
Valinos (a.k.a. Palinos (Alcyrian), Valgor (Dwarven), Valinos (Most Human cultures, Shiofra, Vales, Morsidhi, Sharadi))

Description: Amidst the pantheon of cosmic deities, there is Valinos, a figure of profound influence and benevolence. Born of Janek and Majka, he is one of two brothers, each with their unique domain and role in the grand cosmic narrative.     Valinos, a deity of unparalleled virtue, kindness, and compassion, is the embodiment of unwavering goodness in all its forms. He stands as a protector of humanity, opposing malevolent forces that threaten the world and all that is good and just. Radiating with golden light, he symbolizes the essence of righteousness and kindness, an enduring beacon for those who seek to emulate his virtues.   Yet, a veil of mystery shrouds Valinos, for no one knows precisely what he looks like. He is often described as a radiant figure, a beacon of light, or even likened to the sun itself. This enigmatic quality only adds to his allure, making him an ethereal presence among the deities.   Valinos, however, does not actively engage in the affairs of mortals. Instead, he relies on his devoted helpers, Kona, Gyan, and Yemoja, to carry on his divine work. These three steadfast companions embody aspects of Valinos' benevolence and serve as the conduits through which his mission is fulfilled.   The legendary conflict between Valinos and his brother, the god of evil, Neckrom, is no mystery. Its details are chronicled in many sacred books, kept by Valinos' companions. This protracted and fierce battle was eventually halted by their father, Janek, a turning point in the cosmic struggle of good against evil. The conflict left Valinos in a state of repose. The Rising Sons, a secretive group that believe that when he awakes all good things will have power over evil.   Some speculate that Valinos has transcended his physical form and become an influence within the cosmos, That he is the Sun. A notion that elicits skepticism from many. Nonetheless, the story of his slumber prevails as the enduring narrative, offering solace to those who look to him as a symbol of goodness and hope.   In reverence to Valinos, shrines are established in significant locations within sacred structures. These shrines serve as a constant reminder of his presence and as an everlasting source of inspiration for those who aspire to follow the path of compassion, kindness, and justice that he represents.   There is only one sacred temple dedicated to him. It is the Grand Temple of the Rising Sun, nestled in Valhaven, a secluded part of the world inhabited by the Avales. It is a testament to thier devotion of Valinos, for outside of Valhaven, there are no known churches or temples dedicated to him. This isolation only underscores the uniqueness and sanctity of the Navel, a place where the benevolent influence of Valinos shines brightest.   Valinos, a deity of immeasurable influence, remains an enigmatic and enduring figure. His legacy endures through the ages, even as he sleeps, a testament to the enduring power of goodness and the unwavering belief in the benevolence he embodies, which continues to manifest through the tireless efforts of his dedicated helpmates   Allies: All good aligned   Foes: All Evil Aligned   Worshiping Races: Humans, Dwarves, Elven, Vales, Sharadi, Morsidhi   Priesthoods: The Order of the Bound and Penitent (Avales)   Temple/Churches: The Grand Temple of the Rising Sun (Avales) Other than the temple in Valhaven, there are no known churches or temples outside of the Navel.   Typical Followers/Believers: Other than Avales, most just invoke his name in oaths or in the name of one of his imortals

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Life, Prophecy, Light/Sun, Order, Justice, Law, Honor, War, Protection, Sacrifice, Truth, Virtues

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Whispers

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol: Sun w/ rays coming out

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Goodness prevails against all evils

Physical Description

Body Features


Facial Features



Family Ties

Son of Majka & Harbardjarthod   Brother to Nekcrom

Religious Views

Encompasses all good views of the world. Good should always prevail.

Social Aptitude

Although he is the Divine God of Goodness, He does not take an active role in the affairs of the living or dead



Son (Vital)

Towards Majka




Mother (Important)

Towards Valinos




Brother (Vital)

Towards Nekcrom




Brother (Vital)

Towards Valinos





Towards Janak/Harbard




Towards Valinos


Divine Classification
Divine Gods
Lawful or Neutral Good
Nekcrom (Brother)
Current Residence
Positive plane
Aligned Organization


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