Valley of Ancients

Though they are gone, our ancestors watch over us, and we watch over them to ensure they are never forgotten. - Tikasa Shaman
  Deep with the Jungles of Enu’rusa amongst the dense and wild foliage that surrounds it lies many secrets that very few outsiders ever have the chance to see in their life for only the Tikasa are the ones who truly know the location of a sacred place that is revered by all of the tribes of the jungle. For it here that the birthplace of their people is said to have come from this one place as they were embraced by nature itself and honored this place by maintaining the old ruins and remembering their ancestors.


Origin of the First Tribe

  According to legend, when Humans arrived during the Trek of Many Paths, during that time these Humans would forsake civilization to live a life of nature and revert to a tribal lifestyle. Their connection with nature changed over time, and they became one with their jungle home. Though none truly understood how this happened, when they emerged, they would become the first of the Tikasa that would one day inhabit the entirety of the jungle. The tribe’s name has been lost to time, but its legacy remains strong as it has been told that all tribes of Enu’rusaare descended from them, creating a shared kinship between them. Though not much is known about why they scattered instead of staying united as one people, outsiders believe it was simply differences of opinion on how the tribe should be ruled. Still, to the Tikasa themselves, their teachings often speak of embracing change and the laws of nature, so it is possible that, like the seeds of an old tree, they decided to spread to breathe new life into the world and allow new tribes to form as a means to ensure the future of their people and avoid the pitfalls of civilization to live a life of freedom and harmony with their world instead of allowing it to rot with it twisted ideas. Now, all that is left are the ruins they left behind as a reminder that they even existed.
Alternative Name(s)
Cradle of Memory
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Jester%


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