Government: Erline Kingdom

  Government: Monarchy                         Description: Elves of this Kingdom are ruled through blood lineage. Only the house of Thozaruil may rule over this kingdom. Male or female may rule but the female is preferred. This is well understood and has never been questioned except once. That family and those who accepted its claim have been exiled to the great depths of the world and are known as the Mordharow. If no successor has been born which has never happened then the King or Queen will adopt from an individual from one of the other noble families. Who must then deny any loyalty to that family and must take the name Thozaruil. The King or Queen does not have any advisors and is absolute ruler. But if you are of a noble family you may have a representative presented at the court to make a plea on his or the families behalf.   Laws & Justice:

Foreign Relations

Political Conflict: Due to Elvin trade routes & Cynndracas slight mistrust of nonhumans as well as Veropian Dominance of seaports, Cynn trade has suffered. Cynn has few recourse at the moment. Their northern trade routes have been their fallback unless the northern territories alliance with Veropia. Much of the pirating has been sanctioned on the under by Cynndraca  Dyressius family is one of the few families that did not overwhelmingly move on to Veropia. They are constantly at odds with the dracavon family & are vying for power. The Veropians believe they will declare war if they gain power and more than likely that is true. The dracavons would much rather work out a trade deal since queen Miranda is related to the Veropian Empress and they are aware of their power. But neither family would want to give up their sovereignty to the Veropian Alliance. Which is what they are being asked to do to equalize trade  Racial Conflicts: You would think that with all the experiance Cynndraca has had with nonhumans they would be used to it. But there is quite a bit of mistrust. Even though Cynn made peace with the Erline many feel that they were left with the short end of the stick. Due to the fact that the land they left is now so prosperous given to a half breed. The elves really lost nothing more than what they were already willing to give. The Cyndraaki were once looked at as saviors but when they began leading lives outside of the military they began to look like burdens on the kingdom. The fact that they would perpetuate their species and not die off as heroes made them seem like an experiment gone wrong. The kingdom decided to create a 00000colony where the Cyndraaki could dwell on their own. The Cyndraaki are free to travel across the Cynn but cannot dwell for to long in any abode too long in the kingdom outside the colony. Many moved to Veropia.The colony was made to be a barrier with the Mord'sidhi.  Religious Conflicts: Dragon worship is still the prevalent form of worship in Cynndraca but since the rise of Veropia, many of the mainstream gods have made inroads into the society, but along with the mainstream religions there has been an Increase in cults of all kinds including Evil dragon cults. The  Dyressius family has made a lot of inroads into the priesthood. Which has shown some disagreements & schism among the main church


  • Erline Kingdom
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Species


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