All Are One

Founding Date
1E 8000
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
Tikasa Jungle, Enu'rusa, Tribal Confederacy
Government System
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Barter system
Domain Dinars: The official currency of the Phoenixian Dominions that can be used in any state across the dominions to ensure that transactions are made more easily with the need for other currencies.
Major Exports
Plants, animals, natural materials, you name it, everyone wants something from them. Since the tribes do not farm or mine, they have to wait for the right time in the season to harvest these resources to trade with, and many will pay a lot of credits to get their hands on their materials.
Major Imports
Despite being mainly a technophobic civilization for the most part, it does mean they are completely against it or some of it. Items such as modern tools, weapons, materials, and medicines are designed explicitly for their biology. All of this will often aid them in protecting themselves from the dangers of the modern world from within or outside their home.
Judicial Body
Union of Shamans: The Shamans decide the fate of laws and often consult with one another and the jungle itself to see if it threatens them and their way of life.
Controlled Territories
Related Species

Enigmatic People

by midjourney
Many people who have never met a Tikasa before will often see them as strange people who live in the wilderness and are shrouded in mystery. - Dr. Hurren Ortis
  For much of the history of Enu'rusa, the tribes that live within its lands have remained a mystery to much of the world. They always keep to themselves and avoid contact with much of the outside world. They often go about their lives and stay out of others' affairs as long as it does not affect them in any way. While some of them leave their homeland occasionally, it is often with some purpose that they seek to accomplish for some reason, often with the intent to succeed no matter the hardship. But those who have come to know them have said that they only trust those who understand them and the reasons behind their action, all for a greater power that they seem to understand and connect to for all to prosper.  

Untamed Land

by midjourney
One must wonder what it is like to live in that jungle, surrounded by beauty and savagery, without any signs of civilization in sight; it sounds wonderful and horrifying at the same time. - Herbologist
  While many places have been left untouched by the influence of civilization and its destructive nature, none can genuinely understand true wilderness better than the expansive jungle of Enu'rusa. It is a land that has remained untouched by the ever-expanding powers of progress and industry, for the inhabitants of the jungle care not for wealth and power but for preserving their way of life no matter the cost. Here, the plants and the animals are allowed to exist without fearing their existence being threatened by their home's destruction. No trees are cut down, nor is the ground dug up for the metals that lie below its surface, often being a sacrilegious crime to commit by anyone who does so. All that is green is sacred, and none shall take away the gift granted to its people to allow harmony to thrive and for all creatures to live as they were intended to be, wild and free.

Way of Nature

by midjourney
Many have sought a greater understanding of the world to connect better with nature. Often, they never realize that they must open their hearts to begin the first steps of finding harmony within themselves. - Tikasa Shaman
  The tribes of these lands, despite not being at the same technological level as the rest of the world, have found other ways to see themselves at a tremendous advantage than relying on machines as they have a greater reward, a connection to nature itself and all of the gifts that come with it. Even in Enu'rusa, this gift is used to commune with the land from spirits within it being called upon for their wisdom and strength, the plants for their fertility and endurance, and the animals for their ferocity and cunning. They hear it all around them, knowing the hidden language of nature that few understand, and they use it to survive the trials that await them in the wilds. Through this understanding, the tribes have existed in peace within their lands since the beginning without the need to fight one another and share the ground they walk upon for all to accept its vast bounty.

Cover image: by midjourney


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