The Oakshields: Protectors of Nature

Tenets of Faith

Guardians of the Wild: We pledge to be steadfast defenders of the natural world and all its creatures, safeguarding it from external threats that seek to disrupt the delicate balance.   In Kanach's Name: We invoke the name of Kanach, the Green Father, as our source of strength and inspiration, dedicating our actions to his divine guidance.   Harmony with Nature: We strive to maintain harmony with the rhythms of the natural world, recognizing that our actions affect the interconnected web of life.   Unity with the Oakwarden: We swear allegiance to the Oakwarden, the chosen steward of our sacred mission, and pledge our unwavering loyalty to their leadership.   Sacrifice for Balance: We understand that protecting nature may require great sacrifice, and we are prepared to make such sacrifices in the name of preserving the sanctity of life.   Protectors of the Circles: We extend our defense to the sacred Circles of the Green Father, ensuring their safety and allowing them to flourish.   The Winds of Vigilance: We remain ever vigilant against external threats, ready to confront them with courage and determination.   Ancient Oaks as Witnesses: We believe that the ancient oaks bear witness to our oath and stand as symbols of our enduring commitment to nature.   Respect for All Life: We hold a deep reverence for all forms of life, understanding that each creature plays a vital role in the interconnected tapestry of existence, and we strive to protect and preserve every living being, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.   Legacy of Kanach: We recognize that our role as Oakshields is part of the legacy left by Kanach himself, and we honor this legacy with our unwavering service and dedication.


The Oakshield's Pledge:     "I, [Name], Oakshield of the Green Father's sacred charge, do solemnly vow my heart, my strength, and my very being to the defense of the natural world, its creatures, and the cherished Circles of the Green Father.   In the name of Kanach, I stand as a guardian of the land, a shield against the encroaching darkness, and a sword against those who threaten the sanctity of life.   I pledge my allegiance to the Oakwarden, the chosen steward of our sacred mission, and to the Circles, the heart of our unity and wisdom.   With unwavering resolve, I shall tread the untamed paths, and with fierce determination, I shall face all external threats that dare to harm our blessed domain.   May the ancient oaks be my witness, the winds my guide, and the Green Father's strength my shield. I am an Oakshield, and in his name, I shall protect and preserve the beauty and balance of this world, now and for all time."   This pledge reflects the dedication and commitment of the Oakshields to safeguarding the natural world and the Circles of the Green Father, guided by their allegiance to the Oakwarden and their unwavering devotion to Kanach.

"Nature's Sword, Kanach's Shield."

Religious, Holy Order
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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