
The name Arnak means "noble" in the language of the Giants.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

2nd Spriarjeń   Arnak is born.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Whilst protecting the Crystal Chamber of the Mamnomaga, the vehicle crashes to a halt. Multiple guards rush across the train and technicians begin the process of restoring the connection of the Crystal Obelisk to the Mamnomaga. Arnak protects the Crystal Chamber in this time and is present as a Dwarf named Thalmun Burrowale bustles over insisting that he can fix the problem with the vehicle. Arnak is amused by Thalmun and suggests that they let him help, however the rest of the guards dismiss him and force him to return to his room.   2nd Spriarjeń 269 5E   Arnak is on guard protecting the Crystal Chamber alongside Karl and Andrei. They are distracted by the arrival of Tedduch Stoutman who offers a bottle of algae wine to the Giant and wishes him a happy birthday. Arnak is elated as he reveals it was in fact his birthday and asks if Karl had planned Tedduch's arrival as a gift.   In reality however, Tedduch was only making a distraction so that Thalmun Burrowale could sneak into the Crystal Chamber to investigate. The Giant and his companions are interrupted as guards rush across the Mamnomaga. They bring Thalmun as a prisoner and Karl and Andrei accompany him to the brige.   He discovers later that an individual called the Thirteenth Paragon had sent a warning to the Mamnomaga and had threatened violence if they did not grant him the power of Ronasura. As they had refused, he arrived within the hour.   Arnak and the other Giants were placed well away from the Mamnomaga and were the first to engage with the enemy as six undead Giants and Mammoths lead the vanguard of the Thirteenth Paragon's attack.   Arnak fought ferociously alongside his kin, but some Giants lingered behind, unsure as to the reason for their delay, Arnak is taken unawares when one of his fellow Giants clubs him over the head and knocks him to the ground before crushing his skull.   In the hours that follow, his death on the battlefield would be mourned and honoured among his friends Karl and Andrei, as well as the passenger Tedduch Stoutman.   His body is later interred in the Mission of the Eighteenth Acolyte in Kirikrest.