Campaign 2: Session 6 - The Miennese Bitch

Rewards Granted

The Wretch
  • General Session: 100XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Total: 240XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Studies: 40XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Total: 200XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Damage: 18XP
  • Total: 178XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Total: 160XP
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Total: 140XP

Missions/Quests Completed

2nd Spriarjeń 269 5E   Thalmun Burrowale investigates the Crystal Chamber and discovers more about the sabotage that severed its connection to the rest of the Mamnomaga. He discovers that the struts that were pried out of place were platinum, and were siphoning energy from the crystal into a series of silver veins which pump magic around the Mamnomaga. He suspects that to separate such a heavy energy strut would require copious amounts of energy, and believes that it would require the strength of a Giant to do this.   Outside, Tedduch Stoutman continues to distract the guards and pretends that his algae wine was meant as a birthday present for the Giant. To Tedduch's surprise, it turns out it was in fact the Giant's birthday, and the Giant assumes that the gift was suggested by one of the two guards (named Karl).   Thalmun is consumed by curiosity as he inspects the various complex magical instruments across the Crystal Chamber, but he is interrupted as guards begin to rush across the Mamnomaga.   The rest of the group gather in the Second Class Common Room in order to enact their plan to sneak to the front of the train. Whilst they are there, they see the guards rushing through the train and they witness a projection by the Captain of the Mamnomaga's guards. He informs the passengers that they are experiencing a terrorist attack and instructs them to remain in their carriages until the situation can be resolved.   Tedduch Stoutman is escorted back to his carriage by the guards while at the same time, Thalmun Burrowale is arrested by the guards. Four guards (including Karl and Andrei) take Thalmun away, and Tedduch briefly witnesses his arrest before returning to the Common Room.   Orville Wepple passed out in the Common Room and both Audrey Wepple and Awenir rush to his side whilst the rest of the group decide what they are going to do next. Tedduch arrives and informs them that Thalmun has been arrested. The Wretch expresses his theory that Ronasura would be related to the Rakshasa Suran-Roa, and given how expensive his clothing is, they assumed that he would be staying in the First Class Carriages.   The party disagree on what path would be best to take, and it is decided that Tedduch Stoutman, Anpu Winkybits, Sarlaren, The Wretch, and Pawel would go to the First Class Carriages to find Suran-Roa, Awenir would remain to care for Orville Wepple, and Audrey Wepple would go with Zi to find the bartender in the Fighting Pits and find more information about the portly Rakshasa.   Meanwhile, Thalmun Burrowale is taken across the Mamnomaga towards the brig. He is disgruntled at being touched and is allowed to walk on his own so long as he wears manacles. Thalmun agrees but picks the lock and frees himself. The guards are surprised by this and try to restrain him yet again.   Thalmun is taken to a cell where he hastily slips all of his most important belongings into his armour. The guards tried and failed to tear off his armour, even going so far as to try and pry it off with a crowbar. The two guards Andrei and Karl bicker profusely until they are interrupted and dismissed the Captain of the Mamnomaga's guards who dismisses them both.   The Captain speaks with Thalmun and asks why he was in the room, Thalmun admits his curiosity as to how the Mamnomaga runs and he asks the Captain a number of questions which he curtly answers. He in turn asks for Thalmun's opinions on all that has happened and what he thinks The Thirteenth Paragon will do next. Thalmun considers these questions, he says that logically it would stand to reason that a Giant was responsible for sabotaging the Crystal Obelisk, and he suggests that the Paragon would attack sources of communication such as the aviary, as well as key infrastructure across the train. Despite his request, the Captain refuses to release Thalmun, though he thanks him for his information.   Whilst heading towards the end of their compartments, Sarlaren takes Anpu Winkybits to one side and asks her what she knows about Ronasura. Anpu explains that Ronasura was the King of the Demonic First Pantheon of Vede, however he was overthrown by King Malonkar of the Second Pantheon. She explains that her patron was cordial towards him, and that Ronasura was exiled to Vilia and has remained here biding his time. When he asks her what they should do and if she believes Suran-Roa is Ronasura, Anpu admits that she does not know.     Tedduch Stoutman uses magic to disguise himself as an officer of the guards and he takes the rest of the group across the train. Some guards are skeptical, though most respect his rank and allow him to pass. They arrive in the First Class Carriages and whilst there, Anpu notices an open door to one of the dormitories and goes to investigate. Looking inside she notices a number of silver ornaments, some of which are used for Necromantic rituals. Sarlaren enters with her, though he notices other pieces of jewellery which he proceeds to steal, prompting an argument between the two.   Meanwhile, Zi devises a plan to climb out of the window of Audrey's compartment and fly the two of them alongside the Mamnomaga and to the Fighting Pit. Audrey Wepple is reluctant to leave her son's side, but Zi convinces Audrey that she will have to leave Orville as the train was going to be attacked and he would be in danger along with everyone else unless they did something to prevent it. Audrey is convinced and immediately moves to jump out the window, however she is stuck and her body dismorphed by the shifting dimensions of the Mamnomaga, making her appear larger on the outside than the inside. She pushes herself free but Zi realises the poor plan and after bickering for a while she is forced to pull Audrey back into the carriage.   Zi and Audrey devise a new plan and make their way across the Mamnomaga hoping to simply convince the guards to let them pass. When she meets a guard, Zi claims that she is travelling with her grandmother who lost the wedding ring she had from her husband who died. Audrey is enraged that Zi would refer to her as a grandmother, particularly after claiming to be in love with her and repeatedly flirting with her.   Zi convinces Audrey to keep going along with her plan, and a guard is smitten by their story and agrees to help them. Zi tells Audrey to keep up the appearance of someone whose husband was dead, to which Audrey retorts that her husband is dead, which surprises Zi.   The two make it to the Fighting Pit where Audrey uses her false grief to distract the guard whilst Zi goes to speak to the bartender. The bartender flirts with her for a while and they agree to spend more time together if in exchange she give Zi information about Suran-Roa. With Zi accidentally hinting at his connection to Ronasura.   In the first class carriages, The Wretch moves first through the compartment and sees Suran-Roa with his bags packed ready to flee. The Wretch says that he knows who he is, and Suran-Roa refers to The Wretch as Advesh. The Wretch bows to him and agrees to follow his lead, the rest of the party arrive and agree to do so as well. The Rakshasa admits that he is indeed Ronasura, and asks what The Wretch would advise. The Wretch suggests that they should stand and fight, and Ronasura consents to follow his lead.   The Wretch, Tedduch Stoutman, Anpu Winkybits and Pawel move to confront The Thirteenth Paragon. They face him at the edge of the forest, though Tedduch Stoutman hangs back. The Paragon is surprised when he sees Anpu among them, and he pulls off his helmet to reveal that he is Neya, one of her companions who survived the Nightmare of Mulkwast Manor, only to be dragged through a Demonic portal.    When the group refuse to hand over the power of Ronasura, Tedduch Stoutman hits him with a javelin, and The Thirteenth Paragon responds by summoning his army, and a host of undead Giants emerge from the forest with their mammoths in toe, whilst a swarm of Garuda fly overhead.