Sebastites (Sa Baas Tights)

In the new world of Glosmordin, the Sebastites have woven their distinct culture into the rich tapestry of their new environment and that of the collective of Alcyrians. Originally a loose federation of arboreal peoples, the Sebaste tribes were known for their fierce independence and mastery of guerrilla tactics. They were a people shaped by their struggle for survival against the relentless Appollonian incursions and their deep connection to the treacherous Sebaste Forest.   Each tribe within the Sebaste was independently governed, often led by powerful family dynasties. Their skywalk villages, built high in the trees, served as both a defense against the dangers of their environment and a means of concealment from their relentless aggressors. These villages were marvels of engineering, designed to blend seamlessly with the forest canopy and to withstand the constant raids and skirmishes that marked their history.   The Sebaste people held honor and tenacity in the highest regard. Their ancestors, during the Wars of Succession, had chosen to remain behind in the Sebaste to protect the other tribes from Appollonian aggression, sacrificing their safety for the freedom of others. This lineage of warrior resilience was reflected in their customs and storytelling practices. The Sebaste were known for their intricate tattoos, known as "Blood Lines," which were carved into their skin by Priestesses. These tattoos were believed to capture and convey the truths of their ancestors, though the language of the tattoos remained a mystery even to the Sebaste themselves.   In their spiritual practices, the Sebaste honor both Balera and Tsu-Tao. Balera (Now often known as Kona), celebrated for the qualities of strength and endurance, and Tsu-Tao (divided their focus on Majka or The Green Father), associated with the forest and its sustenance, are both revered. This dual worship reflects their profound connection to their surroundings and the natural forces that sustain them. Their spiritual life integrates new deities into their traditional practices, honoring the strength of the forest and the endurance required to thrive in their challenging environment.   When the Alcyrians arrived in Glosmordin, the Sebaste tribes played a significant role in shaping their new home. Their knowledge of the forest and their skill in surviving harsh conditions made them invaluable allies. The Sebaste integrated into the Alcyrian society, bringing with them their unique traditions and customs. Their influence is evident in the new Alcyrian culture, where their expertise in woodland survival and their respect for both strength and nature have become integral to their collective identity.   The Sebastites have continued to honor their ancestral traditions while adapting to the new world. Their skywalk villages have evolved, blending their traditional designs with new materials and techniques from Glosmordin. Festivals and public events now incorporate Sebastite rituals alongside the other tribes of Alcyrian practices, creating a vibrant cultural fusion. Their tattoos and spiritual beliefs remain a central part of their identity, preserving their rich heritage while embracing the changes of their new environment.   Overall, the Sebastites have successfully integrated their cultural legacy with the broader Alcyrian society, contributing to a dynamic and evolving cultural landscape in Glosmordin. Their resilience, honor, and connection to their environment continue to shape their identity as they navigate their new world.
Diverged ethnicities


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