House of the Crimson Haven

The House of the Crimson Haven stands as the central place of worship for the Crimson Forsaken of the Triad, dedicated to their god, Taehorr, the Emberlord Tyrant. This grand and imposing structure represents a blend of wealth, ambition, and reverence for their draconic deity. It serves various purposes, not only as a place of worship but also as a symbol of their divine connection and the center of their secret dealings.   Architectural Marvel: The House of the Crimson Haven boasts an architectural design that exemplifies the opulence and ambition of its followers. Constructed of sturdy stone and fortified with crimson-tinted bricks, the building presents an imposing, fortress-like appearance. It features intricate carvings of dragon motifs and scenes that narrate tales of Taehorr's exploits. Dragon-shaped gargoyles adorn the exterior, their fiery eyes seeming to watch over the faithful.   Grand Inner Sanctuary: Upon entering the House of the Crimson Haven, one is greeted by an awe-inspiring inner sanctuary, where the crimson color palette dominates. The main chamber is adorned with grand chandeliers and massive tapestries, woven with precious metals and gems, displaying intricate scenes of power, wealth, and draconic conquest.   Shrine to Taehorr: The focal point of the inner sanctuary is a larger-than-life shrine dedicated to Taehorr. A massive, lifelike sculpture of a red dragon rests at the center, with its eyes aglow in a mesmerizing shade of crimson. Devotees come to this shrine to make offerings and seek guidance from their deity. The statue is covered in precious stones and metals, symbolizing the wealth they accumulate in Taehorr's name.   Ambitious Artifacts: The House of the Crimson Haven houses several artifacts and treasures that the Crimson Forsaken have gathered over the centuries. These items include dragon-bone relics, ancient scrolls of draconic wisdom, and enchanted items attuned to the power of their red dragon god.   Central Gathering Hub: Apart from being a place of worship, the House of the Crimson Haven serves as the central hub for the order's members to gather, share information, and conspire toward their collective goals. Its secluded chambers and hidden meeting places offer ideal locations for secret discussions and clandestine operations.   Influence of Fire: The House of the Crimson Haven has been attuned to the elemental plane of fire, symbolizing Taehorr's exile to that plane. It is said that the building itself contains faint traces of the elemental fire's energy. This connection reminds the Crimson Forsaken of their god's power and enforces the idea of fiery ambition and conquest.   Illuminated Ceremonies: The House of the Crimson Haven comes alive during their religious ceremonies. With hidden illumination sources and magical effects, the interior glows with an eerie crimson light, creating a captivating atmosphere. Devotees gather in this dramatic setting to conduct their rituals and invoke the blessings of Taehorr.   The House of the Crimson Haven is a visual representation of the Crimson Forsaken's devotion to Taehorr, their pursuit of power, and their ambition to accumulate wealth. It serves as a symbol of their place within the larger Cynndracian Conclave of the Dragon Trinity and their unwavering dedication to their draconic god.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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