
(a.k.a. Mother of Time, Mistress of Memory,  Wandering Wench, Maiden of the Night Sky)

In the celestial tapestry of Glosmordin, amidst the cosmic dance of gods and goddesses, there emerges a figure of timeless grace and profound wisdom — the enigmatic Goddess Sarwan, known by many names: the Mother of Time, the Mistress of Memory, the Wandering Wench, and the Maiden of the Night Sky. Sarwan's presence is felt in the delicate rhythms of time, the unexplored frontiers of knowledge, and the ethereal realms where memories are woven into the very fabric of existence. She, who emerged as one of the first humans on Glosmordin, carries within her the lineage of Lenexa and Tokitoko, surrounded by siblings each bearing the weight of divine destinies.   The tale unfolds in the ancient days when the world was still in its infancy, and a divine being named Gyan, the God of Knowledge, sought to gift everlasting wisdom to the nascent realm. In a celestial revelation, Gyan entrusted two goddesses, Quibilah and Sarwan, with celestial wonders — the moons that would become the Hearthstone Moon and the Threshold Moon.   Sarwan, the chosen guardian of the Threshold Moon, cradled the delicate orb with a deep understanding of its ever-changing phases. This celestial gift became a symbol of the passage of time, the intuitive journey of travelers, and the eternal quest for knowledge. As Sarwan embraced her role, she bestowed the gift of interconnected memories upon Glosmordin, a legacy that would guide generations through the cosmic dance of existence.   As the eons passed, Sarwan's influence expanded beyond the celestial realms. She became a beacon for those who sought the beauty in transient moments, the wisdom in exploration, and the balance in the dance of diverse experiences. The Rose Compass, a symbol of her unity of domains, adorned the hearts of those who looked to Sarwan for guidance.   Yet, the cosmic ballet is not without its tragedies. Sarwan, compelled by the call of unknown realms, departed Glosmordin, leaving behind a legacy that echoed through the celestial corridors. Her husband, Jawaixing, driven to despair by the loss of his beloved, succumbed to the shadows of grief.   In the hearts of the people and the hallowed halls of the Temple of the Mind Voyage, Sarwan's presence endures. The Church of Sarwan, with its three noble orders — Aspirants of the Thresholds, Order of the Inner Voyage, and Wanderers of the Expanse — carries forth her teachings. The Rose Compass and the simple yet profound Rose become sigils of hope and guidance for those who seek the divine touch of Sarwan.   In every fleeting moment, in the whispers of the night, and in the exploration of the uncharted, the legacy of Sarwan lives on. Her divine goals weave into the destinies of mortals, guiding them through the wondrous journey of life, urging them to unlock hidden potentials, explore uncharted territories, preserve cherished memories, and find beauty in the transient dance of existence.   Thus, the tale of Sarwan unfolds, a celestial melody echoing through the corridors of time, inspiring those who listen to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery, exploration, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres: Time:   Description: Sarwan's primary domain is time, representing the eternal flow and cyclical nature of existence. She governs the past, present, and future, symbolizing the constant march of moments and the lessons they carry. Influence: Sarwan's followers often invoke her for guidance in matters related to destiny, foresight, and the understanding of temporal forces.   Exploration:   Description: Sarwan is the guide of wanderers and explorers, inspiring journeys into the unknown. Her influence extends to the uncharted territories of both physical landscapes and the realms of knowledge and self-discovery. Influence: Those seeking new horizons, whether through physical travel or intellectual pursuits, may turn to Sarwan for courage and insight.   Memories:   Description: Sarwan governs the realm of memories, emphasizing their importance in shaping identity and understanding. Her influence extends to both personal and collective memories, connecting individuals to their past and contributing to the cultural tapestry of Glosmordin. Influence: Followers of Sarwan may seek her guidance in matters of remembrance, nostalgia, and the preservation of cultural heritage.   Travelers:   Description: Sarwan watches over those who journey through the world, whether in search of physical destinations or personal growth. Her domain of travelers emphasizes the transformative power of experiences gained along the way. Influence: Pilgrims, nomads, and adventurers may invoke Sarwan for safe passage, meaningful encounters, and the wisdom gained through their travels.   The Multi-verse:   Description: Sarwan's influence extends beyond the boundaries of Glosmordin, encompassing the vastness of the multiverse. She is attuned to the interconnectedness of all existence and the diverse realities that coexist. Influence: Scholars, philosophers, and those curious about the broader cosmos may turn to Sarwan for insights into the cosmic tapestry and the interplay of different realms. Minor Spheres:   Trade:   Description: Sarwan's influence in trade relates to the exchange of goods, ideas, and experiences. She encourages fair and beneficial transactions, fostering a sense of interconnectedness among diverse communities. Influence: Merchants and traders seeking prosperous and ethical dealings may invoke Sarwan for guidance.   Stars:   Description: Sarwan's connection to stars symbolizes the celestial navigation of both the night sky and the metaphorical journey through life. The stars serve as beacons guiding travelers and seekers alike. Influence: Astronomers, navigators, and dreamers may look to Sarwan for inspiration and guidance in their pursuits.   Intuition:   Description: Sarwan is associated with intuition, the inner knowing that transcends logical reasoning. She encourages her followers to trust their instincts and navigate the uncharted waters of life with confidence. Influence: Individuals seeking clarity in decision-making and understanding the subtle currents of existence may turn to Sarwan for intuitive guidance.   Knowledge:   Description: While Gyan is the primary deity associated with knowledge, Sarwan's influence in this minor sphere relates to experiential wisdom gained through exploration and the passage of time. Influence: Seekers of practical knowledge and those interested in the application of wisdom in real-world situations may seek Sarwan's insights.   Sarwan's domains collectively create a rich tapestry of guidance for her followers, emphasizing the interconnectedness of time, exploration, memories, and the diverse experiences within the multiverse. Each sphere offers a unique perspective on the journey of life and the pursuit of understanding in the ever-evolving world of Glosmordin.


1. Chronoloom: Description: A cosmic loom with threads made of ethereal fibers, symbolizing the interconnected moments of time. The loom constantly weaves and unravels, representing the ever-changing nature of the temporal fabric. Powers: Temporal Weaving: The loom can be manipulated by those attuned to its magic to weave the threads of time. This doesn't predict the future but allows subtle influence on the tapestry of events. Memory Imbuement: The Chronoloom can imbue threads with memories, creating a tangible record of significant moments that can be accessed by those who touch the woven fabric.   2. Ethereal Compass: Description: A celestial navigational instrument adorned with stars and constellations. Responds to the desires of those seeking direction in their journeys, both physical and metaphysical. Powers: Guidance: The Ethereal Compass points the way to the seeker's true destination, whether it be a physical location or a deeper understanding of one's path in life. Astral Projection: In moments of deep meditation, the wielder can project their consciousness across the cosmic expanse, gaining insights from distant realms.   3. Memory Reliquary: Description: A delicate, silver filigree locket that opens to reveal a small, ethereal crystal within. This Memory Reliquary captures and preserves memories, allowing the wearer to carry moments close to their heart. Powers: Memory Preservation: When opened, the locket absorbs and stores memories, preserving them in a shimmering, luminescent form within the crystal. Emotional Resonance: The wearer can share specific memories with others by allowing them to briefly touch the crystal, fostering empathy and understanding.   4. Stellar Veil Cloak: Description: Woven from strands of celestial silk and adorned with radiant starlight, the Stellar Veil Cloak billows and shimmers with cosmic energy. It grants the wearer the ability to traverse the multiverse. Powers: Multiverse Travel: The cloak enables the wearer to move seamlessly between different realities within the multiverse. Cosmic Attunement: While wearing the cloak, the user gains insights into the unique properties and challenges of each visited reality, providing adaptability and understanding.   5. Lunar Diadem: Description: A regal diadem adorned with lunar motifs, the Lunar Diadem is a symbol of Sarwan's connection to the Threshold Moon. It enhances the wearer's intuition and perception. Powers: Intuitive Insight: The wearer gains heightened intuition, allowing them to navigate complex situations and make wise decisions. Timeless Awareness: In moments of meditation, the Lunar Diadem grants the wearer glimpses of the eternal flow of time, fostering a deep understanding of the past, present, and future.

Holy Books & Codes

1. Ephemeral Chronicles: Description: The Ephemeral Chronicles is a sacred text that captures the transient nature of time and the interconnectedness of all moments. It is a collection of poetic verses, parables, and reflections on the ever-changing tapestry of existence. Elaboration: Temporal Wisdom: The verses within the Ephemeral Chronicles offer insights into the nature of time, encouraging followers to embrace the present, learn from the past, and contemplate the possibilities of the future. Narratives of Exploration: The holy book recounts tales of explorers and wanderers who sought knowledge, both within and beyond the physical realms, embodying the spirit of Sarwan.   2. Journeys of Memory: Description: Journeys of Memory is a sacred guidebook that emphasizes the importance of preserving and cherishing memories. It provides practical advice on creating personal and communal memory archives. Elaboration: Rituals of Remembrance: The book outlines rituals and practices for remembering important events, honoring ancestors, and fostering a sense of continuity across generations. Memory as a Path to Wisdom: Journeys of Memory teaches that memories hold valuable lessons and insights, serving as a guide for personal and collective growth.   3. Voyages Beyond: Description: Voyages Beyond is a code of conduct and ethical guidelines for followers of Sarwan who embark on physical and spiritual journeys. It emphasizes respect for diverse cultures, responsible exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge. Elaboration: Exploration with Purpose: The code encourages explorers to seek knowledge not only for personal gain but also for the betterment of communities and the world. Harmony with the Multiverse: Followers are urged to explore the realms beyond Glosmordin with respect for the cosmic order, fostering connections rather than disruptions.   4. The Rose Path: Description: The Rose Path is a metaphorical guide that encourages followers to navigate the complexities of life with grace and intuition. It draws on the symbolism of the rose, representing beauty, adaptation, and the journey through time. Elaboration: Intuitive Decision-Making: The Rose Path teaches followers to trust their intuition, guiding them through the twists and turns of life's journey. Cycles of Growth: The book uses the metaphor of the rose's growth and blooming to impart lessons on personal development and the cyclical nature of experience.   5. The Celestial Mandala: Description: The Celestial Mandala is a visual representation of Sarwan's domains, illustrating the interconnectedness of time, memories, exploration, and the cosmic multiverse. It serves as both an artistic inspiration and a meditative tool. Elaboration: Contemplative Practices: The Celestial Mandala is used in meditative rituals to help followers attune themselves to the divine aspects of Sarwan and find clarity in their journeys. Harmonizing Symbolism: The mandala's design incorporates symbols such as the rose, compass, and celestial motifs, symbolizing the harmonious interplay of Sarwan's domains.   These holy books and codes provide a framework for understanding and practicing the teachings of Sarwan, fostering a deep connection with the divine and guiding followers on their spiritual journeys. Feel free to adjust or expand upon these concepts based on your world-building needs!

Divine Symbols & Sigils

1. The Rose Compass: Description: The Rose Compass is a symbol that combines the elegance of a blooming rose with the directional precision of a compass. The rose's petals form the cardinal points, representing the interconnectedness of exploration, time, and intuitive guidance. Meaning: Unity of Domains: The Rose Compass harmonizes Sarwan's major spheres, emphasizing the cyclical nature of time, the beauty of exploration, and the intuitive guidance needed on life's journey.   2. The Rose: Description: The simple yet profound image of a rose represents beauty, adaptability, and the cycles of growth and decay. It is a central symbol in Sarwan's imagery, reflecting the fleeting nature of time and the ever-changing aspects of existence. Meaning: Beauty in Transience: The rose encourages followers to find beauty in the transient moments of life, appreciating the journey and experiences along the way.   3. The Wanderer's Key: Description: A key adorned with celestial motifs and a single rose. Symbolizes the unlocking of doors to new experiences, places, and the exploration of the unknown. Meaning: Unlocking Potential: The Wanderer's Key signifies the unlocking of hidden potentials, encouraging followers to embrace the journey of self-discovery and unlock the doors to wisdom.   4. The Celestial Chart: Description: An intricate chart filled with celestial symbols and navigational markers, resembling a cosmic map. Signifies the exploration of both physical and metaphysical realms. Meaning: Guidance in Exploration: The Celestial Chart represents the divine guidance offered to those who embark on explorations, whether through the stars above or the uncharted territories of the mind.   5. The Celestial Harmony: Description: Interlocking cosmic circles representing the harmonious dance of celestial bodies. Symbolizes the interconnected nature of experiences and the balance found in the cosmic order. Meaning: Unity in Diversity: The Celestial Harmony embodies the idea that diverse experiences and moments in time come together in a cosmic dance, creating a tapestry of interconnected stories.   6. The Starflower: Description: A celestial flower with petals resembling stars, blooming amidst the vast cosmic garden. Signifies the interconnectedness of life and the beauty found in the diversity of experiences. Meaning: Cosmic Harmony: The Starflower represents the harmony between individual experiences, much like the petals coexisting in the cosmic garden.   7. The Memory Mirror: Description: A mirror reflecting the past, present, and future in a single image. Symbolizes the interconnectedness of time and the reflections of memories. Meaning: Reflections of Time: The Memory Mirror encourages introspection and self-awareness, highlighting the importance of understanding one's past to navigate the present and future.   8. The Threshold Gate: Description: A gate with an open door, framed by crescent moons. Symbolizes the threshold between different realms, whether physical or metaphysical. Meaning: Crossing Boundaries: The Threshold Gate represents the act of crossing into new experiences, both within and beyond the material world, guided by the intuitive aspects of Sarwan.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Harmony in Time: Description: Sarwan seeks to instill a sense of harmony in the perception and understanding of time. This involves recognizing the cyclical nature of events, appreciating the present moment, and embracing the inevitability of change. Goal: To guide her followers in navigating the flow of time with grace, understanding that every moment contributes to the grand tapestry of existence. Encouraging Exploration:   Description: Sarwan inspires a spirit of exploration, both in the physical realms of the world and the metaphysical landscapes of knowledge and self-discovery. This involves seeking new experiences, embracing challenges, and expanding one's horizons. Goal: To encourage individuals to embark on journeys of exploration, fostering a continuous quest for knowledge, personal growth, and the discovery of uncharted territories. Preservation of Memories:   Description: Sarwan values the significance of memories as threads woven into the fabric of time. She encourages the preservation of personal and collective memories, recognizing their role in shaping identities and fostering connections between individuals. Goal: To guide her followers in cherishing and safeguarding memories, understanding that they contribute to the richness of personal and cultural narratives. Guidance for Travelers:   Description: Sarwan extends her guidance to those who embark on physical and metaphorical journeys. Whether in the exploration of distant lands or the pursuit of personal aspirations, she seeks to provide a guiding light for travelers. Goal: To offer support and intuitive guidance to individuals navigating the paths of life, helping them find direction, purpose, and fulfillment in their journeys. Multiversal Awareness:   Description: Sarwan is attuned to the interconnectedness of the multiverse. She embraces the idea that various realms and dimensions are part of a vast cosmic tapestry, each influencing the other. Goal: To cultivate an awareness of the interconnectedness of existence, encouraging followers to recognize the cosmic threads that bind all things and to appreciate the diversity of experiences across the multiverse. Cultivation of Intuition:   Description: Sarwan values the power of intuition as a guide in navigating the complexities of life. She encourages individuals to trust their inner wisdom, fostering a deep connection with their instincts and intuitive insights. Goal: To empower her followers to cultivate and rely on their intuition, recognizing it as a valuable tool in decision-making and a source of guidance on their journeys. Beauty in Transience:   Description: Sarwan emphasizes the transient nature of existence, using symbols like the rose to represent the beauty found in the fleeting moments of life. She encourages followers to appreciate the impermanence of experiences. Goal: To guide individuals in finding beauty in the ephemeral nature of life, encouraging them to savor each moment and recognize the profound lessons that come with change. Sarwan's divine goals reflect a holistic approach to life, encouraging a balanced understanding of time, exploration, memories, and the interconnected nature of existence. Followers of Sarwan are inspired to embrace the multifaceted aspects of their journeys and to find wisdom in the cyclical rhythms of life.




Towards Sarwan




Towards Teyi'shating


Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Teyi'shating (Husband/Brother)
Current Residence
The Plane of Memories
Aligned Organization

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