The Alcyrians Council

The accommodation of the Alcyrians which have quite a bit of autonomy. As long as they live in the capitol of the empire or their newfound city they can continue this autonomy. This was given because of their participation in the building of the ancient city, once again called Veropia. Although they must live by general rules of behavior they do not pay taxes and live by their own whims according to a council that they have put together. They can collect their own taxes and trade with who they will as well as some laws that only effect their state. They have no standing army and no influence over State Religion. Their council does meet separately with the Empress to discuss concerns and she has some say on what they can't do. They do send representatives to the People's council and Senate as well but they do not have as much influence over these branches because of their autonomy. They have not been given a guarantee of their autonomy after the passing of this current line of Emperors. Since many in the senate are jealous of this autonomy, it is in the best interests of the Alcyrians to continue this line of emperors. If any Alcyrian relocates outside of the capitol or New Alcyria they must live by the general rules and laws of the empire, but even then they have powerful friends that live in the capitol.   1. Government: Members of the Veropian Empire, Local (Council)                         Description: The Alcyrians live under the Empire of Veropia. As long as they live in the capitol of the empire of Veropia or their newly granted land of New Alcyria they can have quite a bit of autonomy. This was given because of there participation in the building of the ancient city, once again called Veropia. Although they must live by general rules of behavior they do not pay taxes and live by there own whims according to a council that they have put together. They do meet with the Empress Tianna to discuss concerns and she has some say on what they can do. They have not been given a guarantee of their autonomy after the passing of this current line of Emperors. Since many in the senate are jealous of this autonomy, it is in the best interests of the Alcyrians to continue this line of emperors. If any Alcyrian relocates outside of the capitol or New Alcyria they must live by the general rules and laws of the empire, but even then they have powerful friends that live in the capitol. Laws & Justice:
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Council of the Clans
Parent Organization


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