Hania: "Spirit Warriors of the Plains"

Psychological:                         Daily life: Hunter-Gathers, Most stay fairly close to the region of there tribe. Sometimes depending on weather or food availability they will move for safety or sustenance.                         Relations:                         Lands:             Religion:Nature worshipers and Spiritism (All things have a spirit form)                         Names: Tribe Names: Dyami {Means – eagle}, Matokah {Means – White bear}, Tasunke {Means – Horse}, Honovi {Means – strong deer}, Hehaka {Means – Elk}, Keha {Means – Turtle}, Mingan {Means – Grey Wolf} Zeezega (means-Rattlesnake)             Reasons to Adventure:More and more society has started to encroach onto there lands because of trading routes and new villiages. Not to mention the barbarian tribes they have to compete with for resources.  Some individuals have never been beyond there current surroundings and wonderlust could be a driving force. Others may be seeking there personal spirit totem and they have set out on a spiritual quest Society & Culture: The Hania are based off of the Native North American Indians, mainly the Lokota or plains indians             Arts & Crafts:Much of there art is made for practical reasons, such as tools, pottery, or clothing. But they are very much influenced by there surroundings and much of there art is pictograph or beading             Magic & Technology: There is very little technology in use except for most primitive tools or weapons. Magic that is used is Shaman magic.             Tribal Structure:             Power Struggles: although they are members of the Empire of Veropia. They struggle with staying away from civilized cultures. Constantly trying to stay close to there way of life . They accept their place in the Empire but would rather be left alone they rarely send representatives to the capital so they have little say so in the Empire. They rarely venture out                                    Religion: Animal spirits and Majika. They revere Majika and include Her in all their prayers (each tribe has an animal spirit guardian that is there token god, given to them by Mother but individuals may have personal spirit guides)             History & Folklore: The Hania believe that they are the children & guardians of the mother and that they were the first to inhabit the lands Environment: Climate/Region: Moderate/Plains Cities: Capitol: Important People: Important Groups:             Agenda:             Structure:             Symbol:             Membership:             Benefits:             Relations outside of group:             Role-playing Application:

Articles under Hania: "Spirit Warriors of the Plains"


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