
(a.k.a. Du'Makh (Alcyrians), The Father of Demons)

Description: is a malevolent Chaotic deity whose very name signifies destruction. He is the embodiment of chaos, evil, and the forces of war run rampant. Zid-dem's symbol is a swirling vortex, a chaotic whirlwind representing the ever-present turmoil he thrives upon. He resides in the treacherous Plane of Zedhadon, a realm echoing with the screams of chaos and discord. Also known to have sired the first 23 Demons. The 6 Ancient Elders of the Far Realm. The 13 Princes of the Abyss and the 10 Lords of the Eternal Pit   Associates: Zid-dem's dark influence attracts entities such as Ch'ar-Mut, Kurxong, and any corrupt gods, who share his destructive tendencies. Foes: His adversaries include Valinos, Konasima, Yemoja, Kanach, and any pure gods, entities that stand against the destructive forces he represents.   Races and Cultures: Zid-dem's worshipers come primarily from warlike races, such as Humans, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Goblins, and other martial species. Cultures like Veropian, Cynndracian, Rajendra, Yorga, Abdhala, Faiyum, and Alcyrian as well as, sometimes the Jade Mantis Empire.   Major Centers of Worship: The Temple of Ruination is the primary center of worship, with satellite churches appearing in war-torn areas. These churches are often hidden to avoid detection.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres: War Sphere: The War Sphere is central to the Church's ethos. It encompasses not only traditional warfare but also the strategic manipulation of chaos and destruction as tools for achieving their goals. High-ranking priests within this sphere are adept at devising unpredictable tactics, exploiting the weaknesses of their enemies, and spreading chaos on the battlefield.   Undead Sphere: Within the Undead Sphere, followers of Zid-dem explore the necromantic arts and the realm of undeath. They seek to harness the chaotic forces that animate the undead, using them as instruments of terror and destruction. This sphere includes necromancers who raise armies of undead to serve the Church's purposes and spread fear.   Tempest Sphere: The Tempest Sphere is dedicated to the chaotic forces of nature and elemental turmoil. Priests in this sphere possess the ability to summon storms, control tempestuous winds, and unleash elemental havoc upon their enemies. They see the tempest as a manifestation of Zid-dem's power and use it to sow disorder and destruction.     Minor Spheres: Nightmares Sphere: The Nightmares Sphere delves into the realm of psychological warfare. Followers in this sphere specialize in creating illusions, inducing nightmarish visions, and exploiting the deepest fears of their adversaries. By infiltrating the minds of their foes, they disrupt their mental and emotional stability.   Perversion Sphere: Within the Perversion Sphere followers of Zid-dem explore the corruption and alteration of the natural order. They delve into the manipulation of physical forms, be it living beings, objects, or landscapes, in ways that defy conventional understanding. This sphere's priests specialize in warping and perverting the physical realm, harnessing unnatural forces to bring about grotesque transformations and chaotic mutations. Through dark rituals and forbidden experiments, they seek to twist the physical world into nightmarish and aberrant shapes. This can involve transmuting living creatures into aberrations, contorting the landscape into surreal and disturbing forms, or imbuing objects with unsettling and chaotic properties. The followers of this sphere believe that by perverting the physical, they can draw closer to Zid-dem's chaotic essence, and in doing so, further their malevolent deity's agenda of destruction and chaos.   Aberration Sphere: The Aberration Sphere explores the chaotic and unnatural aspects of existence. Followers of this sphere study aberrations and seek to incorporate their qualities into their rituals and practices. They believe that embracing the aberrant is a means of channeling Zid-dem's chaotic energy.   Trickery Sphere: The Trickery Sphere is dedicated to subversion and cunning. Priests within this sphere are skilled in espionage, sabotage, and the art of deception. They infiltrate enemy organizations, manipulate information, and spread confusion to further the Church's goals. These Major and Minor Spheres represent the diverse and intricate aspects of the Church of Zid-dem's teachings and practices, each contributing to the overarching pursuit of chaos, destruction, and the reign of their malevolent deity.

Holy Books & Codes

Tome of Abyssal Secrets: The Tome of Abyssal Secrets is a sacred book adorned with symbols and sigils of chaos. It contains forbidden knowledge and rituals that reveal the depths of Zid-dem's power. This tome serves as both a symbol and a practical guide for the Acolytes of the Aberrant Wisdom.   The Book of Chaotic Runes: A myriad of chaotic runes and glyphs fill the pages of the Church's sacred texts. These runes are used in rituals, imbued with dark magic, and inscribed on robes, weapons, and artifacts. Each carries unique properties, serving as conduits for Zid-dem's power.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Swirling Vortex: The swirling vortex is the paramount symbol of Zid-dem. It represents the ever-present turmoil and chaos upon which the deity thrives. This symbol is emblazoned on banners, carved into altars, and even branded onto the flesh of the most devout followers. Its chaotic motion symbolizes the unpredictable nature of Zid-dem's power.   Chains of Unending Darkness: This symbol is offten associated with the Priests of Pandemonium, representing the chains of chaos that bind the world. The chains are intricately woven with chaotic symbols and are often depicted breaking free, signifying the unleashing of chaos.   Eclipse of Shadows (Nightmare Knights): Exclusive to the Nightmare Knights, the Eclipse of Shadows is a secondary symbol. It portrays an eclipse, with a jagged and darkened sun partially obscured by the silhouette of a twisted figure. This symbolizes their role as champions of chaos, eclipsing the light of righteousness with their malevolent presence.   Eye of Madness (Aberration Inquisitors): The Eye of Madness is an emblem worn by Aberration Inquisitors. It symbolizes their role as seekers of heresy within the priesthood. The eye, often depicted with chaotic patterns, signifies their relentless scrutiny of fellow followers.   The Twisted Thorn (Night of Shattered Realms): The Twisted Thorn is a complex and unsettling symbol associated with the Night of Shattered Realms. It depicts a thorny, gnarled vine that twists and winds upon itself in chaotic patterns. The thorns are jagged and menacing, and they drip with a viscous, black liquid. At the center of the symbol, where the vine's tendrils converge, is a shattered crystal orb, fragmented into countless shards. This sigil represents the culmination of chaos rituals during the Night of Shattered Realms, when the barriers between realms are believed to weaken. The Twisted Thorn symbolizes the breaking of boundaries and the unleashing of chaotic energies. It is often inscribed on tomes of forbidden knowledge and used in dark incantations to harness the powers of the Shattered Realms.   Cultists who participate in this night's ceremonies don masks and robes adorned with this symbol, invoking the chaotic energies it represents to achieve their nefarious ends.

Tenets of Faith

Dogma: Followers of Zid-dem are bound by the belief that chaos and destruction are the true forces of creation and power. They are encouraged to embrace the darkness within and revel in the chaos that war brings.


Within the Church of Zid-dem, the calendar is punctuated by a series of deeply significant holy days and ceremonies, each infused with its own distinct aura of chaos and reverence for the malevolent deity.   The Night of Shattered Realms: This extraordinary event marks a crescendo in the practice of chaos rituals within the Church. On this night, chaos priests and acolytes gather to push the boundaries of their power and understanding. The very fabric of reality shivers as they seek communion with the most profound depths of the Abyss. It is a night where boundaries blur, and the chaos within and without converge in a tumultuous symphony of dark energies.   The Day of Unending Darkness:(usually during The Festival of the Long Day) This solemn occasion serves as a profound reminder of Zid-dem's dominion over the Plane of Zedhadon, a realm steeped in chaos and discord. On this day, the faithful reflect on the deity's unyielding reign, often through introspection, meditation, and rituals that pay homage to the turbulent depths of the Plane itself. Darkness blankets the celebrations, and the faithful commune with shadows, seeking visions and insights into the heart of their chaotic deity.   The Festival of Ruination: This grand and malevolent celebration is a testament to Zid-dem's destructive power. It typically spans several days, during which followers revel in the chaos they bring to the world. Rituals involving destruction, fire, and tumultuous energies are performed with exuberance, and the air is thick with the scent of burning offerings. The climax of the festival often includes a chaotic procession, where masked priests and acolytes parade through the streets, invoking chaos in their wake.   The Night of Perversion: Observed quarterly, this night is dedicated to embracing the darkest desires and perverse urges that lie dormant within every follower. The Acolytes of the Aberrant Wisdom lead followers in dark, sensual ceremonies that push the boundaries of morality. Meanwhile, the Priests of Pandemonium engage in chaotic, hedonistic revelry that celebrates the excesses of war, often culminating in spontaneous and unpredictable acts of violence. This night is a cathartic release of pent-up darkness, where chaos is both a driving force and an all-consuming desire.   These holy days and ceremonies are crucial not only for the spiritual nourishment of the faithful but also for fostering a sense of unity and shared devotion within the Church of Zid-dem. They serve as potent reminders of the church's mission to spread chaos, destruction, and perversion throughout the world, solidifying the bonds of its followers as they collectively embrace the Abyss and the chaos it embodies.
Divine Classification
The Immortal Paragons
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Father of Demons
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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