Fillian's Keep


Fillian's Keep is home to around 200 permanent residents, predominantly Veropians. During peak seasons, the population swells with an additional 100 foresters and miners, along with a steady stream of travelers and adventurers. The town's demographic breakdown is primarily human (90%), with small minorities of Hska, elves, and dwarves (3% each), and a smattering of other races. Notably, Avales, Dragonborn, and Exalted have never been seen here.


The town is governed by a mayoral council, comprised of local business owners, with the Mayor wielding strong executive powers.    The justice system is strict, with severe penalties for crimes ranging from murder and theft to adultery and property destruction.  List of Crimes & Punishments:
  • Murder = death
  • Stealing = expulsion or exiled, restitution, branding, stocks, whipped, jailed, manual labor
  • Treason = Death must be by official
  • Rape = Castration, Stocks, Fined or restitution. Branding, Shamed, tar & feathered
  • Adultery = Fined or Restitution, branding, Shamed, tar & feathered
  • Disrespecting Apadell or Officials = Whipped, stocks, fined, jailed, taxed,
  • Lying to or about officials = Whipped, stocks, fined, jailed, taxed, Branding, tar & feathered
  • Destruction of property = death in extreme cases, Whipped, stocks, fined, jailed, taxed, Branding


The ancient Keep walls, which enclose only the crumbling remains of the Keep itself, are in a state of disrepair and provide little in the way of defense for the town as a whole. Instead, the town relies on a combination of its town guard and self-appointed enforcers for protection.
  • Town Guard: Led by Ellana Stormwild, an Empire's Confederate Guard, the town guard is responsible for maintaining order and protecting the citizens of Fillian's Keep. They are well-trained and vigilant, patrolling the streets and responding to any threats that arise.
  • The Blackstriders: This group of self-described enforcers, led by Tearloch Splenderstaff, operates outside of the law. While they often cause trouble themselves, their presence serves as a deterrent to outside threats and internal dissent. The Blackstriders are a formidable force, known for their ruthlessness and street smarts.
  Together, the town guard and the Blackstriders form a rough but effective defense system, ensuring that Fillian's Keep remains a relatively safe haven amid the dangers of its remote location.

Industry & Trade

Key industries include mining, forestry, farming, and fishing. Commerce is vibrant, with various shops, taverns, and guilds supporting the local economy. The town's GP limit is 5,000, with a total liquid wealth of 60,000 GP.


Fillian's Keep is built around the remnants of the ancient city of Wexendar, integrating old structures with new developments. The town features:
  • Roads and Pathways: A network of cobblestone streets connects key locations within the town, ensuring smooth transit for residents and traders.
  • Water Supply: The town is served by a system of wells, drawing fresh water from nearby lakes and underground springs.
  • Market Square: The central hub of commerce, where local farmers, fishermen, and traders sell their goods.
  • Housing: A mix of stone and wooden houses, with larger homes and manors belonging to prominent families and business owners.
  • Public Buildings: Includes the Town Hall, guild halls, temples, and various shops and inns.
  • Lighting: Oil lamps line the main streets, providing illumination during the night.
  • Waste Management: A basic system of waste disposal ensures cleanliness, with waste collected and transported out of the town.
  • Historic sites: The town is renowned for its historic sites, including an ancient cemetery, the Fallen Keep, and the Old Manor.

Guilds and Factions

Fillian's Keep hosts a variety of guilds and factions, including:
  • Ashen Ascendency
  • Council of Legionnaires & Antiquities
  • Forrester Guild
  • Monger's Consortium Guild
  • Mining Guild
  • Woodsman of Woe
  • Guardians of the Oak
  • Circle Elite
  • Empire's Nexius Guards
  • Order of the Thundering Hart
  • Black Rose Alliance
  • Blackstriders (Criminal Gang)
  Religious Institutions:
  • Church of the Phoenix Moon
  • Church of the Heart, The Chalice & The Sword
  • Temple of Proclamations
  • Church of Eternal Garlands
  • Shrine to Valinos


Trajen Fillian led an expedition of over 150 individuals into the Unwanted Lands, seeking to determine the extent of these cursed territories and to establish contact with any people or overland routes to the Hska in the darkened parts of the world. Despite his primary goals, Trajen was also driven by the lure of gold. Many of his group were lost during the perilous journey, but they eventually discovered the ruins of the ancient city of Wexendar (unknown at the time). Not far from these ruins, Trajen found gold. In addition to riches, Trajen encountered the Barbarian Tribes of the area and successfully negotiated treaties with the Flaxson Tribe. Deciding to settle, Trajen and about 100 of his people established the mining towns of Fillian's Keep and Glistendam, as well as a shrine to Valinos on the ancient ruins. Until Veropia was rebuilt, they used a nearby river to transport goods and gold. A smaller group from his expedition built a nearby village called Pleasantville, whose inhabitants later died under mysterious circumstances.   Trajen's quest for knowledge and resources ultimately led to his demise. While investigating the mysterious deaths in Pleasantville and another ruin further up the mountain, which came to be known as Fillian's Folly, he met an untimely end. His legacy, however, continues through the enduring settlement of Fillian's Keep.

Points of interest

  • The Pennywise Inn & Tipsy Onion Tavern: Run by Jolsten and Pennywise Goodkeep.
  • Town Hall: Managed by Constable/Townmaster Gregor Fillian.
  • Temple of Proclamations: Led by Magistrate Colten Rivers.
  • Miners Guild Hall & Traders: Overseen by Ryan Silversnow.
  • Forrester Guild Hall: Managed by Coalan Wayward, a retired member of the Guardians of the Oak.
  • Fillian's Market: Owned by Gregor Fillian, with local farmers and fishermen as sellers.
  • The Ghost Midget Tavern: Owned by Inkling Raven. Headquarters of Blackstriders: A gang of ruffians, led by Tearloch Splenderstaff
  • General Store & Trade Outpost: Owned by Gregor Fillian, managed by Luisa Fillian, with help from Nissa Barnsworth, Gideon Fillian, and Lyman Goodkeep.
  • Wizard's Keep & Shop (The Wand's Want): Run by Tywin Clamerstone, an Ashenite High Mage, with apprentice Cornin Lackmoth.
  • The Glorious Anvil (Weapon & Armor Shop): Owned by Darewin Clytus.
  • Thistle Dew Nicely (Outfitters): Managed by Toddler and Banter Strongtie.
  • The Black Brush (Saddler and Leather Goods): Run by Thomas Hardwind.
  • The Wishing Pot (Potter): Owned by Peter Loftgrain.
  • The Dancing Hammer: Managed by Hanbit Miskill and his family.
  • The Keep - Town Guard Station: Led by Ellana Stormwild, an Empire's Nexius Guard.
  • The Cuddly Cow: Butcher/Tanner shop run by Wacek Bartus.
  • Prospector's Exchange & Trade (Bank): Managed by Grace Harrington, a member of the Black Rose Alliance.
  • Church of the Phoenix Moon: Led by Father Rayes Wagner.
  • Church of the Heart, The Chalice & The Sword: Overseen by Father Curtis.
  • Eternal Garlands: Managed by Maiden Brianna.
  • 3 Major Farms: Owners: Talon & Bita Bushehri, 3 children, Owners: Gwyned Fawnswood, son Clapper, Owners: Gorsid Archcastle orchard grower (Member of the Order of Thundering Hart)


Situated in the foothills of a mountain range and flanked by two expansive lakes, Fillian's Keep boasts a wealth of natural resources.

Natural Resources

The town's economy thrives on mining, forestry, farming, and fishing, supported by the rich woodlands and mineral deposits in the area.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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