Government Veropian Empire


Political: Empire w/ Representative Council and Senate Treaty of The Pentad: The Treaty stated that the five city states of the Elder Glade, being New Alcyria, Rosewind, Niwendale, Sebastia, Kendrickshire as well as any new city states that would arise within the boundries of the Elder Glade, would in no certain terms make no alliances with Cyndracca or any outlying kingdoms or city states and would become part of an empire of Veropia with Empress Tiana as their leader, each with allowing local rule with some special accommodations for New Alcyria. This Empress and her heirs would have final veto power and is head of both military and the state religion of Apedell. Although she has ultimate power she would divide much of the duties of the state to an elected People's counsel and a senate.   • The Alcyrians Council: The accommodation of the Alcyrians which have quite a bit of autonomy. As long as they live in the capitol of the empire or their newfound city they can continue this autonomy. This was given because of their participation in the building of the ancient city, once again called Veropia. Although they must live by general rules of behavior they do not pay taxes and live by their own whims according to a council that they have put together. They can collect their own taxes and trade with who they will as well as some laws that only effect their state. They have no standing army and no influence over State Religion. Their council does meet separately with the Empress to discuss concerns and she has some say on what they can't do. They do send representatives to the People's council and Senate as well but they do not have as much influence over these branches because of their autonomy. They have not been given a guarantee of their autonomy after the passing of this current line of Emperors. Since many in the senate are jealous of this autonomy, it is in the best interests of the Alcyrians to continue this line of emperors. If any Alcyrian relocates outside of the capitol or New Alcyria they must live by the general rules and laws of the empire, but even then they have powerful friends that live in the capitol.   Made up of 9 States · Veropia : Rebuilt off of the first Kingdom’s ruins Including three new great bridges. They span the entire Dragon Spine Sea connecting it to the lands of Cyndracca and The Elder Glades. · Elder Glades: Made up of 5 City-states that were formed shortly after the empire was organized with the possibilities of more joining. Created out of the Treaty of The Pentad. (See Treaty of The Pentad) · The Borderlands and The Outlands: Quickly claimed by Veropia to create a border with outlying kingdoms. Although neither were very populated there were many Barbarian Tribes. None of them were approached and were just absorbed into the empire. · The Hska Slopes: Fifth to join. Made up of a rural mountain kingdom with two city states. Mainly because of their constant trading routes. They were diplomatically convinced to join the empire · The Yorga Islands: Sixth to join: Also mainly for trading routes but ship lanes · The Planes of Hania: The Seventh and least firm of all the states · The State of Mijako: Joined mainly for military strength and political necessity and a buffer to the Jade Empire · Feyrindora: An Elven city state that is made up of Furellth Elves and Ventar (half Elves) that were exiled by the Erline Kingdom   Citizen Cultures of the Empire: Alcyrians: Esu-Yorgan: Hska Mijako Clan Hania: Planes Ferelth - mixed blood Elves Ventars - Half-Elf Auktum: Jewel Dwarves

Foreign Relations

Allies/Trading partners: Pintega (Traveler): Seafaring Dwarves (Common) Cynndraca (uneasy) Cyndaaki (Uneasy) Erlines (uneasy)   Enemies: Empire of the Jade Star Barbaric Tribes   No formal ties Vaakii: Guardians of the Vales (Unknown) United City States Tulki (Translator) Balindorians: Phyhavaki-Hellir: Ice Dwarves Free City of Direcross


General Laws Freedoms: Under the rule of Empress Tianna, many freedoms would be allowed in the kingdom. A. Freedom of religion as long as it does not interfere with other religions, loss of life or stated crimes B. Freedom of movement, as a citizen of the empire you are welcome to come and go within any of the States of the empire. Although they can be taxed entering or exiting cities or within city walls. C. Limited Freedom of Speech: No formal critics of the Empress or her close advisors nor of any Official in the Senate or the White Council.   There are some general rules of behavior that are set in stone.   • Slavery: Slavery is legal but, no one can be born or sold into slavery. You can sell yourself into slavery to pay off debt but you must be registered with the Temple of Proclamation and in an effect you are selling yourself to the temple and then you are often rented out until your debt is paid off. All slaves should be owned by the government and are leased to organizations or people. Most slaves become so because of criminal judgement. On most Capitol Offences If you are not sentenced to death you are usually thrown into the gladiator pits. Only those of capital offence or request may be thrown into the Arena Pits. Freedom may be obtained by restitution of fees, Time spent or by proclamation. Some are given lifetime sentences that can only be overturned by the Empress.     • Crime & Punishment: ○ Murder - Death, The arena pits or lifetime slavery ○ Stealing - Hand removed, slavery till paid back. If restitution is made: limited manual labor, stocks or jail, Whipped, Branding, or fined ○ Treason - Death or the arena. Lifetime slavery ○ Rape - Castration, Slavery, Stocks, Fined or restitution. Branding, Shamed, or fined ○ Adultery - Fined or Restitution by loved one, branding, Shamed. Does not include prostitution. Usually only applies to Officials or Nobels ○ Disrespecting on denigrating Apadell or Officials- Death, The arena, Whipped, Tongue removed, stocks, Slavery, fined, jailed, Branding ○ Slander or Falsehoods to or about officials - Whipped, Tongue removed, stocks, slavery, fined, jailed, taxed, Branding, Tar and feathered ○ Lesser Slander or Falsehoods of General Citizens - Whipped, Jailed, Stocks, Fined, Public Denunciation & Humiliation, Tar and feathered ○ Destruction of property: death in extreme cases (Nobles or Officials), Whipped, stocks, slavery, fined, jailed, taxed, Branding


Ashen Ascendency


  • Mijako Kingdom State
  • Hanian Plains State
  • Esu-Yorga State
  • Vantal Marsh Steppes State
  • New Alcyria State
  • Flaxson Borderland State
  • Veropia City State Fractal
    A Map of the Wards of Veropia
  • Elder Glades State
  • Veropian Empire
  • Hska Sloppes State
  • Veropia City State
  • Feyrindor State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Legislative Body
The People's Council: The elected People's council is made up of representatives from cities and some larger towns that have unified with the empire. General counsel in the towns or cities chooses one individual to represent its interests in the capitol. This body usually determines general social statutes with the Empress making the final decision. In the case that a new Emperor/Empress was not found within an heir, The Council would vote on two candidates nominated by the Senate. One of it's strongest powers.   • The Senate: It is based on different regions of the empire and is chosen by the Empress. This is usually made up of people who wield some manner of power within the region. If the Empress dies without an heir then the Senate will elect two potential candidates for emperor from its body. The senate determines laws that affect the empire as a whole, such as taxes, which are paid in currency and goods, Trade and alliances. They also make decision on some social issues such as holidays. They have no say over the military or religion. They also meet in counsel with the Empress to discuss issues of importance to its respected regions. Again the Empress has final say.
Judicial Body
The Grand Solicitor & The White Council
Executive Body
Empress Tiannu Dracovan
Official State Religion
Manufactured Items
Notable Members

Articles under Government Veropian Empire


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