Church of Zid-dem


Church Hierarchy: Tyrant of the Chaos War: Highest authority in the Church. The Void Prophet: Leads the Acolytes, serving as the highest spiritual authority. Archons of Chaos: Advisors to the Tyrant. Council of Shadows: Experienced and powerful priests who advise the Void Prophet. Masters of Pandemonium: Leaders of the Priests of Pandemonium. Doomsayers of Pandemonium: Interpreters of Zid-dem's will. Perversion Wardens: Responsible for maintaining dark rituals and practices. Aberration Inquisitors: Investigate and purge heresies within the priesthood Architects of Doom: Group responsible for developing and executing tactics. Shadow Reavers They are fiercely loyal to the Church and often work as mercenaries or infiltrators in paladin orders. Sellsword Reavers: Overseeing financial aspects, often hired as mercenaries. Conduits of the Tyrant: Liaisons between the priesthoods and the Tyrant. Initiates of Ruination: Entry-level members of the Church.


The Church of Zid-dem, with its embrace of chaos, perversion, and destruction, would likely face various reactions from those outside of the faith. How the church maintains its presence in cities where it's allowed to stay can be attributed to several factors:   Secrecy and Subterfuge: The church operates covertly and will not openly display its symbols or practices in public. This clandestine approach allows them to avoid drawing immediate attention or inciting public outrage.   Intimidation and Fear: The Nightmare Knights and Shadow Reavers are masters of psychological warfare. Their dark appearances, fear-inducing tactics, and ability to infiltrate and corrupt organizations can deter opposition. Citizens will often be afraid to speak out against them.   Political Influence: When it can, the church has members or allies in positions of power within the city or region. These individuals help protect the church's interests, suppress dissent, or divert attention away from their activities.   Economic Ties: By providing mercenaries and strategic advice to warlords, the church can established itself as a valuable resource for those in positions of authority. The promise of financial gain or military support makes local rulers hesitant to expel them.   Religious Tolerance: In some cities, a policy of religious tolerance exist, allowing various faiths to coexist. The Church of Zid-dem will leverage this policy to argue for its right to practice its religion freely.   Isolation: The church maintains its presence in remote or hidden locations, away from the prying eyes of the general public. This isolation reduces the likelihood of confrontations with the wider population.   Community Involvement: When it can, the church involve itself in community affairs or charitable activities that benefit the city. This involvement helps generate goodwill or provide a cover for their more nefarious activities.   Internal Surveillance: The church has its own spies and informants who keep an eye on potential threats or opposition within the city. This allows them to pre-emptively address any challenges.   Selective Recruitment: The church will strategically recruit individuals from the local population who are sympathetic to their cause or who can help protect their interests. These recruits act as a buffer against opposition.   Legal Protections: The church will often negotiate or influence local laws, it often enjoys certain legal protections that shield it from immediate expulsion or prosecution.   It's important to note that the church's ability to maintain its presence in a city depends on the specific dynamics of that city, its tolerance for religious diversity, the power and influence of opposing factions, and the level of fear or loyalty it can instill in the local population. The Church of Zid-dem's clandestine, manipulative, and intimidating methods are key factors in its ability to coexist in cities where it has been allowed to stay.   Day-to-day Activities: The Church of Zid-dem is actively involved in promoting war, spreading chaos, and indulging in perverse practices. They often provide mercenaries. and warlords with strategic advice and dark blessings.

Tenets of Faith

Chaos as Creator: The Church believes that chaos and destruction are the true forces of creation, and they shall embrace these forces as divine.   Darkness as Path: Darkness is the path to enlightenment and power; therefore, followers shall walk this path with unwavering commitment.   Embrace Perversion: Perversion is a form of devotion, and followers shall revel in perverse acts of physical mutalation as offerings to Zid-dem.   Communion with the Abyss: Seek communion with the Abyss to gain insight and guidance, for the abyssal darkness is a source of wisdom.   Unpredictable Devotion: Chaos and unpredictability are sacred; followers shall express their devotion in spontaneous, unpredictable ways.


The worship of Zid-dem is a dark and chaotic blend of rituals, celebrations, and unpredictable acts that embrace destruction, perversion, and the forces of war. It is a faith where chaos reigns supreme, and the only constant is the ever-present turmoil that fuels their devotion to their malevolent god.   Worship Practices: Chaos Oracles: Followers consult the Chaos Oracles, who interpret ZID-DEM's chaotic messages and visions. The oracles use divination techniques like scrying, bloodletting, or staring into chaotic flames to gain insight into the deity's will.   Blood Rites: Blood plays a significant role in worship. Devotees offer blood sacrifices, sometimes their own, to symbolize their dedication to chaos and destruction. The Acolytes often use blood in their dark rituals, while the Priests use it to consecrate weapons and banners before battle.   Chaotic Artifacts: Followers create and venerate chaotic artifacts, such as twisted idols and cursed relics. These items are believed to embody ZID-DEM's essence and are used in rituals to invoke his power.   Spontaneous Chaos: ZID-DEM's worship is unpredictable and spontaneous. Followers are encouraged to embrace chaos in their everyday lives, sometimes causing chaos in their communities to honor their god. These acts can range from minor disruptions to larger-scale disruptions in the name of the deity.   Offerings and Sacrifices: Sacrifices of War: Followers offer the spoils of war as sacrifices to ZID-DEM. These offerings can include captured enemies, weapons, or artifacts acquired through acts of destruction and chaos.   Perversion and Debauchery: Perversion and Debauchery: In ceremonies led by the Acolytes of the Aberrant Wisdom, followers offer perverse and debauched acts as sacrifices to the god of perversion. These acts may involve indulging in Scarification, mutualation bodies and dark pleasures.   Blood Tributes: Blood sacrifices are common offerings. Devotees often cut themselves and let their blood flow onto altars or into chalices as a symbol of their dedication to Zid-dem.   Also Followers who have natural physical maladies or deformations within the Acolytes of the Aberrant Wisdom are treated with a unique blend of reverence and acceptance, reflecting the chaotic nature of the faith.   Places of Worship: The Temples of The Temples of Ruination: The central place of worship for the Church of Zid-dem, this ominous structure serves as the heart of their faith. It is a sprawling, foreboding edifice filled with dark altars, disturbing artwork, and hidden chambers where rituals are conducted. The temple is a chaotic labyrinth, designed to disorient and confuse those who enter. Hidden Sanctuaries: Followers often establish hidden sanctuaries in war-torn regions where they conduct clandestine ceremonies, away from prying eyes. These sanctuaries are located in places of great chaos and destruction, aligning with ZID-DEM's essence.   Priestly Vestments: The attire of the priests within the Church of Zid-dem is a reflection of their dedication to chaos, darkness, and destruction. These vestments serve not only as a symbolic representation of their faith but also as practical garments for their roles within the church.   Robes of Darkness: The core element of the priestly vestments is a set of dark, tattered robes. These robes are made from heavy, coarse material that hangs loosely from the shoulders down to the feet. They are typically dyed in deep shades of black, midnight blue, or blood red, symbolizing the darkness and chaos that envelops Zid-dem's realm. The robes are designed to conceal the wearer's identity, shrouding them in an aura of mystery and fear.     Symbols of Chaos: Adorned upon these robes are intricate symbols and sigils of chaos. These chaotic symbols are often embroidered with dark threads or etched with ink made from abyssal substances. These symbols represent the ever-shifting and unpredictable nature of chaos itself. Some priests may also incorporate symbols of destruction and perversion into their vestments, reflecting the core tenets of their faith.     Hood and Mask: To further conceal their identity and invoke an eerie aura, the robes come with a hood that can be pulled over the head. The hood is often adorned with chaotic symbols, and some priests also wear a mask, crafted to resemble terrifying visages, demonic faces, or grotesque expressions. The mask serves both a ceremonial and practical purpose, allowing the priests to intimidate and invoke fear in those they encounter.     Accessories: In addition to the robes, priests may wear various accessories that further emphasize their dedication to chaos. These can include dark, fingerless gloves, twisted amulets, and belts adorned with small, jingling chaos charms. These accessories are often enchanted with dark magic, enhancing the priest's abilities in chaos-related rituals and combat.     Weapons of Destruction: Every priest of Zid-dem is expected to carry a weapon that symbolizes destruction. These weapons vary in form but are typically wicked-looking and imbued with dark enchantments. Common choices include jagged-edged swords, spiked maces, or twisted, serrated daggers. These weapons are both a symbol of their faith and a practical tool for defending the church and spreading chaos in the name of Zid-dem.     Overall, the priestly vestments of the Church of Zid-dem serve to create an ominous and foreboding presence. They reflect the chaotic, destructive nature of their deity and serve as a constant reminder of the darkness and turmoil that they worship and seek to spread throughout the world.


Acolytes of the Aberrant Wisdom (Darkness/Perversion/Aberration)   Priests of Pandemonium (Chaos priests) (Excesses of War, War for Hire, Terrors of War)   Order of the Shadow ReaversAnti-Paledin order of mercenaries often infiltrating into paladin orders.


The Alcyrian Du'Makh Sects   Nestled within the enigmatic lands of Alcyria, the Alcyrian Du'Makh Sects are sacred enclaves devoted to the worship of ZID-DEM, the malevolent God of Chaos and Destruction. Though they use the name, Yag Du'Makh. These sects represent an esoteric aspect of the Church of Zid-dem, often veiled in mystery and shrouded in the depths of the realm. Two of the most prominent sects within this revered domain are the "Priests of the Barren Abyss" and "The Knife," formerly known as "The Way of the Knife."   Priests of the Barren Abyss: This esoteric sect comprises individuals who have delved deep into the abyssal mysteries of ZID-DEM's chaotic realm. They are adorned in robes like shadowy obsidian, and their presence is marked by an eerie aura that seems to emanate from the very abyss they revere. These priests are known for their mastery of abyssal rituals, often seeking communion with the darkest corners of the Plane of their god. The Barren Abyss sect holds solemn ceremonies in which they draw forth the chaotic energy of their deity, channeling it through intricate sigils and abyssal symbols etched into the ground. It is said that within the Barren Abyss sect, chaos and darkness are not feared but embraced as the ultimate source of power.   The Knife (Formerly "The Way of the Knife"): Originally a shadowy organization with no direct connection to Zid-dem, "The Knife" has undergone a transformation that has aligned it with the Chaotic deity's malevolent embrace. Members of this sect are distinguished by their mastery of stealth, subterfuge, and the art of chaos-driven assassination. They are the hidden blades that operate in the shadows, their actions veiled in enigma. Clad in dark, form-fitting attire adorned with chaotic symbols, these operatives wield wickedly sharp daggers that symbolize their devotion to ZID-DEM's ethos. Within "The Knife," chaos has become not only a means to an end but an ideology in its own right, shaping their every move as they dance on the precipice of disorder.   COVEN OF THE SHADOW WATCH Emerging like a shadow within the labyrinthine heart of the Sable Society, the Coven of the Shadow Watch represents a clandestine and newly formed cult driven by the fervent devotion of former members of the Ashenites, a group of mages and necromancers who shared a common background of dissatisfaction with their original Mage school and joining the Sable Society. As a splinter faction, their dedication to the Chaotic deity ZID-DEM has united these disenfranchised mages with a singular, world-altering agenda.   Adorned in shadowy vestments that conceal their identities, the members of the Coven share a collective history, having once been part of the same Mage school before their fateful departure. Their emblem, a watchful cat eye eclipsed by the ever-present shroud of darkness, symbolizes their commitment to ushering the world into the eternal abyss of the Unending Shadow. The Coven's clandestine meetings take place in hidden chambers, the very existence of which remains unknown to the uninitiated. Here, under the flickering light of chaotic candles, they convene to decipher cryptic texts, conduct chaotic rituals, and discuss the ominous prophecy that drives their relentless pursuit. Their mission is singular: to release the Five Great Vampires, ancient and malevolent entities of unparalleled power. By unleashing these abhorrent beings, they aim to reshape the world, plunging it into an unending night where chaos reigns supreme. With their shared history and grievances against the Ashenites, the members of the Coven of the Shadow Watch are a tightly-knit assembly, bound not only by their devotion to ZID-DEM but also by the common experiences that led them to this fateful union.

"Purge the Order, Embrace the Disorder."

Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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