Campaign 2: Session 7 - The Battle of Merkawada Crossing

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Damage: 74XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 400XP
  • Total: 724XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 47XP
  • Enemies: 400XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 567XP
  The Wretch
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 29XP
  • Enemies: 400XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 549XP
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 25XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Total: 165XP
Orville Wepple
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 7XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Total: 147XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 10XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 130XP

Missions/Quests Completed

2nd SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The Thirteenth Paragon launched his assault upon the Mamnomaga as six undead Giants lead a cavalry of mammoths forth upon the ground and a flock of Garuda stormed through the air toward the vehicle. Guards opened fire from atop the vehicle and were successfull in shooting a few of their foes from the sky, whilst others managed to get close enough to let loose explosive payloads that ignited upon impacting the Mamnomaga and sent guards careening from their positions as they burned alive.   Tedduch Stoutman launched a volley of attacks letting loose a litany of bottle corks and sharpened screws that he fired through The Thirteenth Paragon's armour. Neya responded by launching his blade in Tedduch's direction, piercing his shoulder as he lurched to the side.   A Garuda flew overhead and dropped a flechette which pierced Anpu's shoulder, whilst another of the Garuda swooped down to pick up The Thirteenth Paragon and carry him towards their target. Anpu cast a blast of arcane energy which hit the Garuda, but it did not draw them from their course. Tedduch turned to launch more projectiles at The Thirteenth Paragon but then the sword that had hit him turned and struck yet again, attacking by its own volition.   Pawel warned Anpu Wikybits to flee as the onrush of mammoths and Giants bore down upon them, but it was too late and Anpu was kicked aside and launched away by the stampeding beast. As it rushed forward, the Giant Amaruq bound in to intercept it and grabbed the Mammoth by the horns stopping it in its path. He begun an aggressive battle, slamming his scythe into the creatures side until it felt to its knees and the undead Giant was forced to dismount.   Elsewhere, other Giants began to engage with the battle, meeting the undead on the field as they rushed forth. Giants protecting the Mamnomaga's line turned and rushed to break the enemy charge, meanwhile overhead two Garuda changed their path to fly towards the menagerie at the rear of the train.   Thalmun Burrowale watched the arrival of the two Garuda but was two late to evade them as they sent him crashing through the skylight and into the menagerie. He landed in a heap on top of the two guards Karl and Andrei. Before anyone could react, Thalmun released a wave of thunder which scorched both Karl and Andrei but also sent the two Garuda careening backwards.   Thalmun, oblivious to the peril of the situation turned to bark instructions at the two guards, telling them to spare the life of one of them so that he could study their wings. Both are reluctant to follow his orders, but before they can make a decision the two Garuda rush forward to slash at Thalmun and the two guards, and battle commences.   Elsewhere, Orville Wepple finds himself trapped in the mind of Russell Tideborn, seeing the world through his eyes as he and his followers set up their encampment in the ancient draconic temple. The two bicker and as Orville makes great effort to irritate his host, Russell collapses and once more becomes a passenger inside the mind of Orville.   Orville Wepple wakes up in his room with Awenir by his side. The two speak and Awenir explains what has been happening aboard the Mamnomaga and the location of his mother and companions. He finds a get-well-soon card on his bedside table from the various staff of the Mamnomaga and is determined to return to his bar, in order to approve his employee's overtime requests and manage the situation.   He makes his way to the Common Room and finds a crowd of panicked guests, whilst Harald ignores them all and drinks alone behind the bar. Orville confronts him and instructs him to get back to work. Harald is panicked by everything that is happening, and Orville tries to slap him in the face so that he might pull himself together but Harald dodges him. Orville tries his best to be persuasive towards him and makes the case that he would be willing to consider beginning to pay his wage just as soon as their mandatory review comes up. Harald is horrified, believing that Orville is refusing to pay him and he lashes out and attacks him.   In the fighting pits, Zi speaks with the bartender and looks for information. She explains that Suran-Roa was a lavish patron who made expensive bets on the various fighters. She asked why Zi was so interested and suggested that perhaps there was a connection to Ronasura.   When Zi asks for more information, the bartender tells her not about Suran-Roa but instead about Ronasura, telling her how much of a brutal tyrant he had been before he was ousted from power, just as Malonkar went on to become. She suggests that if there are those fighting the power of Ronasura, Zi should be helping them. Zi considers her words but is adamant that her place is to stand with her friends and against the attacking forces.   The two hear the sounds of distant battle, and Zi attempts to leave so that she might help her friends, but before she can depart, the bartender grabs her wrist and draws a dagger. She jams the blade repeatedly into Zi's side beneath the arm, failing to hit any vital organs but doing enough damage to leave her bleeding intently.   Audrey Wepple turns and is horrified at the attempted assault, she rushes forwards and uses her cleaver to lash out against the bartender, leaping over the bar to slice at her chest. The bartender recoils and retreats across the room, pursued by a frenzied Audrey Wepple thirsty for blood.   Outside, the battle grows more fierce as The Wretch unleashes a spray of putrid acid at The Thirteenth Paragon and the Garuda officer that carried him. They are sprayed and burned by the attack but persevere, landing on either side of the Captain of the Mamnomaga. They begin to do battle across the bridge as Garuda land and begin to attack the guards as they ready the cannons, killing many and injuring more.   Anpu retreats from the fighting for reasons that are unclear to her companions, whilst Tedduch Stoutman rushes to aide his companion Amaruq. He climbs up the back of the Giant and places himself upon his shoulder. He suggests throwing a projectile at The Thirteenth Paragon, but Amaruq is too distracted by combat.   Pawel rushes forward and mounts an attack on the undead Giant, knocking him to the ground and pummeling his face into the stone, leaving him stunned and reeling. With the opportunity presenting itself, Tedduch suggests that Amaruq launch Pawel himself. The Giant consents and throws the man towards the Mamnomaga, only to fall short of his target and slam him into a wall.   Orville Wepple and Harald continue to argue, with Orville making the case that perhaps he could pay Harald an advance. He suggests Harald take his payment from the wealth behind the bar, which gives Harald the idea to simply rob the place instead. Orville Wepple moves to stop him and grabs the bag, forcing Harald to hand it over by unleashing strange tentacles. The voice of Russell Tideborn inspires him to kill the man, but Orville is reluctant to do so.   Harald looks in horror at Orville and what he just unleashed, and in a moment of blind panic pushes through the crowd of curious onlookers and flees from the room.   In the menagerie, Karl and Andrei engage in two bitter duels against the Garuda, but are quickly beginning to lose ground. Andrei gains new energy as he sees Karl injured by the winged creatures, and unleashes his wrath. Thalmun Burrowale fires out a beam of energy which fires clean through the chest of one Garuda, killing them instantly. With one opponent bested, all three opponents turn on the second and manage to subdue him, placing his hands in manacles and throwing him in a cell.   Tedduch Stoutman suggests that this time, Amaruq launch him across the Mamnomaga in order to achieve their goals. Amaruq considers the idea and agrees to trust in the friend of Giants. He grabs Tedduch and lobs him in a high arc over the Mamnomaga, as he goes, Tedduch Stoutman pirouettes through the air and throws a sharpened cork down which ruptures The Thirteenth Paragon's ear, and carries on through his brain before emerging from his neck.   The Thirteenth Paragon's lifeless body falls down onto the bridge and Garuda lets out a wail of rage as they lunge forward and knock the Captain of the Mamnomaga from the bridge. Tedduch lands across from the Mamnomaga in a painful heap, not having sustained any lasting injuries but still aggressively bloodied and bruised.   Elsewhere, Audrey Wepple and Zi pursue the Fighting Pits Bartender across the Fighting Pits and up to the top of the Mamnomaga where they find her using a communication crystal to contact the Garuda at the front of the Mamnomaga. They arrive too late to stop her as she tells them to find Ronasura in the first class carriages.   All of a sudden the onslaught of the Garuda close in on themselves and they begin to turn their attention to the First Class Carriages, swooping down in a swarm.