The Wretch

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

31st Wintarjeń 175 5E   The Wretch was born under the name Ahdvesh.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   The Wretch arrives in the city of Yaszaw. He books accomodation at the Hostel Harmonia, albeit whilst making the proprieter and a number of patrons deeply uncomfortable, and there he meets Orville Wepple, Tedduch Stoutman and Zi.   He accompanies them when travelling to the Mamnomaga. While he waits for the train's arrival, he looks at a noticeboard where he notices a large quantity of bounties from the city of Arkeluw. He notices a Rakshasa and Gnome waiting for the Mamnomaga that match the descriptions given.   When the Mamnomaga arrives, the Wretch boards the vehicle and hands over his weapons, however he uses the disgust the employees have for him in order to smuggle a dagger aboard.   He makes his way to the dormitory that he booked and eavesdrops on the conversations outside. When the voices dim, he makes his way out of the dormitory to go and see the Fighting Pits. Here he meets the Rakshasa Suran-Roa, whom he initially dislikes given his affluent appearance. He also meets Tedduch Stoutman and Zi. He is surprised by the amicable way that Tedduch speaks to him and agrees to stand by their side in the Fighting Pit.   They agree to work together and fight the reigning champion of the Fighting Pits. They enter the arena with Pawel and fight him in a close and aggressive confrontation. The Wretch twists his ankle during the fight and is nearly knocked to the ground, however over time the three are able to overwhelm Pawel and knock him unconscious.   There is a moment of adjulation among the crowd and for a brief moment the Wretch is loved and treated with respect for his achievements. He basks for only a moment before the sudden crash of the Mamnomaga, which causes a massive commotion aboard the train.   The Wretch is treated for his injuries by the healer named Awenir. When his ankle is settled, he is left to sleep in his room and heal from his injury. He has a difficult night sleep as the Mamnomaga seems to shift and distort around him.   2nd Spriarjeń 269 5E   The next day, the Wretch finds his fellow passengers gathering in the Second Class Common Room, here they discuss the events of the night before and divise a plan to sneak to the front of the train to find more information.    As they plan, Orville Wepple spontaneously collapses and the group rush to his side. As Awenir treats the Gnome, the Wretch turns his suspicion to Suran-Roa, the Rakshasa who is present in the Common Room as he was in the Fighting Pit. He looks behind the bar at the bottle that Orville had been drinking from but finds no trace of poison.   He accompanies the party to the bedside of Orville Wepple where he is treated by Awenir. Suran-Roa arrives to check in but is promptly dismissed by the party who are keen to plot their investigation of the Mamnomaga. The Wretch takes note of his direction however as he departs.   He goes with the group and convinces Pawel to aide them in their work by causing a distraction that involved starting a fight to create a distraction. Before this could happen however, the Mamnomaga's communication crystals come alive and an individual calling themselves The Thirteenth Paragon warns them that they will face their wrath within the hour if they do not hand over the power of Ronasura.   Shortly thereafter, the guards of the Mamnomaga take up positions across the train and the communication crystals once again come alive with a message from the captain of the guards ordering the passengers to stay in their compartments.   The group regroup with Tedduch Stoutman and they express their suspicions that Suran-Roa and Ronasura are connected. The Wretch suspects that the two might be one and the same. Tedduch Stoutman disguises himself as a guard officer to escort the group across the Mamnomaga and as they search for Suran-Roa, the Wretch finds him with his bags rushing across the First Class Common Room and preparing to flee.    The Rakshasa pleads with him and calls him Ahdvesh, which inspires the Wretch to fall to one knee before him and pledge him his alliegance. He promises to go with him whatever he decides, and as Suran-Roa admits that he is indeed Ronasura, he asks the Wretch what he would advise. The Wretch suggests that Ronasura has been in exile long enough and that perhaps the time has come to stand and fight. He agrees, and Tedduch Stoutman, Anpu Winkybits, Pawel and Sarlaren agree to aide him as well.   The Wretch, Tedduch Stoutman, Anpu Winkybits, and Pawel go to confront The Thirteenth Paragon and refuse to hand over the power of Ronasura. Tedduch Stoutman attacks him and so he conjures a force of undead Giants, and Mammoths, as well as a host of Garuda armed for war.