Aspirants of the Thresholds

In the shadowed corridors of the Temple of the Expanse, where the whispers of cosmic winds intertwine with ethereal veils, a select few tread with silent purpose—the Aspirants of the Thresholds. A clandestine order within the Church of Sarwan, these enigmatic individuals are the guardians of the cosmic gateways, explorers of the Multiverse, and keepers of secrets veiled in celestial mystique.   Veiled in robes adorned with constellations and crowned with diadems resembling celestial patterns, the Aspirants embody the silent navigators who traverse the realms beyond, seeking the echoes of unseen truths. Chosen from the ranks of the Wanderers of the Expanse, they embark on metaphysical journeys that transcend the boundaries of Glosmordin.   As the cosmic gateways flicker in the Threshold Hall, the Aspirants gather in silent reverence. Guided by the Rose Compass and the timeless Rose, their symbols of unity and divine connection, they delve into the quietude of celestial meditation, attuning themselves to the subtle currents that bind the Multiverse.   The Grand Navigatrix or Grand Navigator, the revered leader of the Aspirants, oversees the order's silent explorations. Beneath the shimmering veils, each Aspirant weaves their own ceremonial veil—a protective shroud for their ventures into the unknown realms. The celestial diadems upon their brows symbolize the stars that guide their silent sojourns.   In the Threshold Vigil, as twilight bathes the Temple in a soft glow, the Aspirants renew their commitment to the sacred thresholds. The silence of their gatherings echoes with the promise to safeguard the secrets uncovered in the unseen realms, veiled from the mundane world.   As the seasons turn, the Aspirants engage in the Veilweaving Ceremony, crafting veils adorned with symbols representing the Multiverse's myriad realms. These ceremonial veils become both shields and conduits, preserving the sanctity of their silent explorations and weaving new threads into the cosmic tapestry.   Bound by an oath that resonates with the echoes of the unknown, the Aspirants of the Thresholds keep the veiled boundaries between worlds, guided by the unseen whispers, and unfurling wisdom in the realms where they are beckoned. Their existence, concealed in the cosmic folds, remains a testament to the silent dance between the known and the unknown in the grand symphony of Glosmordin.   Within the mystical corridors of the Temple of the Expanse, a select group of individuals tread silently, bearing the title of the Aspirants of the Thresholds. These enigmatic explorers, handpicked from the ranks of the Wanderers of the Expanse, form a secretive priesthood dedicated to the unfathomable art of Multiverse traversal.   Recruitment and Training: The path to becoming an Aspirant is a carefully guarded secret, known only to the senior members of the priesthood. Those chosen exhibit exceptional skills in navigation, adaptability, and an innate understanding of the intricacies of the Multiverse. Once selected, aspirants undergo rigorous training, honing their abilities to navigate the limitless dimensions that stretch beyond Glosmordin.   Multiverse Journeys: Unlike their counterparts, the Aspirants of the Thresholds are not bound by the physical constraints of a single realm. With mastery over ancient portals and cosmic gateways, they traverse the Multiverse, exploring distant dimensions, each with its own laws, landscapes, and mysteries. These journeys are undertaken with utmost secrecy, their tales shared only within the trusted circle of Aspirants.   Guardians of Multiversal Secrets: The Multiverse, with its infinite possibilities, harbors both wonders and dangers. The Aspirants act as custodians of the knowledge gained during their explorations, understanding the potential consequences of revealing too much to the wider world. Within the Temple of the Expanse, they convene in secluded chambers, sharing insights cautiously and ensuring that the delicate balance of Glosmordin remains undisturbed.   The Silent Brotherhood: Aspirants of the Thresholds form a silent brotherhood within the larger order. Their rituals are conducted in hushed tones, and their gatherings remain hidden from the public eye. Each member is bound by an oath of secrecy, understanding the weight of the Multiversal knowledge they carry. Their existence is known only to a select few, and their enigmatic nature only deepens the intrigue surrounding their activities.   Role in the Grand Design: The Aspirants see themselves as custodians of a cosmic balance, navigating the tides of the Multiverse to safeguard the essence of Glosmordin. They believe that every exploration, every leap across realms, contributes to the greater understanding of the cosmos. Their role is not to conquer the Multiverse but to learn from it and protect their world from unforeseen threats.   The Unseen Navigators: While the Wanderers of the Expanse openly celebrate their discoveries, the Aspirants remain unseen navigators, weaving through the unseen threads of the Multiverse. Their existence is a whispered secret, a silent acknowledgment of the vastness that extends beyond the thresholds of Glosmordin.   The Aspirants of the Thresholds, with their quiet resolve and commitment to the Multiversal mysteries, stand as guardians of knowledge, venturing where few dare to tread and ensuring that the secrets they uncover remain veiled within the sacred circle of their chosen brotherhood.


The Aspirants of the Thresholds cultivate a culture that is steeped in mystery, introspection, and a shared reverence for the cosmic tapestry. Their unique role as silent navigators of the Multiverse shapes the ethos and dynamics within the priesthood. Silent Reverence:   Silence is a cherished aspect of Aspirant culture. The daily meditations, rituals, and even social interactions often occur in quietude. Silence is not only a sign of respect for the sacred mysteries they guard but also a means of attuning themselves to the subtle whispers of the Multiverse. Veiled Individuality:   While Aspirants maintain a sense of unity, there is a recognition of the individual journey. Each member is veiled in an air of mystique, and personal experiences from Multiverse explorations are often kept private. This veiling of individuality adds an enigmatic layer to the culture. Celestial Symbology:   Celestial symbols are woven into every aspect of Aspirant life. From the robes they wear to the ceremonial veils and the diadems on their brows, these symbols serve as constant reminders of their connection to the cosmic forces. The language of stars permeates their culture, both visually and spiritually. Knowledge as a Living Tapestry:   Aspirants view knowledge as a living tapestry, constantly evolving and interweaving. The act of exploration is not just a journey; it is a thread added to the greater cosmic fabric. The shared belief in the interconnectedness of all things shapes their approach to understanding the Multiverse. Guardianship Mentality:   The Aspirants adopt a guardianship mentality, seeing themselves as stewards of the Multiverse's secrets. This sense of responsibility fosters a collective ethos of protection, with each member recognizing the weight of their role in maintaining balance and harmony across realms. Seasons of Reflection:   The Aspirants follow a cyclical calendar aligned with celestial events. The changing seasons and cosmic phenomena mark periods of reflection, where they collectively review their experiences, share insights, and plan future explorations. These seasonal reflections strengthen the bonds within the order. Mentorship and Apprenticeship:   Mentorship plays a crucial role in Aspirant culture. Experienced members take on apprentices, guiding them through the intricacies of Multiverse navigation, silent meditation, and the responsibilities of keeping the sacred knowledge. This mentor-apprentice dynamic contributes to the passing down of wisdom through generations. Communal Living:   Aspirants often reside in communal living quarters within the Temple of the Expanse. This communal lifestyle fosters a sense of shared purpose, with daily interactions centered around the pursuit of cosmic understanding. The boundaries between personal and collective spaces blur, reinforcing the interconnectedness they hold dear. Ceremonial Aesthetics:   Ceremonies are infused with aesthetic elements that evoke the celestial. Soft lighting, ethereal music, and celestial fragrances contribute to an atmosphere that transcends the mundane. These ceremonial aesthetics serve to transport Aspirants into a state of heightened awareness during rituals. Respect for the Unknown:   Aspirants embrace the unknown with open hearts and minds. There is a collective acknowledgment that the Multiverse is vast, and the mysteries it holds are beyond complete comprehension. This humility instills a culture of continuous learning, encouraging members to approach each exploration with curiosity and respect. The culture of the Aspirants of the Thresholds is a delicate blend of silence, symbolism, and shared purpose. It reflects their commitment to the mysteries of the Multiverse and the responsibilities they carry as guardians of its secrets.

Tenets of Faith

Secrecy as a Sacred Veil: Aspirants pledge to keep the knowledge gained from Multiverse explorations veiled in secrecy. The sacred oath demands discretion, ensuring that the delicate balance of Glosmordin is preserved, and the broader world remains shielded from potential repercussions.   Guardianship, Not Conquest:   As guardians of the Multiverse's secrets, Aspirants vow to approach their explorations with humility and respect. Their purpose is to learn, observe, and protect rather than exploit or conquer the realms they encounter.   Selective Disclosure for Unity:   Aspirants understand the importance of unity within the Temple of the Expanse. While they keep many details concealed, they recognize the value of sharing certain insights with the broader order, fostering collaboration and shared wisdom.   Balance in Multiverse Navigation:   Navigating the Multiverse requires an understanding of balance. Aspirants pledge to respect the natural order of each realm, avoiding actions that could disrupt the cosmic harmony. They strive to be observers and stewards, rather than disruptors.   Adaptability in the Face of the Unknown:   Multiverse exploration demands adaptability. Aspirants commit to embracing the unknown, adapting to the diverse landscapes, inhabitants, and challenges presented by the realms they encounter. Flexibility is a key virtue in their silent journeys.   Meticulous Documentation:   The sacred duty of recording Multiverse experiences falls upon the Aspirants. They vow to be meticulous chroniclers, ensuring that every detail, from the geography of unexplored dimensions to the nuances of interdimensional encounters, is accurately documented.   Custodians of Multiversal Echoes:   Aspirants accept the responsibility of being custodians of the Multiverse's echoes. The wisdom gained from their journeys is preserved not only for their own order but for the benefit of future generations within the Temple of the Expanse.   Harmony with Celestial Cycles:   Recognizing the interconnectedness of Glosmordin with the celestial tapestry, Aspirants align their Multiverse activities with the cosmic cycles. They undertake journeys at opportune times, acknowledging the influence of celestial bodies on the fabric of reality.   Guided by Intuition and Wisdom:   Multiverse exploration requires a delicate balance of intuition and wisdom. Aspirants vow to trust their instincts while drawing upon the accumulated knowledge of the order. The synthesis of intuition and wisdom guides them through the unknown.   Unity Among Aspirants:   As a silent brotherhood, Aspirants pledge to foster unity within their ranks. They share insights, support one another in their individual journeys, and collectively uphold the sanctity of their sacred oath. The strength of the order lies in the unity of its members.   These tenets form the ethical and spiritual foundation of the Aspirants of the Thresholds, guiding their actions, interactions, and responsibilities as they navigate the enigmatic expanses of the Multiverse.


Oath of the Aspirants of the Thresholds: In the dimly lit chambers of the Temple of the Expanse, beneath the watchful gaze of the celestial tapestry, those chosen to join the Aspirants of the Thresholds solemnly recite the sacred oath. Bound by words that echo through the corridors of the Multiverse, aspiring members pledge their allegiance to the mysteries they are about to unravel:   "I, [Name], seeker of the unseen, aspirant to the thresholds of existence, do willingly and without reservation, pledge my mind, body, and spirit to the eternal pursuit of the Multiverse. In the presence of Sarwan, Mistress of Memory and Wandering Wench, and amidst the celestial dance above, I take upon myself the mantle of the Aspirants.   I swear to uphold the sanctity of the thresholds, to tread with reverence upon the fragile bridges between worlds. I shall become a silent navigator of the cosmic currents, traversing realms unseen and documenting the wonders and perils that lie beyond.   In the pursuit of knowledge, I vow to guard the secrets of the Multiverse with unwavering resolve. The wisdom gleaned from distant dimensions shall remain veiled within the sacred circle of the Aspirants, shared only amongst those who bear the mantle of silent exploration.   I recognize the delicate balance that binds Glosmordin to the cosmic tapestry, and I pledge to act as a guardian, a custodian of the Multiversal truths. I shall neither exploit nor disrupt the harmonies of the realms I encounter, for I understand the consequences that may befall both our world and those beyond.   With this oath, I accept the responsibilities that come with the privilege of navigating the thresholds. I embrace the silence that accompanies my journey, recognizing that my role is to observe, to learn, and to protect.   May the celestial bodies bear witness to this sacred vow, and may the echoes of my commitment resonate through the vastness of the Multiverse. Aspirant to the thresholds, silent guardian of secrets, I bind my destiny to the cosmic dance that awaits beyond the veils of Glosmordin."   With these words, a new Aspirant is initiated into the silent brotherhood, joining the ranks of those who navigate the unseen realms, guided by the echoes of the Multiverse and the oath they have sworn.   1. To Silence: I shall guard the secrets of the Multiverse with unyielding silence. The tales of distant dimensions and cosmic wonders I witness in my explorations shall remain veiled in the depths of my heart.   2. To Secrecy: I vow to keep the existence of the Aspirants hidden from the eyes of the wider world. Our rituals, gatherings, and the sacred knowledge we bear shall be shared only within the confines of our trusted brotherhood.   3. To Balance: In traversing the Multiverse, I pledge to respect the delicate balance between worlds. I shall neither exploit nor disrupt the realms I encounter, understanding that my actions ripple through the cosmic tapestry.   4. To Wisdom: I dedicate myself to the pursuit of wisdom, seeking to unravel the mysteries of the Multiverse with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Each journey shall be a testament to my commitment to understanding the grand design.   5. To Guardianship: As an Aspirant of the Thresholds, I am a guardian of Glosmordin's essence. I shall use the knowledge gained from my explorations to shield our world from unforeseen threats and uphold the cosmic balance.   6. To Unity: I recognize my fellow Aspirants as kindred souls on this cosmic journey. Together, we shall forge a unity that transcends the limitations of individual realms, understanding that our strength lies in our shared pursuit.   7. To Humility: In the face of the infinite, I shall remain humble. No matter the wonders I witness or the challenges I overcome, I acknowledge the vastness of the Multiverse and the endless lessons it holds.   8. To Adaptability: The Multiverse is ever-changing, and I shall adapt to its shifting landscapes. In flexibility, I find strength, and in understanding, I find resilience against the unpredictable currents of the cosmic tides.   9. To Return: I pledge to return to the embrace of Glosmordin after each journey, recognizing that my true home lies within the boundaries of this world. I shall carry the wisdom gained in the Multiverse to enrich the tapestry of our shared understanding.   10. To the Eternal Threshold: With this oath, I step through the eternal threshold, embracing the unknown, and binding my destiny to the cosmic currents that weave through the Multiverse. As an Aspirant of the Thresholds, I am a silent navigator, a guardian of secrets, and a seeker of the eternal mysteries that transcend the horizons of our world.


Daily Observances: Celestial Meditation: Each day begins with a period of celestial meditation. Aspirants gather in a quiet chamber adorned with symbols representing the Multiverse. With eyes turned toward the cosmic tapestry, they reflect on the interconnectedness of Glosmordin and the vastness beyond.   Threshold Vigil: At twilight, Aspirants partake in the Threshold Vigil, a silent ceremony conducted in the presence of the cosmic gateways within the Temple of the Expanse. Candles are lit, casting a soft glow on the celestial symbols, as the Aspirants silently renew their commitment to the sacred thresholds.   Priestly Vestments:   Silken Celestial Robes: Aspirants wear flowing robes made of a unique silk that shimmers like the stars. The robes are adorned with subtle constellations, embodying the celestial connection they seek to explore. A silver sigil representing the thresholds is embroidered on the chest.   Star-Emblazoned Diadem: A diadem, resembling a constellation, graces the brows of Aspirants. It signifies their connection to the stars and serves as a reminder of the celestial guidance they invoke in their Multiverse journeys.   Special Ceremonies:   Veilweaving Ceremony: Held on the eve of major Multiverse explorations, the Veilweaving Ceremony involves the crafting of a ceremonial veil by each Aspirant. These veils, adorned with symbols representing the realms they intend to explore, are worn during their silent journeys and act as symbolic protectors of Multiversal secrets.   Celestial Convergence: A quarterly gathering under the open sky, the Celestial Convergence, marks the alignment of celestial bodies. Aspirants engage in shared meditation, seeking guidance from the cosmic tapestry. The Grand Navigatrix/Grand Navigator may offer insights into upcoming Multiverse endeavors during this event.   Veil Unveiling Ritual: Upon returning from a Multiverse exploration, Aspirants engage in the Veil Unveiling Ritual. In the presence of their fellow Aspirants, they remove their ceremonial veils, symbolizing the unveiling of newfound knowledge. This ritual is a quiet celebration of the wisdom brought back from distant realms.   Daily Worship Spaces:   Silent Chambers: Scattered throughout the Temple of the Expanse are silent chambers dedicated to daily worship. These secluded spaces, adorned with celestial motifs, provide Aspirants with a serene environment for meditation and reflection.   Threshold Hall: A central hall housing the cosmic gateways, the Threshold Hall serves as the primary space for the Threshold Vigil. Candles flicker as Aspirants silently connect with the thresholds, reinforcing their commitment to the sacred oath.   The worship of the Aspirants of the Thresholds is a delicate dance between the mundane and the cosmic, emphasizing silence, meditation, and a profound connection to the celestial forces that guide their silent explorations of the Multiverse.


The Aspirants of the Thresholds operate within a structured hierarchy, carefully designed to maintain secrecy, efficient coordination, and the preservation of Multiversal knowledge. While the order values collaboration, the nature of their endeavors demands a discreet organizational structure. 1. Grand Navigatrix/Grand Navigator:   The highest-ranking position within the Aspirants, held by a seasoned and highly skilled member. The Grand Navigatrix or Grand Navigator oversees the overall operations of the order, guiding Multiverse explorations and ensuring that the Aspirants uphold their sacred responsibilities. 2. Threshold Keepers:   Experienced Aspirants appointed as Threshold Keepers, responsible for maintaining and safeguarding the cosmic gateways and portals within the Temple of the Expanse. They ensure that only authorized individuals access the thresholds and that the secrets of the Multiverse are protected. 3. Celestial Cartographers:   Specialized navigators skilled in mapping the Multiverse's intricate realms. Celestial Cartographers work closely with the Grand Navigatrix/Grand Navigator to plan and execute exploratory missions. They meticulously record the geography, inhabitants, and unique features of each dimension traversed. 4. Veil Wardens:   Guardians of the oath's secrecy, Veil Wardens ensure that the knowledge gained from Multiverse journeys remains confined within the sacred circle of the Aspirants. They monitor the interactions of members, both within and outside the order, to prevent inadvertent breaches of the oath. 5. Echo Chroniclers:   Keepers of the Multiversal Chronicles, Echo Chroniclers are responsible for documenting the experiences, insights, and discoveries of Aspirants during their journeys. They create and maintain the hidden archives within the Temple, contributing to the ever-expanding repository of Multiversal knowledge. 6. Novitiates:   Initiates who have recently joined the Aspirants, undergoing training and mentorship. Novitiates assist in various roles under the guidance of experienced members, gradually developing the skills required for Multiverse exploration. Interactions with the Order of the Wanderers of the Expanse:   Selective Sharing:   While Aspirants share some knowledge with the broader order during joint gatherings within the Temple of the Expanse, the specifics of their Multiverse explorations are selectively disclosed. The Veil Wardens ensure that only information deemed safe for wider consumption is shared. Collaborative Initiatives:   At times, Aspirants may collaborate with members of the Wanderers of the Expanse on projects that align with both orders' interests. The Celestial Cartographers, in particular, may engage in joint ventures to map unexplored territories within Glosmordin. Training and Mentorship:   Aspirants often serve as mentors to Novitiates within the broader order, sharing foundational knowledge and nurturing potential candidates for the Aspirants of the Thresholds. This mentorship fosters a sense of continuity and unity between the two groups. Temple Gatherings:   During temple gatherings, Aspirants and Wanderers come together to celebrate shared discoveries, albeit with varying levels of detail. The Grand Navigatrix/Grand Navigator may provide briefings on Multiverse journeys, emphasizing the broader importance of such endeavors. The organizational structure of the Aspirants of the Thresholds allows for efficient coordination, specialization of roles, and the preservation of the sacred knowledge they guard. While their interactions with the Wanderers of the Expanse are collaborative, the Aspirants maintain a degree of secrecy, honoring the unique responsibilities bestowed upon them by the exploration of the Multiverse.

"Keeping the Threshold, for the Unseen Echoes, Our Silence Guides, Wisdom Unfurls Where we are Beckoned"

Secret, Religious sect
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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