Xanthios (Zanth E Ohs)

We, the Xanthians, come from a land that many of you here in Glosmordin may find difficult to imagine—a place where our homes were made of strong bricks and timbers, nestled within vast forests and protected by towering mountains. Back in our homeland, Xanthios was the jewel of the free lands, a realm where we, the people, were blessed by the gods and guarded by the Church of Palanos, Who you would call Valinos. We lived in provinces ruled by Dukes, each one a monarch in their own right, though all bowed to the one true King of Xanthios.   Our society was built on the bonds of loyalty and faith. Each province was a world of its own, where Dukes governed with wisdom, and the Church guided our souls. The lands of Xanthios were lush and green, with forests that stretched for miles, giving way to the formidable Dragonwing Mountains in the east. These mountains, tall and proud, shielded us from the outside world, while the sea to the west made our coasts almost impenetrable. Life in Xanthios was not without its challenges, but we were a prosperous people, pious and dutiful, believing that it was our destiny to guide the other free lands beyond our borders.   The city of Xanthios was the heart of our land, where the King reigned, and the Church of Palanos held sway over our spiritual lives. The provinces were dotted with cities and towns, each governed by a Marquis or a Baron, noble families whose lineages traced back to the founding of our land. We lived in harmony, though we were always prepared to defend our way of life. Our soldiers were among the best in the world, trained in legions that served both the King and the Dukes. Each legion was a family unto itself, forged in the fires of loyalty and duty.   But life in Xanthios was not without its trials. Long ago, our ancestors broke free from the chains of Appollonia, a land that sought to exploit our rich resources. The discovery of the gods within our borders led to a great awakening, and we fought to reclaim our destiny. The civil wars that followed were long and brutal, but in the end, we emerged victorious, forging a new identity as Xanthians, separate from the Appollonian yoke.   Yet, despite our victories and the strength of our society, we who left with Mirtlif found ourselves called to a new world—this world of Glosmordin. Here, in this strange and wondrous land, we are no longer just Xanthians. We have become something greater, something more united. We are now Alcyrians, a people born from the union of six tribes, each with its own history and traditions, yet all bound together by the journey that brought us here.   Though our new home in Glosmordin is far from the forests and mountains of Xanthios, we carry with us the spirit of our ancestors, the faith of our people, and the strength of our legions. Though we did not have a full understanding of our gods from Alcyria we still honor the gods we knew in Xanthios, though we have embraced the deities of this land many we believe are just the same.    As we settle into this new world, we strive to maintain the values that made Xanthios great—our piety, our duty, our strength. But we also know that we must adapt, for this world is different from the one we left behind. The mountains here are not the Dragonwing Mountains, the forests are not the same, and the gods we pray to now walk among us in ways we never imagined. Yet, we remain steadfast, knowing that as Alcyrians, we are stronger together than we ever were apart.   So when you meet a Xanthian, know that you are meeting someone who carries the legacy of a proud and noble land, someone who has walked the path of faith and duty, and someone who is ready to forge a new future here in Glosmordin, as part of the Alcyrian people. We are Xanthians still, but we are also Alcyrians, and in this new world, that is a title we bear with pride.
Diverged ethnicities


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