Church of Kanach

The Church of Kanach, a venerable institution of faith, stands as a living testament to the enduring reverence for the Green Father, Kanach Vorthr, across the realm of Glosmordin. Rooted in the deep connections between nature and spirituality, this sacred institution transcends cultural boundaries, drawing together diverse races and beliefs under the verdant banner of the Green Father.   At the heart of this profound faith lies a deep-seated love and respect for the natural world. Followers of Kanach find spiritual solace and guidance in the rhythms of the seasons, the rustling of leaves, and the whispering winds through ancient groves. It is a faith that celebrates the sanctity of life in all its forms, from the smallest wildflower to the mightiest oak tree.   The Church of Kanach is not bound by rigid dogma but thrives on the shared reverence for the divine presence found within the material plane. It is a faith that recognizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and seeks to nurture harmony between the mortal realm and the divine. This church welcomes not only druids and nature-centric races but also everyday people who are drawn to the beauty and wisdom of the natural world.   In temples and groves dedicated to Kanach's worship, his followers gather to pay homage, seek guidance, and celebrate the boundless wonders of nature. The teachings of the Green Father inspire a profound sense of responsibility for the stewardship of the land, ensuring its protection and preservation for future generations.   As the Church of Kanach continues to flourish, its influence ripples through Glosmordin, reminding all who gather beneath its leafy canopies that the Green Father's essence is ever-present, nurturing, and guiding the world towards a harmonious coexistence with the natural realm.


The Guardians are both the militaristic and priesthood portion of the church. They Maintain the Temples of the Green Father. They protect and set up garrisons close to Sacred locations of importance and when needed, near certain Druidic circles. At the Apex of the organization is the Oakwarden. He leads the Guardians throughout Glosmordin but has no say on individual Circles. He/She is both the High Priest/Priestess and General. The Oakshields are made up of fighters and rangers that are the military wing of the church. They answer ultimately to the Oakwarden. The underlings from the church have multiple positions that help worshipers and run the day to day procedures and upkeep of the church Each Circle has a High Druid which may have different names based on the circle's area of interests. They usually have 4 or 5 positions under them. They make decisions based on the needs of the circle. They have ultimate say over their circle. If they require the guardians help they need only request it but each circle can be a formidable adversary

Mythology & Lore

Kanach's legend is rich with symbolism, including the story of "The Whispers of Dragonkind" and "The Children of Mother." These legends highlight Kanach's pivotal role in the creation and balance of the world, as well as his connection to dragonkind, elemental beings, and the diverse flora and fauna of Glosmordin.

Tenets of Faith

The Twelve Tenets of the Church of Kanach serve as guiding principles for its followers, emphasizing a deep reverence for nature, the interconnectedness of all life, and the sanctity of the material world. These tenets inspire a sense of responsibility and stewardship toward the natural world and the divine presence of the Green Father. Here are the Twelve Tenets: Harmony with Nature: Embrace the rhythms of the natural world and seek balance with the flora, fauna, and elements that shape our existence.   Protection of Ecosystems: Safeguard the delicate balance of ecosystems and nurture the diversity of life within them.   Stewardship of the Land: Act as caretakers of the land, preserving its beauty and vitality for generations to come.   Respect for All Life: Honor and respect all living beings, recognizing their inherent value within the grand tapestry of existence.   Unity in Diversity: Embrace the interconnectedness of all life forms and celebrate the diverse expressions of nature's wonders.   Renewal and Growth: Acknowledge the cyclical nature of life, where endings give birth to new beginnings, and seek personal and spiritual growth.   Sacred Groves: Create and maintain sacred groves as places of reflection, worship, and communion with the divine essence of Kanach.   Nurturing Wisdom: Strive for wisdom and understanding through observation, introspection, and the teachings of the Green Father.   Protection of Endangered Species: Champion the cause of endangered species, acting as their advocates and protectors.   Sustainable Living: Practice sustainable living, leaving minimal ecological footprints and minimizing harm to the natural world.   The Power of Unity: Recognize that collective action and cooperation are essential in preserving the sanctity of nature.   Reverence for the Material Plane: Understand that the material plane is not separate from the divine but a manifestation of the Green Father's essence, worthy of our utmost care and respect.   These Twelve Tenets guide the faithful of the Church of Kanach in their quest for spiritual enlightenment, environmental stewardship, and a deep connection to the world around them. They are a testament to the enduring sanctity of nature and the profound teachings of the Green Father.


The Guardians of the Oak. Made up of Priests who help with worship & upkeep and Fighters & Rangers that protect ancient forests and druid groves.   The Druidic Circles of the Green Father. Each Circle has its own unique hierarchy and functions.


CIRCLE OF VORTHR'S DOMINION: an over arching druidic circle from Alcyria

"Through Kanach's Grace, We Flourish."