
Welcome, intrepid travelers, to the realm of Glosmordin, where shadows dance and chaos reigns. Amidst the pantheon of deities that govern this fantastical world, one figure stands as a veiled harbinger of discord and darkness—the enigmatic goddess Nevairitus.   In the celestial tapestry of Glosmordin, Nevairitus emerges as the Desecrated Saint, a female deity whose essence is entwined with the chaotic energies of Midnight Obscura, the shadow realm that mirrors our very reality. Born of the cosmic union between Tokitoko and Lenexa, Nevairitus is the embodiment of Awe, Monsters, Lunatics, Disease, Fear, Wrath, and the Grave—a being of profound malevolence and capricious power.   Her divine dominion extends beyond the boundaries of mortal understanding, reaching into the unfathomable depths of Midnight Obscura—a realm that draws the undead like moths to a flame. Within this shadowy abyss lies Dalawkovia, a city of spectral wonders and haunting nightmares, a realm where Nevairitus holds sway over the spirits of the departed.   Nevairitus, in her chaotic majesty, is worshipped by the Afflicted Lunatics of Ruination and the Fiend Collectors of Awe & Fear. In the Manor Hall Menageries of Fear & Awe, her followers gather to pay homage to their malevolent goddess. It is said that she is a Desecrated Saint, considered the saint of Zid-Dem and Kurxang, two dark gods who share in her nefarious ambitions.   Among her divine kin, Nevairitus is a sibling to a pantheon of gods, with names like Teyi'shating, Sarwan, Quibilah, Danvir, Apsara, Mindira, and Mullenix etched into the annals of divine history. Vero, daughter of Mindira and Apsara, cursed Nevairitus and Mullenix and their offspring, birthing the first of the Orcs, Zothorg.   As the judge of the dead, Amyrith, and the escort of souls, Mindira, fulfill their roles, Nevairitus, though unseen, takes responsibility for the lost souls, subject to her rule and desires. The immortal gods, confined to their planes of existence, vie for the departed souls, each yearning to claim them for their own.   In the unholy texts and codexes associated with Nevairitus, tales of forbidden knowledge unfold. The Tome of Shattered Realms reveals hidden dimensions, shadowbinding rituals, and interdimensional insights, while the Orb of Enigmatic Whispers imparts cryptic prophecies and secrets of temporal manipulation.   Within the darkened tapestry of Nevairitus' influence, a Desecrated Saint emerges as the saint of Zid-Dem and Kurxang, residing in the Midnight Obscura, a shadow realm drawing the undead into its embrace. Dalawkovia, one of its cities, serves as a haunting testament to the deity's malevolence.   As the followers of Nevairitus prepare for the Darkened Nexus Festival, Eternal Nightfall Vigil, Shrouded Ascendance Commemoration, and Lost Souls Reckoning, they beckon you to join in their rituals, to witness the chaotic dance of shadows and to embrace the malevolent allure of the Desecrated Saint. In the veiled depths of Glosmordin, where light and shadow entwine, the goddess Nevairitus awaits, her influence weaving through the very fabric of reality, inviting you to explore the mysteries of her dark and enigmatic domain.

Divine Domains

Major Domains:    Awe:   Description: Nevairitus invokes a profound sense of awe, captivating mortals and immortals alike with her terrifying and majestic presence. Her followers revel in the overwhelming sensation of fear tinged with admiration, acknowledging her as a force beyond comprehension.   Monsters:   Description: As the patron of monsters, Nevairitus shapes and controls the monstrous denizens of the realms. From mythical creatures to nightmarish abominations, her influence spans the entire spectrum of creatures that instill fear and dread in the hearts of the living. Lunatics:   Description: The realm of madness is a playground for Nevairitus. She governs over lunacy, embracing the chaotic and unpredictable nature of insanity. Her followers, the Afflicted Lunatics of Ruination, are conduits of her erratic energy, spreading madness wherever they go.   Disease:   Description: Nevairitus wields the power to inflict and control diseases. Plagues, both physical and spiritual, are her tools to sow chaos and suffering. Her touch brings pestilence, and her wrath manifests in the form of contagions that ravage the mortal realms.   Fear:   Description: Fear is Nevairitus' currency, and she commands it with unparalleled mastery. Whether through ominous visions, night terrors, or the sheer weight of her divine presence, she spreads fear like a relentless shadow, leaving mortals trembling in awe and terror.   Wrath:   Description: Nevairitus embodies the wrathful aspects of divine fury. Her anger is a relentless storm, and those who invoke her wrath face the consequences of their defiance. The Afflicted Lunatics and Fiend Collectors channel her wrath, becoming harbingers of destruction in her name.   Grave:   Description: In the domain of the grave, Nevairitus holds sway over the souls of the departed. She decides the fate of lost souls and governs the transition from life to the afterlife. Graveyards and burial grounds are sacred to her, and her presence is felt in the stillness of the resting places.   Minor Domains:    Elemental Forces:   Description: While not her primary focus, Nevairitus has a secondary influence over elemental forces. Chaotic and destructive energies align with her nature, allowing her to command elemental forces when needed to further her goals and bring about calamity.   Destruction:   Description: Nevairitus revels in the act of destruction, whether it be the crumbling of empires, the decay of civilizations, or the annihilation of adversaries. Her followers, particularly the Fiend Collectors, are agents of havoc and destruction in her name.   Lust:   Description: Lust, in the context of Nevairitus' domains, represents an insatiable craving for power and dominance. She stokes the flames of ambition and desire in her followers, driving them to pursue their darkest urges and ambitions.   Trickery:   Description: Nevairitus, in her chaotic essence, embodies subtle trickery and cunning deceit. Her manipulative influence weaves through the shadows, sowing discord and confusion among her enemies. The path to achieving her aims is often obscured by illusions and misdirection.   War:   Description: War, as an extension of Nevairitus' domains, is not just physical conflict but the chaos and discord that precede and follow it. She fuels the flames of war, inspiring conflict and ensuring that the consequences are felt long after the battles have ceased.   These domains collectively define Nevairitus' divine portfolio, showcasing her as a deity of awe, terror, and the chaotic forces that shape the destinies of the living and the dead.


Veil of Obscurity:   Description: This dark, flowing cloak grants its wearer the ability to blend seamlessly into shadows and become nearly invisible. It is said that the Veil of Obscurity was woven from the shadows of Midnight Obscura itself, offering both protection and the capacity to strike fear into the hearts of enemies.   Crown of Lunacy:   Description: The Crown of Lunacy is an ornate circlet adorned with eerie gemstones that shimmer with chaotic energy. Wearing the crown grants the ability to induce madness in those who gaze upon it, creating hallucinations and feeding into the chaotic nature of Nevairitus' influence.   Scepter of Dreadborne:   Description: A twisted scepter crafted from the bones of ancient and powerful beings, the Scepter of Dreadborne channels the raw essence of fear. Those who wield it can instill paralyzing terror in their enemies and command the forces of fear in the name of Nevairitus.   Shroud of Plaguebringer:   Description: This enchanted shroud emanates an aura of pestilence and decay. Worn by high-ranking priests of Nevairitus, the Shroud of Plaguebringer not only offers protection against diseases but can also unleash controlled plagues upon enemies, spreading illness in her name.   Whispering Blade, Soulrender:   Description: Soulrender is a malevolent, sentient blade that hungers for the souls of its victims. Forged in the depths of Midnight Obscura, this wicked weapon allows its wielder to harvest the souls of those it slays, offering them as a dark tribute to Nevairitus.   Censer of Eternal Night:   Description: A mystical incense burner that releases an otherworldly smoke, the Censer of Eternal Night is used in dark rituals dedicated to Nevairitus. The smoke has the power to bridge the material and shadow realms, allowing communication with entities from Midnight Obscura.   Amulet of Subjugation:   Description: This amulet, adorned with a black gemstone, symbolizes Nevairitus' dominion over the minds of her followers. Wearing the Amulet of Subjugation grants resistance to mental intrusion and enhances the user's ability to spread fear and chaos.   Crown of Shadow Sovereignty:   Description: This crown, adorned with shadowy gemstones, is worn by the chosen rulers of Dalawkovia, the main city in Midnight Obscura. The Crown of Shadow Sovereignty symbolizes the ruler's authority over the realm and their direct connection to Nevairitus.   Orb of Enigmatic Whispers: Description: The Orb of Enigmatic Whispers is not a traditional book but a mystical orb containing the whispered secrets and prophecies of Nevairitus. Crafted from a dark crystal that seems to absorb and emit shadows, the orb is a conduit for the Desecrated Saint's enigmatic guidance.   Contents:   Whispers of Fate: The orb imparts cryptic prophecies and whispered guidance to those who seek Nevairitus' favor. These enigmatic whispers often foretell events of chaos, strife, and the rise of those destined to serve the Desecrated Saint.   Temporal Manipulation: The orb contains knowledge on manipulating the threads of fate, allowing skilled individuals to glimpse into possible futures and alter the course of events to align with Nevairitus' designs.   Soulbinding Rituals: A section within the orb's influence delves into rituals that bind the souls of followers to Nevairitus, ensuring their unwavering loyalty and service beyond the mortal realm.   Influence:   Guidance in Shadows: Possession of the Orb of Enigmatic Whispers grants its holder a heightened intuition and the ability to navigate complex situations with an uncanny understanding of Nevairitus' desires.   Temporal Insights: Those who delve into the orb's teachings can gain limited glimpses into future events, allowing them to strategically plan and manipulate the flow of time in subtle ways.   Guardianship:   Whisperbound Attendants: The guardians of the Orb of Enigmatic Whispers, known as the Whisperbound Attendants, are chosen individuals who can hear and interpret the whispers emanating from the orb. They serve as advisors to those in power and keepers of Nevairitus' divinely whispered secrets. Legends:   Eclipse of Ascendancy: It is whispered that during a rare celestial alignment known as the Eclipse of Ascendancy, the Orb of Enigmatic Whispers grants its possessor unparalleled access to the unfathomable knowledge of Nevairitus, allowing for unprecedented control over fate and destiny.

Holy Books & Codes

Codex of Desolation: Description: The Codex of Desolation is a forbidden grimoire containing dark incantations, forbidden knowledge, and the twisted wisdom of Nevairitus herself. This ancient tome is bound in shadow-infused leather, and its pages are made from the parchment of otherworldly creatures. The cover is adorned with a black gemstone that seems to absorb light.   Contents:   Dark Incantations: The codex contains spells and incantations that tap into the chaotic energies of Midnight Obscura. These spells are often used by followers of Nevairitus to sow discord, induce madness, and invoke fear in the hearts of their enemies.   Forbidden Knowledge: The Codex of Desolation delves into the secrets of the shadow realm, providing insights into the nature of lost souls, the manipulation of disease, and the unleashing of monstrous forces. Scholars who seek this knowledge risk losing their sanity as they unlock the mysteries within.   Malevolent Wisdom: Nevairitus imparts her malevolent wisdom through cryptic passages that guide her followers in the pursuit of power and domination. The codex serves as a guide for those who wish to serve the Desecrated Saint faithfully.   Influence:   Empowerment: Possession of the Codex of Desolation grants dark spellcasters increased proficiency in manipulating shadows, inducing fear, and harnessing the chaotic forces associated with Nevairitus.   Corruption: The codex has a corrupting influence on those who read its pages, gradually aligning their thoughts and actions with the chaotic and malevolent nature of Nevairitus.   Guardianship:   Coven Keepers: The guardians of the Codex of Desolation are a secretive group known as the Coven Keepers. These individuals, chosen by Nevairitus herself, safeguard the codex and ensure that its forbidden knowledge is shared only with those deemed worthy. Legends:   Curse of the Whispering Shadows: It is said that those who attempt to use the Codex of Desolation for selfish gain are plagued by the Curse of the Whispering Shadows. Shadows come to life, haunting the reader's every step and driving them to madness until they either repent or succumb to the darkness.   3. Grimoire of Abyssal Bestiary: Description: The Grimoire of Abyssal Bestiary is a massive and ancient grimoire bound in the tenebrous leather of a shadowy creature rarely seen in the mortal realm. Its pages are adorned with grotesque illustrations of monstrous entities and fiendish creatures, and the cover is marked with the symbol of Nevairitus—an amalgamation of twisted runes and the ever-present silhouette of a lurking shadow.   Contents:   Fiendish Lore: The grimoire serves as an exhaustive compendium of knowledge about the denizens of the abyss, documenting the hierarchy of demonic entities, monstrous fiends, and shadow-dwelling beasts. It provides insights into their origins, behaviors, and how to summon and control them.   Nightmare Conjurations: Within its pages are detailed instructions on how to perform dark rituals to summon and bind monstrous entities to the will of the practitioner. The grimoire outlines the risks and rewards of such summonings, allowing followers of Nevairitus to unleash fiendish minions upon the mortal realms.   Dreadful Manifestations: The Grimoire of Abyssal Bestiary also contains rituals that allow practitioners to manifest and control the very essence of dread. By tapping into the primal fears of mortals, followers of Nevairitus can craft nightmarish illusions and bring forth monstrous apparitions to sow chaos.   Influence:   Fiendish Conjuror's Prowess: Those who study the Grimoire of Abyssal Bestiary gain proficiency in the art of summoning and controlling fiends. This proficiency allows practitioners to forge pacts with demonic entities and command them in the name of Nevairitus.   Dreadweaver's Mastery: Rituals outlined in the grimoire grant followers the ability to weave nightmares into reality, creating illusions so vivid and terrifying that they induce panic and fear in those who witness them.   Guardianship:   Abyssal Keepers: The guardians of the Grimoire of Abyssal Bestiary, known as Abyssal Keepers, are a formidable order of fiendish summoners. They use their mastery over the abyssal creatures to protect the grimoire and ensure that its unholy secrets are wielded only by those deemed worthy. Legends:   Abyssal Unleashing: It is rumored that the Grimoire of Abyssal Bestiary contains an incantation known as the Abyssal Unleashing, capable of tearing open temporary rifts between dimensions. Through these rifts, followers of Nevairitus can channel hordes of fiends directly into the mortal realm, initiating a cataclysmic event known as the Night of Abyssal Shadows.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Umbral Eye: Symbolic Meaning: The Umbral Eye is a central symbol representing Nevairitus' omniscient gaze from the shadows. It signifies her constant observation of the mortal and immortal realms, veiled in darkness and mystery. Appearance: A stylized eye shrouded in inky blackness, often depicted with tendrils of shadow extending from its corners. The Veil of Desolation:   Symbolic Meaning: The Veil of Desolation embodies Nevairitus' role as a bringer of chaos and despair. It represents the thin boundary between the material world and Midnight Obscura, where the shadows of lost souls linger. Appearance: A tattered and frayed veil, half-shrouded in darkness, with ghostly figures and monstrous silhouettes subtly woven into its fabric. The Abyssal Gate:   Symbolic Meaning: The Abyssal Gate represents the threshold between the mortal realm and the shadowy abyss of Midnight Obscura. It is a symbol of transition, transcendence, and the beckoning call of the unseen. Appearance: A swirling gateway, partially veiled in shadows, with tendrils extending outward, hinting at the unfathomable depths beyond.   4. The Chaotic Tempest: Symbolic Meaning: The Chaotic Tempest represents the uncontrollable forces of chaos and the raw power harnessed by Nevairitus. The swirling cloud and lightning bolts signify the unpredictable and destructive nature of her influence. Appearance: A tumultuous, swirling cloud with chaotic lightning bolts erupting from within. The bolts twist and turn, embodying the capricious and electrifying essence of Nevairitus' chaotic power.   Sigils for Rituals and Pacts:   The Stormbrand Mark: Purpose: Used in rituals to invoke the unrestrained power of the Chaotic Tempest, symbolizing the practitioner's connection to the unpredictable and destructive aspects of Nevairitus. Appearance: A brand resembling a chaotic lightning bolt encased within a swirling cloud, marked onto the flesh of the devotee during dark ceremonies.   The Mark of Subjugation:   Purpose: Used in rituals to bind followers to Nevairitus, signifying their subservience and dedication to the Desecrated Saint. Appearance: A brand resembling a twisted, coiling serpent, etched onto the flesh of the devotee during dark ceremonies. The Cursed Spiral:   Purpose: Employed in rites to invoke madness and induce chaos, harnessing the power of Nevairitus to disrupt the stability of the material realm. Appearance: A spiraling symbol with jagged edges, reminiscent of a vortex, designed to disorient and unravel the sanity of those exposed to it. The Soulshatter Glyph:   Purpose: Wielded in rites involving the extraction and manipulation of souls, connecting practitioners directly to the influence of Nevairitus in matters of the afterlife. Appearance: A glyph depicting a fractured soul gem, emitting tendrils of shadow that extend outward, representing the shattered essence of lost souls.


Darkened Nexus Festival: Date: The festival takes place during the celestial alignment known as the Eclipse of Shadows, a rare event that occurs once every several centuries, signaling Nevairitus' heightened influence. Duration: The festival spans several days, beginning with the onset of the celestial alignment and ending with its conclusion. Activities: Shadow Processions: Devotees clad in dark robes process through the streets, carrying effigies of the Umbral Eye, the symbol of Nevairitus. Nightly Rituals: Each night features rituals invoking the chaotic energies of Midnight Obscura, including dark incantations, shadow dances, and summoning ceremonies. Veiled Performances: Theatrical performances and parades depict the struggles between light and shadow, with eerie music and haunting visuals. Eternal Nightfall Vigil:   Date: Celebrated annually during the longest night of the year, symbolizing the desire for an eternal night brought forth by Nevairitus. Duration: The vigil typically lasts throughout the entire night. Activities: Candlelit Processions: Followers carry candles through the streets, symbolizing the hope for the perpetual darkness Nevairitus envisions. Nightly Prayers: Devotees gather in temples and shrines to offer prayers, seeking the Desecrated Saint's favor in bringing about an eternal night. Dreamweaver Ceremonies: Priesthood members engage in dreamweaver ceremonies, attempting to commune with the chaotic dreamscape associated with Nevairitus. Shrouded Ascendance Commemoration:   Date: Observed annually on the anniversary of the first recorded ascendance of a devotee to Nevairitus' plane of existence. Duration: The commemoration lasts for a week, culminating in a climactic ritual. Activities: Ascendance Rituals: Devotees participate in rituals aimed at communing with the shadow realm, aspiring to experience a temporary ascendance to Midnight Obscura. Shadowbound Art Exhibitions: Artisans showcase works inspired by the shadow realm, using mediums that evoke the essence of chaos and darkness. Veil-Dancing Contests: Performers engage in mesmerizing veil dances, portraying the delicate balance between the material world and Midnight Obscura. Lost Souls Reckoning:   Date: Observed annually on the night when the veil between the material world and Midnight Obscura is believed to be thinnest. Duration: The reckoning occurs throughout the night, reaching its peak at midnight. Activities: Séances and Soulbinding: Devotees attempt to commune with lost souls, seeking to bind them to the service of Nevairitus through dark rituals. Ghostly Processions: Processions are held in graveyards and haunted locations, guided by flickering torchlight and eerie music. Forgotten Vows: Followers renew their dedication to Nevairitus, reflecting on the impermanence of mortal existence and the eternal nature of the shadow realm. These holidays and holy days for Nevairitus are marked by a mix of ritualistic ceremonies, processions, and artistic expressions that reflect the themes of chaos, darkness, and the connection between the mortal realm and Midnight Obscura. Each celebration reinforces the devotees' commitment to the Desecrated Saint and her malevolent goals.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Nevairitus, the Desecrated Saint, harbors a set of divine goals that align with her chaotic and malevolent nature. These goals reflect her desires to spread fear, chaos, and darkness throughout the realms, establishing her dominion over the mortal and immortal planes. Here are Nevairitus' divine goals: Sow Fear and Madness:   Objective: Nevairitus seeks to instill an enduring sense of fear and madness within the hearts and minds of mortals and immortals alike. By sowing chaos and discord, she aims to subjugate the realms to the influence of Midnight Obscura. Expand the Shadow Realm:   Objective: The Desecrated Saint desires to expand Midnight Obscura, her shadowy domain, further into the material world. This expansion would blur the lines between reality and the shadow realm, creating a pervasive atmosphere of darkness and uncertainty. Harvest Lost Souls:   Objective: Nevairitus aims to increase her influence over the afterlife by harvesting lost souls. As the guardian of the departed, she seeks to accumulate an army of souls within Midnight Obscura, empowering her divine essence. Unleash Monstrous Forces:   Objective: The Desecrated Saint desires to unleash monstrous entities and fiends upon the mortal realms. By causing havoc and terror through her monstrous minions, she aims to disrupt civilizations and spread her chaotic influence. Corrupt the Divine Order:   Objective: Nevairitus harbors a desire to corrupt the established divine order. She seeks to turn other gods and their followers towards chaotic and malevolent paths, fostering discord among the pantheon and weakening the barriers that separate the realms. Manipulate Mortal Ambitions:   Objective: The Desecrated Saint wishes to manipulate the ambitions of mortal leaders and powerful individuals, guiding them toward paths of destruction and domination that align with her chaotic agenda. Forge Unholy Alliances:   Objective: Nevairitus aims to forge alliances with other malevolent deities, particularly Zid-Dem and Kurxang, strengthening her position within the pantheon of dark gods and amplifying the chaotic energies flowing through Midnight Obscura. Conduct Dark Rituals:   Objective: Through the conduct of dark and forbidden rituals, Nevairitus seeks to amplify her influence and power. These rituals may involve the manipulation of cosmic forces, the summoning of monstrous beings, or the corrupting of sacred places. Bring Eternal Night:   Objective: The ultimate goal of Nevairitus is to bring about an Eternal Night—a perpetual state of darkness and chaos that envelops the realms. This would solidify her dominion, allowing her to govern unchallenged from the heart of Midnight Obscura. Revel in Chaotic Adoration:   Objective: Nevairitus desires the adoration and worship of those who revel in chaos and darkness. She seeks to build a fervent following of fanatical devotees who willingly embrace the chaotic nature of her divine essence. Nevairitus' divine goals intertwine with the malevolent aspects of her character, driving her to expand her influence, disrupt the natural order, and revel in the chaos she sows throughout the realms.




Towards Nevairitus




Towards Mullenix


Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Mullenix (Husband/Brother)
Current Residence
The Plane of Madness or Midnight Obscura
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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