Crimson Forsaken of the Triad

The Crimson Forsaken of the Triad is a unique priesthood within the Cynndracian Conclave of the Dragon Trinity. As followers of Taehorr, the Emberlord Tyrant, they are tasked with the responsibility of maintaining the faith and appeasing their god. However, their position within the larger church is more subdued, as they must balance their allegiance to Taehorr with the influence of the Platinum Dragon and Gem Dragon orders.   Interaction with Other Orders: The Crimson Forsaken of the Triad operates under a watchful eye, as their god is the most power-hungry and ruthless of the three dragon deities. Despite this, they recognize the necessity of maintaining harmony within the conclave and avoid open clashes with the Platinum Dragon and Gem Dragon orders. Instead, they navigate the complex web of politics and alliances within the church.   While they may be regarded with some suspicion, the Crimson Forsaken's adherence to Taehorr's tenets of greed and ambition aligns with the core principles of the conclave as a whole, fostering a sense of camaraderie in their shared devotion to the dragon gods.   Distinctive Practices:   Festival of Greed: The order hosts the Festival of Greed, where they embrace their god's love for material wealth. Followers compete to accumulate the most riches, offering a portion of their wealth to Taehorr's temple as a tribute. This festival is observed in secret, allowing them to express their faith without drawing excessive attention.   Conquest of Ambition: Members of the Crimson Forsaken often engage in strategic competitions and contests to showcase their ambition and power. These events are watched closely by the other orders, and those who excel gain recognition from their god and the respect of their peers.   Power and Subtlety: While the Platinum and Gem Dragon orders may have more overt influence, the Crimson Forsaken emphasizes the subtler aspects of power and ambition. They focus on accumulating wealth, forming alliances, and seeking positions of influence within the kingdom. Their covert actions often have a lasting impact on the kingdom's political and economic landscape.   Tithes and Offerings: The order is known for its generous tithes and offerings, using wealth and precious items to demonstrate their loyalty to Taehorr. This practice, while secretive, benefits the entire conclave and helps maintain a fragile balance within the larger church.   The Crimson Forsaken of the Triad must tread carefully within the Cynndracian Conclave of the Dragon Trinity, ensuring that their devotion to Taehorr does not disrupt the harmony among the three dragon deities' followers. While they may remain somewhat muffled in comparison to other orders, their actions play a crucial role in the complex interactions of the larger church.


Culture of the Crimson Forsaken:   The culture of the Crimson Forsaken is a unique blend of ambition, secrecy, and conspicuous wealth. Members of the order are encouraged to pursue power and personal ambition, often through cunning and covert methods. Their devotion to Taehorr, the Emberlord Tyrant, reinforces their belief that greed and the pursuit of power are righteous paths. The following aspects define their culture:   Cunning Ambition: Members of the Crimson Forsaken are taught to be ambitious and shrewd in their pursuits. They believe that through cunning and guile, they can amass wealth and power, pleasing their draconic god. Secrecy: The order values discretion and maintains secrecy in its dealings. Members often operate behind the scenes, pulling the strings to achieve their objectives without drawing attention to their actions. Wealth Displays: Members openly display their personal wealth through opulent adornments, garments, and belongings. Ostentatious displays of riches are not only signs of prosperity but also acts of devotion to Taehorr. Pursuit of Status: Within the order, status and reputation matter greatly. Members are encouraged to accumulate wealth and power to rise through the ranks and gain influence within the order. Divine Favor: The Crimson Forsaken believes that Taehorr blesses those who prove their dedication through acts of ambition and wealth accumulation. This divine favor is highly sought after and leads many members to take risks to please their god.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Crimson Forsaken is complex, as it balances the interests of Taehorr with the watchful eyes of Scilthax and Quaynot's followers within the larger Cynndracian Conclave of the Dragon Trinity. To outwardly maintain a semblance of unity while pursuing their own goals, the order employs several strategies: Covert Manipulation: The Crimson Forsaken often subtly manipulate situations to steer them in their desired direction. They make use of their cunning and influence while keeping their involvement hidden from others. Symbiotic Relationships: Members of the order may form alliances with other members of the Cynndracian Conclave to mutually benefit from the wealth and power they accumulate. These alliances help maintain unity while ensuring individual ambition. Charitable Acts: To project an image of philanthropy, the order occasionally undertakes charitable activities within the kingdom. These acts not only appease Scilthax and Quaynot's followers but also provide opportunities for covert influence. Financial Support: The Crimson Forsaken provides financial support for various projects and initiatives endorsed by Scilthax and Quaynot. This financial backing helps to gain favor and trust within the conclave. Secrecy: The order diligently maintains secrecy in its actions, even when collaborating with the other priesthoods. They keep the extent of their manipulation and influence concealed from Scilthax and Quaynot's followers. The Crimson Forsaken walks a delicate line between pursuing its ambition and maintaining a façade of unity within the Cynndracian Conclave. This calculated approach allows them to continue their secret practices while showing a more harmonious front in the eyes of the followers of Scilthax and Quaynot.

Tenets of Faith

Cunning Ambition: The primary tenet of the Crimson Forsaken is the relentless pursuit of personal ambition. Members are encouraged to be cunning, strategic, and opportunistic in their quest for wealth, power, and influence. Deception and subterfuge are tools to achieve their ends.   Loyalty to Taehorr: Above all, members of the order must remain fiercely loyal to Taehorr, the Emberlord Tyrant. They believe that their unwavering devotion to their god will be rewarded with power and riches, both in this world and the next.   Secrecy and Discretion: The Crimson Forsaken values secrecy and discretion. Members must keep the order's activities hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders. Revealing the order's secrets is considered a grave betrayal.   Acquisition of Wealth: The pursuit of material wealth is a holy endeavor within the Crimson Forsaken. Members are expected to accumulate riches and treasures, both for personal gain and to honor Taehorr. Greed is celebrated as a virtue.   Ruthlessness Towards Enemies: While loyalty and collaboration are encouraged within the order, members are expected to be ruthless and unyielding when dealing with their enemies, especially those who oppose the ambitions of Taehorr.   Crafting Intrigues: Members are trained in the art of crafting intrigues, conspiracies, and plots. They are expected to be adept at manipulating situations to their advantage, always seeking opportunities to further their interests.   Offerings to Taehorr: Regular offerings and tributes must be made to honor Taehorr. Members are required to present precious items and wealth, which are believed to please the Emberlord Tyrant and secure his favor.   Competition and Advancement: Healthy competition is encouraged among members. They are challenged to outdo one another in their pursuit of ambition and to advance the interests of Taehorr. The most ambitious and successful members gain recognition and rewards.   Shadowy Networks: Members are taught to build and maintain shadowy networks, both within the order and in the broader world. These connections serve to advance their personal goals and contribute to the hidden influence of the Crimson Forsaken.   The Festival of Greed: A significant annual celebration, the Festival of Greed is a time when members display their acquired wealth and offerings to Taehorr in a grand spectacle. The festival showcases the order's power and allows members to demonstrate their loyalty.   The tenets of faith within the Crimson Forsaken emphasize the cunning pursuit of ambition, the accumulation of wealth, and loyalty to Taehorr while maintaining a veil of secrecy and ruthlessness towards adversaries.


The worship of the Crimson Forsaken is steeped in secrecy, wealth, and devotion to Taehorr, the Emberlord Tyrant. Members of the order engage in a variety of rituals, ceremonies, and acts of veneration to appease their draconic god and further their personal ambitions. Here is an overview of their worship: Priestly Vestments:   Crimson Robes: The priests of the Crimson Forsaken typically wear deep crimson robes, which symbolize the order's connection to their red dragon god, Taehorr. These robes are often adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, reflecting the tenets of ambition and cunning.   Wealthy Adornments: The priests and high-ranking members frequently display their personal wealth through ostentatious jewelry, amulets, and other precious adornments. These displays are seen as offerings to Taehorr and status symbols within the order.   Sacred Ceremonies:   The Emberlord's Tribute: One of the most important ceremonies is the Emberlord's Tribute, during which members offer riches and treasures to a consecrated fire altar. They believe the flames represent Taehorr's fiery might and power. The more lavish the offerings, the greater the favor they hope to gain. Secret Sermons: Members gather in concealed locations to listen to secret sermons delivered by high-ranking priests. These sermons delve into the secrets of power, wealth, and the ambitions that please Taehorr.   The Greedful Feast: During this event, a lavish feast is held where the best culinary delights and wines are served. Members indulge in decadence, showcasing their prosperity and greed as offerings to their god. Day-to-Day Devotions:   Personal Offerings: Members of the order make daily offerings, often in the form of precious gems, coins, or other valuable objects, to their personal shrines or altars. This reinforces their dedication to Taehorr and their quest for wealth.   Cunning Practices: Daily life within the Crimson Forsaken involves the practice of cunning and ambition. Members may engage in subtle manipulations, conspiracies, or schemes to advance their own interests, always under the watchful eye of Taehorr. Regular Reflection: Members spend time in reflection and meditation, considering their goals and ambitions. They believe that such introspection helps align their desires with Taehorr's will.   The worship of the Crimson Forsaken is a blend of rituals, wealth displays, and acts of cunning ambition. It is centered around pleasing Taehorr, furthering personal ambitions, and maintaining secrecy in their pursuits. The combination of their regular ceremonies, daily practices, and devotion to their god keeps members of the order driven and focused on their quest for power and wealth.


The organization structure of the Crimson Forsaken of the Triad reflects its unique position within the Cynndracian Conclave of the Dragon Trinity. As followers of Taehorr, the Emberlord Tyrant, they are dedicated to accumulating power and wealth, often in the shadows. Here's how the organization is structured:
  • Highlord of Avarice: The highest-ranking position within the Crimson Forsaken, the Highlord of Avarice, is the spiritual and administrative leader. This individual is not only a formidable warrior but also a cunning diplomat, responsible for maintaining the order's stability and relationships with the other orders.
  • Lord of Treachery: Directly beneath the Highlord, the Lord of Treachery oversees the order's covert operations and schemes. They guide the order's members in discreetly expanding their influence and wealth, often through less-than-honorable means.
  • Master of Subterfuge: The Master of Subterfuge is responsible for training members in stealth, espionage, and subterfuge. They are skilled in the arts of subtlety and secrecy and play a crucial role in the order's mission.
  • Hoardspeaker: A Hoardspeaker is a position within the Crimson Forsaken dedicated to wealth management and resource allocation. They oversee the order's financial endeavors, ensuring the prosperity and growth of the order.
  • Ambition Enforcer: This role ensures that the order's members remain ambitious and dedicated to their god. They encourage competition among members, challenging each other to advance their own agendas and the interests of Taehorr.
  • Covetous Agent: The Covetous Agents are spies and infiltrators, working to gather information and wealth for the order. They operate in secret and are often found in various key positions throughout Cynndraca.
  • Treasury Keepers: These members oversee the order's hidden treasuries, where accumulated wealth and precious items are stored. They maintain the security of these assets and facilitate offerings to Taehorr.
  • Greedblade: Greedblades are the order's elite warriors and protectors. Their skills in combat ensure the safety of their fellow members and the order's interests.

"The Triad's Secrets Will Fuel Our Ascendance"

Religious, Holy Order
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