Avales: "The Humble" "The Long Suffering" "The Bound"

Culture: Avales Racial Traits: Ability Score Increase: +1 Wis, +2 Chr. Age: Mature at the same rate as Humans. They do grow old but once mature it is said they can live forever unless killed by murder, mortal wounds or disease. Because they do not die, up until fairly recently they were also never born in a traditional sense. There was always a religious aspect to how they were reborn. Carvings were made for each Avale. When an Avale died, the carvings were burned in the eternal flames at the altar of the high temple in front of the glass of the eternal visage. From the flames would come new life. Either out of the actual flames or from the glass. Depending how they lived their lives, would depend on how they came back. This stopped when the god chorus happened. Now they are born in a traditional sense. At an early age their wings will either become stronger and unfurled or fall off. This molting time is called the nesting. Once this happens they continue to live with their parents or are given to a sacrivale family to be raised. They continue to carry a carving of themselves and it will still be tossed into the sacred flame upon their death. Birth is rare for the Avales Alignment: Any, but as a race: tend to a Lawful Good Physical: Medium size, Facial features are very celestial. Height - Males: 5'10'' to 7' Females: 5'8'' to 6'8''. Hair is usually very light colors (white, blonde, very light brown, occasionally black) Eye: Light blue, green, and light violet. Winged (Unable to fly). White with feathers. nubs on back if wings have fallen off. Speed: Base walking speed is 30ft Darkvision You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Celestial Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage Celestial Legacy: You know the light cantrip. Once you reach 3rd Level you can cast the lesser restoration spell once per day. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the daylight spell once with this trait as a 3rd level spell, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wings: If you are of good alignment and If you have full wings, You also have the Wing Buffeting ability. Everyone within 10ft of you must make a Dex check of 19 or be knocked prone. size small automatically are moved 5ft. Winged Glide: fall, you can fall for up to a minute at a rate of 60ft per minute. If you land before the min. you take no falling damage and can land on your feet. You must take a short rest to do so again Psychological: Tend to be judgemental, Often feelings of guilt if not devout. See themselves as chosen. Many strap their wings down as a penance. Language: Celestial which is consitered sacred. or Avalian which is a pigeon of celestial. You also know common Age: Mature at the same rate as Humans. They do grow old but once mature it is said they can live forever unless killed by murder, mortal wounds or disease. Because they do not die they also are never born in a traditional sense. There has been a religious aspect to how they are reborn carvings are made once an Avale dies. The carvings are burned in the eternal flames at the altar in front of the glass of the eternal visage. From the flames came new life. Either out of the actual flames or from the glass. Depending how they lived their lives will depend on how they came back. This stopped when the god chorus happened. early age their wings will either become stronger and unfurled or fall off. This time is called the nesting. Once this has happened they are given to a family to be raised. Alignment: Any but as a race: tend to Good Physical: Medium size, Facial features are very celestial. Height - Males: 5'10'' to 7' Females: 5'8'' to 6'8''. Hair is usually very light colors (white, blonde, very light brown, occasionally black) Eye: Light blue, green, and light violet. Winged (Unable to fly) Speed: Base walking speed is 30ft Darkvision:You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Celestial Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage Celestial Legacy: You know the light cantrip. Once you reach 3rd Level you can cast the lesser restoration spell once per day. If you have full wings, You also have the Wing Buffeting ability. Everyone within 10ft of you must make a Dex check of 19 or be knocked prone. size small automatically are moved 5ft. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the daylight spell once with this trait as a 3rd level spell, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Winged fall, you can fall for up to a minute at a rate of 60ft per minute. If you land before the min. you take no falling damage and can land on your feet. You must take a short rest to do so again Background : The Vales do not remember exactly why they were cast out of Valinos's realm. Unable to remember who they were other than their nature they have taken new names and work by the sweat of their brow. All they have pieced together is that they were once part of his army and are no longer, due to their failure in abiding the laws of Valinos. The leaders and generals of the Avales have one rule that must be followed. The high priest must cast carvings that each Vale must make in their own image into the sacred flame upon the loss of their life. The Vales have spent thousands upon thousands of years secluded from the rest of the world. They have had strict religious rules that have kept Law and order in the attempt to right the wrongs that caused them to be cast down. They have built up certain rites and rituals that must be adhered to. They are susceptible to all the frailties of mortality. They can be lured into the vices of the body as well can feel the pains of hunger. The Sacrivales first appeared in the hopes that if they sacrificed themselves in the name of Valinos and their carvings burned in the flames, that they would be taken back to their home with Valinos through the sacrifice. Instead, the ones that committed this sacrifice and their carvings being cast into the flames, appeared again from those same flames as The Sacrivales. In their fear and anger when they returned and seeing themselves in the mirror, they killed many of their brethren. Some who were killed, returned as Sacrivales while others as Avales came walking out of the mirror. Since that time the Sacrivales have been subjugated to the unwanted and lower regions of the Navel. Many have been enslaved or made to serve the Avales as they are considered their betters. Needless to say, these situations have had a strong impact on the psychology of the Vales. Whether they have come back as an Avale or a Sacrivale, how they live their life and how they think has affected their countenance. For the Avales, those whose bitterness and sense of being cheated, begin to show signs of their anger in their bodies. For many, their wings begin molt and shrivel up. becoming mere bones protruding from their backs. For the Sacrivals, those who have seen their disgrace will pray fervently that their lord will give them a reprieve. As they hope that their repentance is accepted and that one day they will ascend to their once glory, their countenance begins to show an air of holiness. The Avales tend to be judgmental of the Sacrivales, thinking them as weak and spiritually impotent. They are seen as the reason that they have not yet been brought out of their exile. They have little knowledge of the outside world except for what has been giving to them by the few outsiders that have found them. They have been told that most other creatures worship other gods than Valinos. Hence part of their hesitation to venture out of their home. Although Avales are often devout, they carry a sense of guilt that they were part of the reason for the exile. They have often bound their wings in penance, as they are symbols of how far they have fallen. The Vales are subject to the desires & failings of the flesh, but they have not until recently required them to live. They have not needed to eat or have sex. Yet they were subjected to the desires of mortality. Recently, because of the event of the God Chorus, the lives of the Vales has changed dramatically. At first, leaders among the Avales thought it might be a sign of their return. But that has not yet happened. And one of the most consistent parts of their existence has been revoked. They no longer return, either from the sacred flame or the mirror when one loses their life. Birth is now a part of their existence and so sex is now the only way they can be reborn. They are rare to have children with each other. Some even think they will only procreate when another of their kind dies. It is unknown if they can procreate with other races. This has made many to believe that they have fallen even further from their goals of returning. Many have begun to believe that they will never return. A great fear amongst the Avales is that they will be born of a Sacrivale even if they consider themselves as righteous due to there only being a limited amount of each. Although it is strictly forbidden to leave the Navel, many have been sneaking away to find their needs outside of what some believe has become their self-imposed exile from the rest of creation. Leaders continue to throw the carvings into the Eternal Flame but if one dies outside of their knowledge and authority, could all hopes be dashed of their return?       Language: A pigeon of celestial, which is sacred and Avalian or common   Daily life: Relations: Have not had much interaction with others outside of themselves & the Sacrivales. They are mistrusting of most races. They are kind to humans but often treat them as children. Lands: Climate/Regions Mountains, Moderate/Forest High elevations or very secluded areas. Home for most is a great crater known as “the Navel" Religion: Worshipers of Valinos all other gods or avatars are looked down on except Kona but she is still seen as less than Valinos. Names: Gabriel, Azriel Reason to Adventure: Tired of waiting for placement in heaven. Go out into the world to bring it about on their own terms. Wonderlust Society & Culture: Arts & Crafts: Much of the art work is of religious matters. Use of bright colors and metalic colors. Themes of redemption. Archetecture: Domes & Spires Magic & Technology: It does exist but tend to stay away from it. They look to the gods for power. They mistrust most magic users. Tech: knowledge of pulleys and levers. High caliber use of metals for weapontry Tribal Structure: None Power Struggles: Environment:     Cities: Sinos also known as "The Navel". Terrate Capitol: Sinos Important People: Quras: High Priest and Magistrate Galibrath: Head of Military Important Groups: Conclave Agenda: Structure: Symbol: Membership: Appointed by Quras Benefits: Relations outside of group: Role-playing Application: Class:   What others may know: Rumors that the Guardians (of the Vales), a group of extremely religious dwarves are protecting something or someplace that could be associated with Helanos the Avatar of Strength, Warriors, sky and Friendship. There are also rumors that angelic or demonic forces are helping or attacking this place. Many fear to go near where the Guardians live.


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