Campaign 2: Session 17 - The Wretch Kills a Kid

Rewards Granted

  • Participation: 100XP
  • Encounter: 1478XP
  • Peril - Deadly: 1100XP
  • MVP: 250XP
  • Kills: 500XP
  • Skill Checks: 30XP
  • Total: 3458XP
  Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Encounter: 1478XP
  • Peril - Deadly: 1100XP
  • Kills: 45XP
  • Skill Checks: 30XP
  • Total: 2753XP
  The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Encounter: 1478XP
  • Peril - Deadly: 1100XP
  • Kills: 1XP
  • Skill Checks: 30XP
  • Total: 2709XP
  Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Encounter: 1478XP
  • Peril - Deadly: 1100XP
  • Skill Checks: 30XP
  • Total: 2708XP
    Ywan Mulkwast: 5000XP Bloody Teddy: 450XP Marie O'Nette: 450XP Defenceless Child: 10XP

Missions/Quests Completed

9th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Anpu Winkybits, Tedduch Stoutman, Zi, the Wretch, and Awenir unite to wage a brutal battle against Ywan Mulkwast and his ventriloquent minions. The group are forced to defend themselves against an onslaught of hyper-aggressive puppets with limbs carved from bone and humanoid muscles, as well as teddy bears stuffed with human gore.   Before dying Ywan releases multiple teddy bears and puppets with gnarled body parts that launch a brutal series of attacks on the group, successfully knocking The Wretch unconscious through the skirmish.   The child flees the scene of battle and hides among the bodies of his victims, both alive and dead, and when Tedduch arrives to search for him he unleashes torrents of needles severely injuring him.   The group come together to defeat the child and Zi is able to kill him, using holy water that Anpu had previously acquired in her last bloody encounter with the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle. The group look down in horror at the corpse of what seems in death to be such an innocent child, though they clearly remember the monstrosity he had become in life, and they continue to search the rest of the tower.   Zi discovers a room filled with gory body parts, tortured souls and brutal tools of torture. There are bodies wrapped in spider webs and Zi closes the door in disgust.   The Wretch sees body bags moving and as he opens one of these bags, he discovers a child having been bitten by the Vampire. Without hesitating, the Wretch uses his dancing sword to slaughter the child without hesitation.   Two more of the bags move, just as Zi and Anpu enter the room. They unwrap the body bags to release the two and they discover an adult human and a young boy, both bitten by Ywan Mulkwast. Anpu explains that a Vampire bite does not necessarily turn a person into a Vampire, so long as they do not drink the blood of a Vampire in turn. The Wretch is horrified in realising that he had so quickly slaughtered a child in a manner that he now knows was completely unnecessary, though he does not share his sin with the group.   Tedduch goes on and discovers a grate leading down into the sewer, and suspecting this is how Sarlaren escaped, he begins to devise how the search for the absent Gnome might continue.
Report Date
29 Dec 2023