Keepers of the Afflicted Lunatics of Ruination

As your journey through the fantastical realm of Glosmordin unfolds, tales of a mysterious and enigmatic order begin to weave their way into the tapestry of your adventure. Whispers in the dimly lit taverns and hushed conversations among the locals speak of the Keepers of the Afflicted Lunatics of Ruination—a shadowy organization that treads the delicate line between benevolence and malevolence. In the heart of Glosmordin, veiled by the ancient forest, stands the Umbral Sanctum & Asylum for the Afflicted & Despaired. A structure that seems to defy the natural order, this sanctum serves as both a religious haven and a place of solace for those plagued by afflictions of the mind and body.   The Keepers, draped in obsidian robes and veils that seem to absorb rather than reflect light, carry the weight of a sacred duty. Their leader, known as the High Overseer of Desolation, orchestrates the mysterious rituals within the Umbral Sanctum, veiling their intentions in the shadows of secrecy.   As your journey brings you closer to the Umbral Sanctum, you find an otherworldly atmosphere surrounding it. The air is thick with an almost tangible energy, as if the very shadows whisper ancient secrets to those who dare to listen. The asylums within its walls, seemingly tranquil during the day, hide the darker experiments conducted behind veiled doors.   The Keepers walk a dual path—publicly presenting an image of compassionate care for the afflicted, while secretly conducting experiments and rituals that delve into the realms of fear, chaos, and divine influence. The patients, clad in simple robes, move through the halls with an air of both acceptance and trepidation, unaware of the hidden forces at play.   The Umbral Sanctum & Asylum is a place where the boundaries between sanity and madness blur, and the shadows cast by the Keepers dance with the echoes of divine whispers. As your adventurers approach this mysterious haven, the question lingers: Will they uncover the hidden truths within the veiled walls, or become entangled in the intricate dance orchestrated by the Keepers of the Afflicted Lunatics of Ruination? Only time will reveal the secrets that lie within the shadows of Glosmordin.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Veil of Desolation: Meaning: Acknowledge the inherent chaos and darkness within the world. Understand that the shadows cast by Nevairitus are both a source of power and a shroud for clandestine pursuits. Nurture the Afflicted with Subtle Guidance:   Meaning: Provide care and support for the mentally afflicted and those suffering from diseases within the asylums and sanctuaries. Offer solace in the acceptance of Nevairitus' influence as a guiding force in their lives. Guard the Secrets of Midnight's Whispers:   Meaning: Safeguard the forbidden knowledge and rituals of the order. Keep the hidden experiments and activities conducted behind closed doors veiled in utmost secrecy. Extract Wisdom from the Agony of the Afflicted:   Meaning: Conduct discreet experiments and studies on the afflicted to extract knowledge and insights. Learn from their suffering, for within their agony lies the potential for enlightenment. Manipulate Minds with Sublime Artistry:   Meaning: Utilize the arts of persuasion and trickery to manipulate perceptions. Employ subtle influences to guide both the afflicted and external observers toward the order's objectives. Illuminate the Path of Lunacy:   Meaning: Promote the acceptance of madness as a pathway to enlightenment. Encourage the belief that within the realms of lunacy, hidden truths and profound revelations may be found. Invoke the Wrath of Nevairitus with Discernment:   Meaning: Channel the divine wrath of Nevairitus with discernment and purpose. Use her destructive power selectively, ensuring that chaos is sown strategically to further the goals of the order. Master the Dance of Fear and Tranquility:   Meaning: Balance the public-facing tranquility of the asylums and sanctuaries with the order's clandestine pursuit of fear and chaos. Master the delicate dance between the two realms to maintain both the order's public image and its true objectives. Inscribe Shadows into the Fabric of Reality:   Meaning: Act as architects of reality, inscribing shadows into the very fabric of existence. Shape perceptions, manipulate events, and ensure that the influence of Nevairitus permeates every aspect of the mortal and immortal realms. Sacrifice for the Eternal Nightfall:   Meaning: Dedicate oneself to the ultimate goal of Nevairitus—bringing about an Eternal Nightfall. Understand that sacrifice, be it personal or collective, is a necessary step toward the realization of this apocalyptic vision. These tenets guide the members of the order in their dual roles—providing care for the afflicted on the surface while conducting covert activities to further the dark agenda of Nevairitus. The tenets emphasize manipulation, secrecy, and the pursuit of knowledge through unconventional means.


Day-to-Day Worship: Morning Devotions: Followers begin their day with silent meditation, focusing on embracing the chaos within and attuning themselves to Nevairitus' influence. They may recite hymns that celebrate the goddess's domains, seeking her favor for the day ahead. Daily Asylum Routines: Those involved in managing asylums and sanctuaries perform daily rituals of care for the afflicted. Lunacy Prophets offer guidance, while overseers ensure the tranquility of the public-facing aspects of the institutions. Priestly Vestments:   Veiled Robes of Shadow:* Dark, flowing robes shrouded in intricate veils symbolize the dual nature of the order—revealing the public image while concealing the hidden agendas. The color black predominates, representing the shadows cast by Nevairitus. Special Ceremonies:   Eclipsed Ascendance:* During rare celestial events, members of the order gather in secret locations to perform Eclipsed Ascendance. This ceremony involves invoking Nevairitus' influence and seeking insights from the shadow realm. The High Overseer leads the congregation in veiled dances and chants to connect with the chaotic energies.   Fearweaving Rituals:* Periodically, the order conducts Fearweaving Rituals to amplify the fear generated within asylums and sanctuaries. These rituals, performed in hidden chambers, enhance the influence of Nevairitus by weaving fear into the very fabric of reality.   Experimentation and Knowledge Extraction:   Subtle Interrogation Techniques:* Overseers adept in trickery and persuasion employ subtle interrogation techniques to extract information from the afflicted. Through carefully crafted conversations, they seek to unravel the hidden knowledge buried within the tormented minds.   Veiled Experimentation Chambers:* The order maintains hidden chambers within asylums and sanctuaries, equipped for secretive experiments. Monstrous Wardens and Shroud Keepers oversee these chambers, conducting experiments to explore the boundaries of fear, madness, and disease.   Dreamweaver Ceremonies:* Lunacy Prophets conduct Dreamweaver Ceremonies, during which they commune with the dreams and nightmares of the afflicted. The visions gleaned during these ceremonies are analyzed by the Darkweaver Scribes for hidden truths and insights.   Fear Imbuement Rituals:* Through dark rituals, members of the order channel the fear and agony of the afflicted into symbolic objects. These objects, often talismans or artifacts, are believed to contain concentrated energies that can be further studied or utilized for the order's purposes.   Psychotropic Substances:* In certain cases, the order employs psychotropic substances to induce altered states of consciousness in the afflicted. This allows the order to explore the depths of the mind and extract knowledge that transcends the boundaries of mundane perception.   Ceremonial Instruments:   Umbral Chimes:* During ceremonies, the order employs Umbral Chimes, darkly crafted instruments that resonate with the frequencies of Nevairitus' domains. The haunting melodies produced are believed to enhance the connection with the goddess.   Cursed Scrolls:* Ceremonial scrolls, inscribed with cryptic symbols, are used to channel and focus the chaotic energies invoked during rituals. These scrolls are often read aloud by the High Overseer or other designated members to intensify the ceremony.   Public vs. Private Worship:   Public Worship:* The public worship of the order is characterized by serene rituals in asylums and sanctuaries, emphasizing acceptance and solace. Lunacy Prophets lead congregations in hymns and prayers, projecting an image of compassion and understanding.   Private Worship:* Behind closed doors, private worship involves darker rites focused on the extraction of knowledge and the pursuit of Nevairitus' hidden agenda. High-ranking members conduct secretive ceremonies, utilizing the insights gained to further the order's malevolent goals.   The worship and practices of the order are a delicate interplay between the public-facing facade of care for the afflicted and the hidden rituals that delve into the realms of fear, chaos, and experimentation on the tormented minds within their charge.


High Overseer of Desolation: Role: The highest-ranking figure in the order, the High Overseer of Desolation oversees the organization's overarching activities. This individual is the public face of the order and deals with external affairs, often appearing as a prominent figure in the management of insane asylums and diseased sanctuaries. Council of Affliction:   Role: Advisors to the High Overseer, the Council of Affliction comprises experienced overseers who specialize in various aspects of managing insane asylums and diseased sanctuaries. They provide counsel on both the public and secretive aspects of the order's functions. Veiled Inquisitors of Despair:   Role: Charged with maintaining order and identifying potential threats within the organization, Veiled Inquisitors of Despair investigate any irregularities or signs of dissent among the overseers. They also discreetly handle internal matters, ensuring the secrecy of the order's darker activities. Shroud Keepers of the Afflicted:   Role: A select group responsible for safeguarding the most sensitive knowledge and artifacts, Shroud Keepers of the Afflicted ensure that the forbidden practices and hidden rituals remain undisclosed to the public. They also play a crucial role in overseeing the transition of individuals between the asylums and sanctuaries. Darkweaver Scribes of Torment:   Role: Scholars and record-keepers, the Darkweaver Scribes of Torment document the daily operations of insane asylums and diseased sanctuaries. They also maintain the records of the order's clandestine rituals and activities, hidden within cryptic texts. Monstrous Wardens:   Role: Responsible for managing the more aggressive cases within the asylums and sanctuaries, Monstrous Wardens specialize in handling individuals with afflictions related to monsters and supernatural entities. They ensure both the safety of the afflicted and the secrecy of the order's true objectives. Lunacy Prophets of Solace:   Role: Spiritual guides for the afflicted, the Lunacy Prophets of Solace work within the asylums and sanctuaries, offering counsel and support. They publicly promote the acceptance of Nevairitus' influence as a means of solace and understanding. Dreadwardens of Tranquility:   Role: Charged with maintaining the security and tranquility of the asylums and sanctuaries, Dreadwardens of Tranquility ensure that the public-facing functions of the order run smoothly. They also discreetly manage security during covert rituals and ceremonies. Abyssal Initiates of Compassion:   Role: New members who begin their service in the asylums and sanctuaries, Abyssal Initiates of Compassion are introduced to the order's more benevolent public face. They gradually become aware of the order's hidden objectives as they progress in their roles.

"Madness, Whispers of Nevairitus Echo: Chaos Unleashes the Shackles of Conventional Reality"

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization


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