Government: Cynndraca

Government: Monarchy Description: Humans lof this Kingdom live under a monarchy that is determined by Blood. Male or female may rule. Typically it is first born but a king or queen may announce their successor. This can include any relative’s children as well, so long as it’s from the same family. There are a reminent of the five noble families of Veropia in Cynndraca. The most abundant obviously is the Dracavan family. It is the oldest and has held the monarchy since the time of the Veropian family. All through out the Dracavan history, one of the other families, the Daresius family, have tried to usurp there hold on the monarchy but this has only happen twice and they could not hold on for more than a couple of years. The Monarch usually has close advisors that are hand picked to help with the pressures of ruling. This always includes an individual from the Draconic Priesthood. Of all the advisors this one has the most influence and must be of the house of Dracavan and a high priests. This is partly the reason many of the other families have not been able to keep power. Laws & Justice:


  • Cynndracca Kingdom
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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